Kavanaugh's SC Confirmation Hearings

It seems like the gig is up for this woman, before she even testifies.

In her quotes to the WAPO, she named multiple confirming witnesses. Senate investigators (perhaps aided by the FBI) have now been able to contact them all and all of them deny any personal knowledge of her allegations. This includes the last woman who is supposed to be Ford's "life long friend" Leland Keyser.

All of this explains Claire McCaskill's odd press release. She said she was voting "no" on Kavanaugh but not because of Ford. The reason she gave was so bizarre I cant even remember it. But no doubt she waited until she heard back the details of these interviews and realized how it was going to go. So she had to make up another reason.
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Still pondering this idiotic "believe women" (or more like, "ignore evidence and presume guilt") trend. I wonder what the countless number of black guys who got lynched for supposedly raping or doing something inappropriate to a white woman would have thought of the "believe women" movement. What would Emmett Till think of "believe women?"
There is a benefit to the Republicans to letting out more rope to Ford and her attorney. Each day the “witnesses” line up to discredit her fantasy, and each day the accusers hyperbolic rhetoric and weird demands ratchet up the Republican voting base’s motivation.
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Also, I cannot imagine a true "independent" voter, or a moderate voter, who isn't going to be repulsed by the disgusting show the Democrats continue to air.
I read comments by her husband that make the accuser out to be an unstable troubled woman at best and a creepy weirdo at worst.
He said she moved to California to get awayfrom her parents she felt they did not understand her or offer her the respect and support she felt she deserved. She was also so worried that if Kavanaugh got on the court she would have to leave the country and started researching other places the. New Zealand was apparently her choice.
I had forgotten that this incidence is from a "recovered" memory.
All the people she named including now her best friend from then have refuted her story. How can this kangaroo court go on?
What she has done to a good man and his family is unconscionable.
Still pondering this idiotic "believe women" (or more like, "ignore evidence and presume guilt") trend. I wonder what the countless number of black guys who got lynched for supposedly raping or doing something inappropriate to a white woman would have thought of the "believe women" movement. What would Emmett Till think of "believe women?"

Why waste the time putting any woman under oath at trial? Ever? For anything?

ps - holla
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This is a US Senator with a pretty long-winded "no" to the question of whether Judge Kavanaugh is entitled to the same due process rights as anyone else

Her logic here is that since she does not like some of Kavanaugh’s legal decisions, he therefore must be a rapist.

I have little doubt that prior to soliciting responses from Ford's old classmates and friends, Senate investigators pointed out some of the US Code that covers such responses. Probably also explains some of the bobbing and weaving from Ford to date.

Even her agreeing is as vague as her 3y yo story.
Her attorneys said the accuser accepts the committee request to provide first had knowledge of the incident week.
Not to testify but to give her first knowledge.
Nothing was said about when or where.
And the mean old white men on the committee tried to have female staff attorneys question her. Meanies
Dems want the optics of white men questioning.
Nevermind that it would be easier on the clearly fragile accuser to speak about it with women.
wouldn't be apropo if 50 or more women came forward with claims of alleged events all in the early 80s with NO witnesses and none of the 50 had told anyone until now
A true Spartacus moment. Maybe I should send Grassley an email suggesting it
THIS is past absurd

PLEASE don't let him withdraw
but who could blame him
Hold the presses, Avenatti may have a survivor of Kavanaugh’s rampant sexual deviancy also. I’m sure his client will finally bring the entire truth into the light of day
All allegations have been denied by multiple witnesses. I think the Dems are overplaying their hands to the extent it backfires. Going to be good circle shooting when Dems lose the house.
All allegations have been denied by multiple witnesses. I think the Dems are overplaying their hands to the extent it backfires. Going to be good circle shooting when Dems lose the house.
Haven't been on West Mall in years but this IS getting ridiculous. These events were so traumatic that everyone waited till after the confirmation hearings were over to come forward right before the vote. The Democratic party and these accusers are making a mockery of sexual assault.
Also, anyone who ever got drunk at a college party and engaged in any shenanigans should be shitting their pants if they want to pursue any public office later in life. Some chick you slept with at a frat party 30 years from now is going to say you raped her.
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Also, anyone who ever got drunk at a college party and engaged in any shenanigans should be shitting their pants if they want to pursue any public office later in life. Some chick you slept with at a frat party 30 years from now is going to say you raped her.

