Kavanaugh's SC Confirmation Hearings

I admire Juanita for exposing the hypocrisy of the Dems.
some Media has been showing clips of Hillary back then standing by her man. Sick.
Keep it up Juanita
I suspect that she was told "we'll keep your name out of it, don't worry." I think she genuinely thought that she could throw out an anonymous, vague accusation, and that the FBI would then investigate it. Honestly, it seems like the reaction of an emotional teenager. "They should just investigate it!" "OK, where should they start? They don't know when it happened, where it happened, who was there, or anything." "I dunno - they should just start asking questions and they can figure it all out."
As to the women, it's possible they wanted to get five Republican women who they knew would be unsympathetic, hoping they would blame the victim, hoping they would come off as mean, so they could air that as "an example of the toxic era of GOP hate that turns women against women" or something.
The "Testify last" thing is absolutely ridiculous, and the response I'm hearing online is "Well, this isn't a trial, this is a job interview." Which is funny because typically job interviews don't start with "So we've heard reports that you acted inappropriate at a previous job. They'll be coming in next week to give us specifics, but please address these charges now."
Of course, the response I saw was "if she goes first, he'll just twist the story around and try to justify himself and explain it all away." Or... as it is often referred to as, "provide an alibi" or "address the charges."
Ford's actions are not those of a poor traumatized woman out to rid herself of personal demons. They are the highly calculated actions of a political activist.

I hear that she scrubbed her social media accounts so thoroughly that Hillary is jealous. I hear that she even had her high school pull the years books for her years there off the internet.

Ford has been working with high powered democrat lawyers for months. She's probably been working with them to hone her sad tale of woe all this time and yet she's not ready to testify. They've carefully crafted her accusations to give just enough details to derail Kavanaugh's confirmation, but left them so vague that they can't be disproved. She doesn't know what year it was or where it happened, etc. etc.

And lastly, the Dems knew about her story since July but didn't use it until all other tactics had been exhausted. Something stinks. And, yet Democrats would tell us that if we don't believe her we're sexist pigs.
This makes Cory Booker and Kamala Harris' stunts look like amateur hour.
Honestly, I think the Dems turned on her regarding anonymity. If only her Rep and Feinstein was aware of it, how did it get out? Certainly the republicans did not have an incentive to do it. She sure lawyered up with high powered, prominent lawyers fast. Add to the fact they are asking for known deal breakers for the hearings just adds to the evidence of this is a scam to delay confirmation.
I'm pretty convinced she thought that she could submit an anonymous accusation and that would be good enough. Feinstein probably told her as much. And she kept it in her back pocket until the last minute with the idea that she could intimidate the committee into stalling while they did an investigation. She didn't bank on getting her bluff called, and she didn't bank on the FBI saying "We're not going to investigate something from 35 years ago with no location, no date, and no witnesses." So she had to leak the name and force the woman to dive in. Maybe that was the plan all along? But this whole thing seems so half-baked even by Democrat standards, it makes me feel like they're just trying to play out their hand as best they can.
When you have spent the last three months telling everyone that you will "stop at nothing" to keep this man off the SCOTUS, and that his appointment will mean "thousands of women will die," then I'm not sure how you expect serious people to look at this without a lot of skepticism.
the Dems knew about her story since July but didn't use it until all other tactics had been exhausted.
Nice summary, Clean. The Dems are using her as a last-ditch pawn to stall the vote (which they know they will lose). If her rep gets damaged in the process, that's just "taking one for the team."
Something just hit me; this also has the added benefit of once again resurrecting the Republican War on Women plank of the DNC platform for mid-term elections.
Could the Dems be employing the "A Few Good Men" strategy with the 3 airmen? Remember? There they sit while the prosecutor wondered what they would say.
Methinks the Dems thought they could just have this woman bring this nonsense out and now say she will testify in the hopes that the mere accusation would cause Trump to withdraw the nomination and/or have all (R)s refuse to vote yes.
Grassley countered offered.
"The Senate Judiciary Committee is giving Christine Blasey Ford attorney’s until the end of the day Friday to work out terms of next week’s proposed hearing on Ford’s allegations that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her, according to a Republican senator.

The GOP is offering to hold the hearing on Wednesday after Ford sought Thursday and is meeting some of her requests but not others, the senator said.The senatoradded that Republicans are not inclined to agree with Ford’s lawyers that she should only be questioned by lawmakers – not an outside counsel.

“We’ll do it on Wednesday, we expect the accuser before the accused, and we do intend to have the counsel do the questioning,” the senator said, summing up the Republicans’ stance.

