John McCain graduated 894th in a class of 899

All these expert opinions..unless you graduated from both the Naval Acadamy and Harvard Law School, please keep the certainty of your responses to a minimum.
"Even Yale and Harvard and the military academies end up admitting future drug addicts and unemployable losers like Dubya."

"I'm at a loss to explain the desperation coming from the McCain supporters on this board. It's both unnecessary and pathetic."
McCain got into Annapolis because of his blood, and Obama got into Harvard because of his skin. There I said it; now everyone's upset.
Maybe McCain, as a guy who had a high-ranking officer as a father, wanted to show the other plebes, etc., that he was just one of the guys, that he was not some kind of pointy-headed ***-kisser. Maybe that was more important to him then, as a perhaps immature young man following legacy rather than an incompletely formed heart.

There is a link above to a former pilot who shooled and POW'd with McCain. He goes on and on about how McCain was not the only person POW'd or tortured or honored with medals. This takes nothing away from McCain though it is obvious that 'swift boating' his experience in Nam is part of the agenda. The author finally lets us know that he will not vote for McCain because is rather right of center and in bed with right wing ******** that he, a left of center guy, disagrees with. Did we need all of the back-handed compliments and anecdotes about jumping over walls for beers (aside from the fact that the guy followed McCain on that rule-breaking endeavor, do we really feel great about people who abide by the rules all the time or who break the rules by going to a bar at the behest of a peer who then keeps them from drinking beer -- what kind of **** is that, anyway).

Boooooo on all of this negative crap. Questioning Obama's patriotism is only slightly more absurd that this crummy thread.
There is a balance between being an egghead who may not be able to get anything done and being a dullheaded operator who gets the wrong things done. I would say Clinton probably represented a huge amount of intellectual horsepower, but he just couldn't be disciplined enough to stay focused and implement. I would say GWB has got a stunning amount of stuff done, even after a Dem majority, but his vision is too often misguided or unduly influenced by the wrong people.

So, Obama is probably intellectually smarter than McCain...Who cares? Why does that matter to your vote? I don't think anyone is suggesting McCain doesn't have the requisite threshold smarts for the job, so what's the point? Frankly, why I can't even imagine why this thread is relevant?
Whoever above said Patton was last in his class at West Point is incorrect. He was 46th in a class of 103.

There is a fascinating book out about the "goats" of West Point (goats being the last in the graduating class), including stories of George Custer, George Pickett, and Kirby Smith.

Edgar Allan Poe washed out of Hudson High.
"Obama got into Harvard because of his skin. There I said it; now everyone's upset."

Ok, every body brace yourselves, here comes the "N" word. You pubs really are desparate.
I don't doubt that McCain used preferential treatment that was offered to him both to get into the Academy and to get into flight school...

However, in 1968 when some REAL chips were on the table, McCain showed what he would do if offered preferential treatment...

In reply to:

The real reason Ag likes McCain.. Born Aug 29,1936. He was alive first and last time aggie won MNC. Wow he is old, not that there is anything wrong with that.
Just wanted to bump this thread to show that some of the same people calling McCain stupid on this thread are talking about how great Biden (76th out of 85 at Syracuse law) is on other threads. Interesting.

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