Joe Biden Accomplishment Thread

Just for the sake of a bit of sanity, the terrified paranoids around here need reminding that it is entirely possible that Biden is a senile malignant jerk and Trump is a malignant narcissist and neither should be operating anything more complex than a parish bingo hall. Though Trump would probably lose the parish money and Biden would be awarding prizes to people who filled four blanks
Wow The Demx are throwing Biden under an Amtak train speeding out of DC.
You know they could have minimized the first batch
WHY did they allow the second find to get out?
I am skeptical about the story on 2 different caches of docs which Biden should not have had. Demx et al have proven they can control ANY news. Why is this supposedly damaging news allowed out?
Maybe it is to speed up Biden's exit.
I don't think for one second it is good reporting by MSM.

Third set of classified docs at Biden’s home. Biden will be removed with 25th amendment. Who takes over and it’s not K Harris? Michelle Obama or Trump is my guess. Probably Trump after all the crimes are revealed. This Church commission has teeth!

Third set of classified docs at Biden’s home. Biden will be removed with 25th amendment. Who takes over and it’s not K Harris? Michelle Obama or Trump is my guess. Probably Trump after all the crimes are revealed. This Church commission has teeth!

Michelle vs DeSantis in a debate would spell doom for the dems and they (should) know it. Michelle vs Trump, different story. Weak minded males, sheltered housewives and the media would side against orange man, truth be damned
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No one celebrates MLK like Biden....

Does anyone actually believe this ****? The reality is that Biden is probably pretty unsympathetic to the plight of the black man. Considering his age and his record, the "racial jungle" remark is probably much closer to his real feelings than the pandering is. He's not a KKK-style hater, but he's not sympathetic to them.
Does anyone actually believe this ****? The reality is that Biden is probably pretty unsympathetic to the plight of the black man. Considering his age and his record, the "racial jungle" remark is probably much closer to his real feelings than the pandering is. He's not a KKK-style hater, but he's not sympathetic to them.

Yeah but he is the Democrat Party totem of the moment so his morality is unblemished and voting for him a sacred act.
It is not real
It is his Grandaughter who went to vote with him. She put an I Voted sticker on him and he was putting one on her.
he is a disgusting pedo and there are plenty of real vids showing little girls horrified.
Biden is a totally corrupt, incompetent, hollow, feckless POTUS joke plus a HUGE failure.

I suspect that history will judge him harshly.
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Conviently, post mid-terms, Libs and media are already trashing Joe / Hunter scandals and making room 2024 for Gavin Newsome... their new Lib Butt-Boy!!
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