It's becoming increasingly easy to advance a theory on this guy's motivations. The violent hatred which has been launched at suspected Deplorables for the last 18 months has finally came to a bloody climax.
This goes all the way back to the primaries, when lefties (usually Bernie Bros at that time), began trying to crash Trump's rallies (rmbr how a Chicago rally had to be shut down due to them?). Around this same time, candidate Clinton came out with the term "deplorables" to describe Trump supporters. Soon after, open abuse of suspected deplorables (and their property) began. And while the damage they caused was often noted, they were never actually condemned or called out or told to stop.
The largest groups then were Antifa, BLM and BAMN (By Any Means Necessary). There were others. Some were even paid, and shipped in (rmbr the line of buses for Chicago?). They used a range of weapons (pepper/bear spray, Molotov cocktails, bats, pipes, clubs, flagpoles, stones, bottles and bags of feces /urine. They loved those bags). They attacked Trump supporters who they soon began calling "Nazis" and "Fascists." Police were even told to stand down by their Dem mayors/police chiefs (rmbr San Jose?). "Stand down" meant just let the anti-Trump violence proceed without intervention or arrests. They were not called out for this.
Instead of attempts to prevent further violence, you had mainstream folks voice support for these groups who were at that time collectively operating under the umbrella phrase of "The Resistance." Congressional Dems even pledged allegiance to The Resistance. Hillary Clinton did. So did Loretta ("blood in the streets") Lynch.
The idea that anyone who the disagreed with the Left/Progressives on any issue was a Nazi or Fascist was allowed to become mainstream. Soon it became permissible and even legal to "Punch a Nazi in the face." Not a single self-described "Progressive" or "Liberal" made any serious public attempt to stop this.
Naturally, more serious violence soon followed. In Portland in May, a zealous Bernie Bro and Trump-hater (Jeremy Christian) stabbed three men on a train, killing two. Shortly thereafter, another Bernie Bro and avid MSNBC viewer (James Hodgkinson) targeted and shot several R-Congresspersons and staff who were practicing softball.
That gets us to where we are now. One of the few things we can be certain about with the Vegas shooter is that he picked his audience. He shot up a country concert. He did not shoot up a hiphop/rap festival. If he had shot up a rap concert, the media would have leapt to his motivation, with or without any actual proof. So, it is interesting that the media wont jump to conclusion with Paddock.
But, as time ticks by, doesnt it seem ever more likely that this shooter, just like Hodgkinson (who was in the same age demographic as Padock), was a Trump-hating zealot? Doesnt it seem ever more likely that these two killers shared the same animosity toward the same objects? Doesnt it seems ever more likely that these two murderers were both driven by the same homicidal hatred of the same things?
I say none of this is surprising given the state that our culture has been allowed to descend. Hillary/Obama/Lynch, the media and the rest of the Political Left have allowed violence against anyone suspected of liking Trump to be normalized. Even if I turn out to be wrong about Paddock, this underlying idea is wrong and it needs to be called what it is.