Las Vegas

Continuing to interject facts into the dispute -- FBI 2014 stats show you’re more likely to get beaten to death by a bat (or otherwise beaten, clubbed or stabbed) than you are to be killed with a rifle (including any AR-type)

In 2014 in the US, 248 people were killed from any form of rifle. In contrast, 3,827 people were killed from being stabbed or beaten to death. That means that you are 15.4 times more likely to die from a stabbing or beating than a rifle. Handguns accounted for the vast majority of firearms deaths.

click once to enlarge
Murders in the US are concentrated:
54% of US counties in 2014 had zero murders
2% of counties have 51% of the murders


Compare to map of Democratic controlled local governments
Zounds! there were more murders in Los Angeles than in Borger TX and Minot ND combined? Who could have imagined?
... I just wonder why the NRA works so hard to protect retailers who make hundreds of wink wink deals with straw buyers and rapid fire weapons with vast magazines.

That is simple. They are defending the principle, not the individuals involved. It's just like when the ACLU (back when it actually stood for its name) defended the Nazis' right to march in Skokie. You can be certain the Jewish attorneys in the ACLU were not defending the Nazis. What they were defending was free speech, free asembly and the 1st Amendment.

With regards to legislative inroads aimed at gun rights, the biggest problem is that politicians lie ("You can keep your doctor"). Accordingly, you have no choice but to fight them on every attempt to compromise the 2nd Amendment.
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These numbers are way higher than in person voter fraud.... just sayin'. :)

What are you gonna do?
Cigarettes: ~480,000 deaths annually.
Alcohol: ~88,000 deaths annually.
Automobile: ~40,000 deaths annually.
~52,000,000 abortions since 1973
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Yep. I'm thinking the map has a whole lot more with population density than voting patterns.

I have the charts and stats to break all of that down, but I dont feel like dealing with the automatic attacks that will come. So I am stopping right where I left it, going biking then watching the Astros/Sox. Let someone else do it.
This one confirms what I posted above about Serbia applies globally for the most part -- there is no strong correlation between gun homicides and forearm ownership.

Well, I don't DOES become more difficult (albeit not impossible) to fire weapons with no forearms, so there might be SOME correlation :D
Murders in the US are concentrated:
54% of US counties in 2014 had zero murders
2% of counties have 51% of the murders


Compare to map of Democratic controlled local governments
How many of the murderers are registered voters and used a gun to commit the murder? That information would make this correlation more creditable.

Assuming of course that you want us to infer that democratic voters kill more with guns than republicans.
Just to be clear -- I'm completely OK with dove and quail hunters in Borger and pheasant hunters in Minot to be armed as necessary, whether they register to vote or no.
Straw graspers are going to grasp at straws. You can tell it is someone from overseas when they talk about Paddock having 'hired' two rooms. Further, even if it is someone in the States who is using images from overseas sources, he apparently forgets that anyone who was playing optimal strategy at VP likely ALSO knows how to use google.
Straw graspers are going to grasp at straws. .....

This guy mostly is straws.
For example --

"...Authorities say they recovered an undisclosed amount of the compound known as Tannerite from Paddock’s home in Mesquite and 50 pounds from his car parked at Mandalay Bay..."
....With regards to legislative inroads aimed at gun rights, the biggest problem is that politicians lie ("You can keep your doctor"). Accordingly, you have no choice but to fight them on every attempt to compromise the 2nd Amendment.

And there it is -- Bump stocks are just a springboard to magazine capacity. This is why you can never give an inch to them
So, I am reading that that Paddock made a video. And that he also had a hidden online profile which we have only figured out in the last day or so. But no way to tell if this is true or another rabbit hole

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