The Golf Lesson
Dude1: Today I’m gonna teach ya how to play golf.
Dude2: Okay, I’m game.
Dude1: Alright then, to play golf you must have your bag, balls and clubs. You do have your bag, balls, and clubs don’t you.
Dude2: Well, yeah. I got outta the Army with that much.
Dude1: Okay then, we start at the first tee.
Dude2: What’s that.
Dude1: It where you start the game. So at the tee, you unzip your bag...
Dude2: Wait! You got a zipper on your bag?
Dude1: Yeah, they all have zippers.
Dude2: Damn!
Dude1: Unzip your bag and let your balls fall out on the ground.
Dude2: Well, won’t that get them dirty?
Dude1: If they get dirty, there’s a wire brush there and you can scrub your balls with it.
Dude2: That sounds painful.
Dude1: Next, you take one of your balls and put it on a tee.
Dude2: Don’t make much sense, but okay.
Dude1: Then you take your biggest club in your bag and hold it in your hands.
Dude2: Two hands! Your’s take two hands to hold does it?
Dude1: Yes, both hands. Now you gotta know how to hold your club in your hands. You do know how to hold your club don’t you?
Dude2: Hell, yeah! Just like all the other boys in south Louisiana, between my thumb and my...hold on! It’s none of your damn business how I hold my club!
Dude1: Anyway, holding your club in both hands you swing your club back over your shoulder…
Dude2: How’s that again?
Dude1: I said, you swing your club back over your shoulder…
Dude2: Now your talking about my uncle.
Dude1: Swing your club over your shoulder, then swing it back down as hard as you can, striking the ball and it will soar, and soar, and soar.
Dude2: Well you damn right! Drop ‘em on the ground, scrub with a wire brush, then hit ‘em with a club, they sure as hell are gonna be sore! This is beginning to sound like a rough damn game to me.
Dude1: Now, eventually you come to the green.
Dude2: What’s the green?
Dude1: It’s that smooth patch with a hole in the middle.
Dude2: Now you’re talking! I am hog wild about those smooth patches with a hole in the middle!
Dude1: So now, you get out your putter.
Dude2: What’s that?
Dude1: It’s the shortest club you have.
Dude2: Okay! Now your talking about me! Then what?
Dude1: You take your putter and hit your ball in the hole.
Dude2: What!!
Dude1: I said, you take your putter and hit your ball into the hole.
Dude2: But, I want to put my putter in the hole.
Dude1: You can’t, the hole’s too small.
Dude2: You never been to New Orleans nor know any of the girls I do.
Dude1: Now, eventually you come to a red flag.
Dude2: What’s the red flag for?
Dude1: Means you finished 18 holes and you’re done for the day.
Dude2: Damn! You can put that little red flag after the first hole, cause I’m only good for one hole a day and I’m all worn out after that.