Las Vegas

So, I am reading that that Paddock made a video. And that he also had a hidden online profile which we have only figured out in the last day or so. But no way to tell if this is true or another rabbit hole
I'm not sure how this is going to play out. I read a tweet thread from a journalist who's been covering ISIS for 5 years or so. She said that she's only found 3 cases where they claimed an event that didn't have a link to and she listed a handful where it could've been reasonable for them to plant their flag. However, I'd think if he were an ISIS martyr he wouldn't have burnt too many calories trying to hide it knowing that he was likely going to perish in that room.
....I read a tweet thread from a journalist who's been covering ISIS for 5 years or so. She said that she's only found 3 cases where they claimed an event that didn't have a link to and she listed a handful where it could've been reasonable for them to plant their flag. ....

There seems to be a hot debate over whether they take credit for things they had zero relation to, or not. How am I supposed to know? What I read this am was that (assuming for the moment there really is a tape, which I dont know either) they fear it could be a signal to others.
So, I am reading that that Paddock made a video. And that he also had a hidden online profile which we have only figured out in the last day or so. But no way to tell if this is true or another rabbit hole

I'm surprised we haven't seen any video surveillance from the Casino. They have camera's everywhere and monitor them closely. I'd like to see if they captured him bringing in all the stuff he had. Or maybe they know there's a second person helping him and they are keeping it on the low down for a reason.
I'm surprised we haven't seen any video surveillance from the Casino. They have camera's everywhere and monitor them closely. I'd like to see if they captured him bringing in all the stuff he had. Or maybe they know there's a second person helping him and they are keeping it on the low down for a reason.

There are videos out there of him getting tactical training
Some were taken down, but not fast enough, of course
There are some allegations this am that when Paddock traveled to Jordan and the UAE he visited some some prominent mosques

More ....
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If only the Czar had an attorney in 1917 ...
Or Hungary had an ACLU in 1956 ...
Maybe Cuban property owners could have enjoined Fidel in 1959 from taking all their property?
Maybe Cambodians should have sued for a restraining order against Pol Pot?
Did the Mujahadeen drive out Soviets with paralegals?

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Rangel is the perfect example of why the citizens need guns. He is near the center of the swirling cesspool of lying, corrupt, tax evading, criminal politicians.
Ireland just put domestic terrorist Che Guevara on a stamp because of some Irish heritage. Should we be on the lookout for ones for McVeigh or Paddock?


BTW, Che once planned a terrorist bombing of the Macy’s parade in NYT

But the KGB got wind of it and forced Castro to exile him.

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It's impossible to know the history of the guns being used because the FBI isn't allowed to create an electronic database of these records.
The lengths that the left will go never ceases to amaze would be SO much easier if the left would simply concede that, yes, the reality is that a significant majority of legally acquired guns are held by people that do not use them for illicit purposes and that the SUBSTANTIAL percentage of gun owners may never need to actually fire upon another person.
As opposed to mass shootings, which according to leftists is easy to solve by passing legislation impacting things that had nothing to do with the shooting they're trying to prevent?
There ya go again...trying to interject logic into the mix. You should know by now that the ONLY thing the left and logic have in common is that both start with an "L."
There ya go again...trying to interject logic into the mix. You should know by now that the ONLY thing the left and logic have in common is that both start with an "L."
Because the stance of the gun lobby and the "from my cold, dead hand" crowd is so logical?
Because the stance of the gun lobby and the "from my cold, dead hand" crowd is so logical?
Explain to me again how limiting my ability to by a Z40 without safety would prevent an event like Las Vegas occurring? Or how limiting my ability to purchase ammunition for that firearm and to carry it on my person would prevent an event like Las Vegas.

How about, instead, reminding people of the words of Suzanna Hupp in the aftermath of Luby's remember her...she was the chiropractor that left her handgun in the truck because she was worried that getting caught with it could cost her the professional licensure. Instead, it ALSO cost her the lives of her parents...
Explain to me again how limiting my ability to by a Z40 without safety would prevent an event like Las Vegas occurring? Or how limiting my ability to purchase ammunition for that firearm and to carry it on my person would prevent an event like Las Vegas.

How about, instead, reminding people of the words of Suzanna Hupp in the aftermath of Luby's remember her...she was the chiropractor that left her handgun in the truck because she was worried that getting caught with it could cost her the professional licensure. Instead, it ALSO cost her the lives of her parents...
Get you a z40. Go armed into Luby's. I'd rather have licensed folks with guns around me as to not have them. We have laws on the books. We need to make the penalties for violating these laws severe. There are some smart gun laws that would make the world statistically safer and would not infringe upon your rights in the least bit. An easy example? Getting rid of the bump stock. Others? Limiting high volume magazines. Universal background checks. Penalties against straw purchases. Make it where a seller is accountable if he doesn't perform the due diligence to assure that someone is an appropriate person to purchase a gun. There's supposedly no "gun show" exemption except that there is because, reality.

Would these impact Las Vegas? I don't know. Probably not. That guy is proof that if you're smart, devious, have a clean record and you are willing to sacrifice yourself then you can create a shitstorm. There are some mass shootings that would have been impacted.
The lengths that the left will go never ceases to amaze would be SO much easier if the left would simply concede that, yes, the reality is that a significant majority of legally acquired guns are held by people that do not use them for illicit purposes and that the SUBSTANTIAL percentage of gun owners may never need to actually fire upon another person.

Where did anyone on the left claim differently? Point them out, I'd like to quickly correct them.

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