Joe Biden Accomplishment Thread

Agree Nash BUT the child was in a city facility shelter at the time she died.
I wonder how she got exposed to fentany? Her parents? Someone else? Where did money come from to buy the drugs?
Easy to blame whoever runs the shelter but drugs get into prisons with guards 24/7.
This is a tragedy with many to blame starting with the parents.
Nash yes all cities are facing this. And to your point the huge increase of drugs since Biden opened the borders is a big factor
The child and parents were in a facility when she died. Not a homeless camp. She and they apparently had been in a homeless camp and it does not say how long she was in a shelter
Yes I used nash"s name alone. My error
I should have included iis' on post
The link made it seem the child died in a homeless camp. She died in a city run shelter which is horrible enough
But I doubt there is money enough to supervise no drugs getting into shelters
Biden has much blame. MUCH
So do the parents.
Sorry for the error in heading my post
Thanks hic
Ted Cruz has introduced a bill to stop Biden from selling our Strategic Reserves to China or any CCP owned company. It mirrors a bill already passed with bi partisan vote in House.
The mind boggling thing for me is that Biden did it.Wonder if he will veto?
You are going to see record vetoes over the next two years with exception to the Ticketmaster/Live Nation gouging issue. Congress is doing important work. In 1984 I paid $12.50 to see Van Halen at Reunion Arena. My how times have changed.
Uncle Ho, uhh, excuse me, a momentary Vietnam distraction.

Meant Uncle Joe. Big WH Leadership, that he is not, announces he is sending THE most powerful & capable tank in the world to Ukrain. Thirty-one (31) M-1 Abrams tanks. Hmmmmm. Is that a good idea for Ruskies and Chi-coms to eventually reverse engineer? His admin does not think that far ahead or CARE!

Joe, wants to continue Ukraine military aid that keeps them in power.

One that continues the CASH FLOW back to the DNC, Hunter and the Biden Crime Syndicate. Very secondarily, supporting an ally or helping another country defend against a hostile and brutal aggressor.

Oh, you didn't know about the Dem cash back from giving $ aid to Ukraine? Do some serious browser searches people.
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It might be cheaper for Hunter to just email the plans on his laptop.

What's that you say? His lap top is in for repair? Maybe Feinstein's or Swalwell's chinese "friends" can deliver directly
This was David Lee Roth as lead singer in 1984. I still have the stub.

'84 would definitely have been Roth and probably the best time to see VH. I was much too young (8 years old) to go to a concert back then, but my older brother brought home the 1984 album. Even as a little kid, I knew that album massively rocked, and I remember my dad (who generally likes VH) hearing "Panama" and busting the record over his knee because he thought it was too raunchy to be in his house.

And in all honesty, I don't hate every Van Hagar song. It wasn't poor quality music, but they started taking themselves too seriously, softened their sound some, and tried to be deep. Van Halen isn't supposed to be deep. It's supposed to be about 4 guys rocking out and kicking *** but doing it really well and having fun doing it.

And the Gary Cherone stuff? Well, I sorta tuned that out and frankly never even gave it a chance.

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