The party is assenting to two of the terms Ford’s lawyers laid out in a Thursday evening call with staff from both parties, the senator said: limiting the hearing to one camera and ensuring that Kavanaugh is not in the same room as her."
Senate GOP makes counteroffer to Kavanaugh accuser with Friday deadline

I am sure the Dems will throw more crap out BUT at least the GOP is not going to be steamrolled like I am sure Dems thought.
I'm not fully sold, but I'm inclined to call her bluff to a point with some conditions. First, Kavanaugh testifies first, but he gets at least a brief period for rebuttal after she testifies. Second, the lawyers question the witnesses, but one Senator from each side can also ask questions. The chairman and ranking member designate the questioning senators. Third, I don't mind if they subpoena Mark Judge. If he was truly the only alleged witness, it makes sense that he'd testify.

Like I said, think she'd still find a way to avoid going, even if they accepted all of her "demands."
Yet another phobia? I'm sorry but she crossed the line for Batshit Crazy about 100 miles back.

My cousin from LA did that on my first ever trip overseas. She cried, vomited, hyperventilated and crawled under the seat. It's a long flight from Los Angeles to Heathrow. She otherwise was the typical oh-so-cool, smug, smarter-than-anyone else LA girl. So it was both frightening and hilarious at the same time.
Kavanaugh has to testify first? He has to defend himself against accusations that have not even been put into the record yet. WTF is happening to this country? I just continue to shake my head in disbelief at the obsurdity of this entire situation.
Kavanaugh has to testify first? He has to defend himself against accusations that have not even been put into the record yet. WTF is happening to this country? I just continue to shake my head in disbelief at the obsurdity of this entire situation.

And of course, she is being spun as the one facing an unfair process because she's expected to testify under oath and having her story questioned. Seriously? In the words of a good friend of mine, it's beyond ridiculous. It's ricockulous.
They just announced that Senator Grassley issued a statement that a vote on the confirmation will happen Monday if Ford decides not to testify next week. If she does, then the vote will be delayed for the testimony.
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They just announced that Senator Grassley issued a statement that a vote on the confirmation will happen Monday if Ford decides not to testify next week. If she does, then the vote will be delayed for the testimony.
Yeah...until he and the other (R)s give in like they always do.
Grassley’s staff contacted three of the witnesses identified by Ford. Two of the witnesses’ testimony, under penalty of perjury, directly contradicted Dr. Ford’s assertions.
No, the analog isn't perfect, but it's close and not much less believable.

Congressman Is Criticized for Joking That Justice Ginsburg Was ‘Groped’ by Lincoln
I will admit that I often read The Atlantic. It's mostly left-leaning, but the writing is decent quality. And sometimes they are deeper than the usual liberal junk and are sometimes fairer to the Right than so-called "objective" media sources. However, this article is very disturbing.

It argues the usual crap about how Democrats have the moral high ground on sexual assault, and I've previously explained why that's horse crap. What's really worrisome is that they (and most of the Left at this point) lump Kavanaug, Clinton, Franken, Clarence Thomas, Roy Moore's, and the rest together as though they're similar. By their "logic," evidence doesn't matter. Guilt or innocence doesn't matter. If you're accused of sexual assault or misconduct, you've done something wrong. It doesn't matter if you've never met the person in your life. It doesn't matter if her story doesn't add up. The mere accusation is enough to create a moral duty by others to throw you under the bus and ruin you.
So Kavanaugh has the burden of proof? Really? If you're liberal, are you paying attention to the completely insane and stupid **** your people are saying? Link.

And yes, I know people on the Right say stupid **** at times, but this is on a whole different level.
So Kavanaugh has the burden of proof? Really? If you're liberal, are you paying attention to the completely insane and stupid **** your people are saying? Link.
And yes, I know people on the Right say stupid **** at times, but this is on a whole different level.

Grassley might be losing control. He is allowing another extension (date uncertain). From my perspective, an error in judgement from a normally reliable person.

Also IMO, this hints at one of the reasons Trump retains such a high core loyalty. Most Republicans play scared and do not fight back. Everyone with an IQ above 90 can see what is going on here and what this is really about. Yet too many Rs are willing to just lay back and let it happen, as if it were inevitable.

Yuck ....
“I hope u understand. It’s not my normal approach to b indecisive” —@ChuckGrassley
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Last week it was flying and cramped spaces, this week its something else. Soon it will be testifying under oath that makes her uncomfortable

Letter from Ford's atty letter to Senate Judiciary Committee - “The imposition of aggressive and artificial deadlines regarding the date and conditions of any hearing has created tremendous and unwarranted anxiety and stress on Dr. Ford.”
Grassley extended her deadline to decide whether or not she will testify to 2:30pm Saturday. It was 10pm Friday.

Grassley said he felt like he was playing 2nd trombone and Chuck Schumer was the conductor.

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