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I appreaciate your honesty, but your history is a bit off, to say the least.. First off, the word in Isaiah, means young woman or virgin. They are not really two separate words in Hebrews. The LXX, or Septuigent uses the term Virgin. The LXX, is the Jewish translation of the TNK, or Jewish Scriptures into Greek.
Also, Christians don't believe that God had sex with a woman. And to say that the Roman's believed that gods had sex with women all the time is something that nearly made me laugh out loud. I think you mean the Greeks. The Roman gods are just the pantheon of Greek gods, renamed by the Romans. The Romans were great engineers, but they lack quite a bit when it came to religious belief, and art in general.
Also, there is a great reason why the New Testament and earliest Christian writings about Jesus are in Greek, not Hebrew. It was the common language of the day. In fact, the type of Greek spoken at the time was called 'Koine' Greek, which means 'common.' It was not unlike English today. If one was to write something that was meant to be read across national borders, or across the Roman Empire as was the case, it have been in Greek.
The earliest writings in the NT were written by Paul, who was a Jew, but from present day Turkey. He was well educated in Hebrew and Judaism, but he was also a Roman citizen. He would have been fluent in both, but would have addressed audiences in Greek. Also, remember that all of the epistles, or letters he wrote which we have in our NT today, are to places that are either in present day Greece, or Turkey. They would have been the common language of the cities to which they were written.
I appreaciate your honesty, but your history is a bit off, to say the least.. First off, the word in Isaiah, means young woman or virgin. They are not really two separate words in Hebrews. The LXX, or Septuigent uses the term Virgin. The LXX, is the Jewish translation of the TNK, or Jewish Scriptures into Greek.
Also, Christians don't believe that God had sex with a woman. And to say that the Roman's believed that gods had sex with women all the time is something that nearly made me laugh out loud. I think you mean the Greeks. The Roman gods are just the pantheon of Greek gods, renamed by the Romans. The Romans were great engineers, but they lack quite a bit when it came to religious belief, and art in general.
Also, there is a great reason why the New Testament and earliest Christian writings about Jesus are in Greek, not Hebrew. It was the common language of the day. In fact, the type of Greek spoken at the time was called 'Koine' Greek, which means 'common.' It was not unlike English today. If one was to write something that was meant to be read across national borders, or across the Roman Empire as was the case, it have been in Greek.
The earliest writings in the NT were written by Paul, who was a Jew, but from present day Turkey. He was well educated in Hebrew and Judaism, but he was also a Roman citizen. He would have been fluent in both, but would have addressed audiences in Greek. Also, remember that all of the epistles, or letters he wrote which we have in our NT today, are to places that are either in present day Greece, or Turkey. They would have been the common language of the cities to which they were written.