Unless they all agree with your political views. Some young republican out there is on tinder looking to only lay other republican females while praying they dont flip later.
People who are so desperate to not see another Trump appointee on the SC are believing everything that comes out against Kavanaugh.
Now the far left is lapping up the sex party and train rape stories floated out there. This is Pizza Gate 2.0 and the political landscape maybe too tainted to reveal any truth.
This is really getting ridiculous. In this new accusation, the alleged victim was so slobbering drunk that she we slurring her speech and couldn't even sit up anymore, but she remembers a dude's junk being in her face, never saw the face of this guy, but remembers seeing Kavanaugh pulling up his pants. Too drunk to sit up but not to drunk to recognize Kavanaugh's face and remember it all 30 years later. Yeah that sounds reliable.

The sad thing is that this will probably kill the nomination just from political exhaustion. Honestly, it wouldn't bother me if he goes down. I'm not a huge fan of Kavanaugh as a judge and preferred a stronger conservative. However, it sickens me that he's going down this way. Nobody deserves this. And the media's hypocrisy and double standards in these stories are just nauseating.

If he's going to withdraw it needs to happen now, and I'd like to see Trump nominate Amy Coney Barrett. She's younger and more conservative than Kavanaugh. She'd be a bigger nightmare for the Left, and it would be harder to make up stories about her pulling her penis out at parties, unless she's got a pretty dark secret. I'll take that chance. They couldn't confirm her before the election, but they could confirm her in a lame duck session if necessary.
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In this new accusation, the alleged victim was so slobbering drunk that she we slurring her speech and couldn't even sit up anymore, but she remembers a dude's junk being in her face, never saw the face of this guy
And she knows this because someone shouted, "Hey look everyone, BRETT KAVENAUGH is (whatever it was she said was shouted)." Because that's how hack writers construct their scripts. "Hey look guys, it's the (INSERT NAME OF THING WE'RE LOOKING FOR). If we have this, that means we can (INSERT DESCRIPTION OF ACTION DICTATED BY PLOT) and (OVERCOME THE PLOT OBSTACLE)."
This new allegation is shaky at best. It took her days to decide that her recollections were accurate enough to go public. But it may be enough to cause the Republican fence sitters; Susan Collins, Murkowski, and Flake to not support him, which would be the death knell for his confirmation.

I also heard a radio personality say that the Dems may have a third and a fourth accuser waiting in the wings. I'm sure they'll drag out as many as they need.
The only people who pretend to believe this are dem pols and people like that witch on the View
Even Ronan are admitting the latest person wouldn't say for sure until 6 weeks of coaching by her attorney, uh sorry, after weeks of searching her memory. So far of all the people contacted NO ONE remembered the incident.
Are Dems so bitter and hateful they would destroy so many to block this?
The only people who pretend to believe this are dem pols and people like that witch on the View
Even Ronan are admitting the latest person wouldn't say for sure until 6 weeks of coaching by her attorney, uh sorry, after weeks of searching her memory. So far of all the people contacted NO ONE remembered the incident.
Are Dems so bitter and hateful they would destroy so many to block this?
Yes. It also should be mentioned that a number of national news outlets decided to pass on the story.
Are Dems so bitter and hateful they would destroy so many to block this?

Absolutely. It's eighty years of left wing policies imposed without having to go through the compromises that go with following the political process hanging in the balance. They will do whatever it takes. Ruining somebody with slander? That's an easy call.
Mr D
Will the GOP finally decide to find a back bone and stop this?
Aren't they paying attention to Trump and how he fights back, even when it makes me wince?

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