Joe Biden Accomplishment Thread

It makes him unqualified to hold a sensitive position in government. Or it ought to, in any sane world.
The spies for countries that hate us now know how to blackmail our government officials under Biden - designer luggage. Probably a lot cheaper and easier to manage than cash and hookers.
Wonder if Sheila Jackson Lee got it?
I don’t know but an Air Force pilot flew 12 congress members to Gitmo last week allegedly. Dropped them off and left. They had bags over their heads to disguise them. Pelosi and her husband were two of them. Expect a M.A.R.S. communication from the military at some point. IDK when, but it’s coming. A lot of these politicians on TV are doubles. Let’s see what happens.
Mr D
To be clear those were men dressed as dogs . No self respecting real dog would go near those freaks.
Biden and WH knew those pics existed.
It is sickening to see what is happening. Surely there are normal Dems who hate this too?

I guess so. It's actually dudes role playing as dogs. We're probably still 10 years from the Left claiming sex with actual animals is normal.
It makes him unqualified to hold a sensitive position in government. Or it ought to, in any sane world.

Oddly enough, in the Biden administration it makes one more than qualified.

I guess so. It's actually dudes role playing as dogs. We're probably still 10 years from the Left claiming sex with actual animals is normal.

Agree. First Dems tackle legalizing polygamy next. If it's unconstitutional to limit marriage to one man with one woman, it's also unconstitutional to limit marriage by number. After all, there's no limit to the number of girlfriends, boyfriends, itfriends, fiancés, fiancées, and so on one can have.
I don’t know but an Air Force pilot flew 12 congress members to Gitmo last week allegedly. Dropped them off and left. They had bags over their heads to disguise them. Pelosi and her husband were two of them. Expect a M.A.R.S. communication from the military at some point. IDK when, but it’s coming. A lot of these politicians on TV are doubles. Let’s see what happens.

Ignorance warning.. what is M.A.R.S?
So Derek is saying the National Emergencies were never acted upon. Therefore, we’re under devolution which means the military is acting on the 2020 National Emergencies to this day. In Trumps speech on 11/15/22 he said we will plant the American flag on mars. Then he smiled! M.A.R.S. means Military Auxiliary Radio System!

Ignorance warning.. what is M.A.R.S?

Post #1212 in the thread.
Agree. First Dems tackle legalizing polygamy next. If it's unconstitutional to limit marriage to one man with one woman, it's also unconstitutional to limit marriage by number. After all, there's no limit to the number of girlfriends, boyfriends, itfriends, fiancés, fiancées, and so on one can have.

You are correct that there is no defensible rationale to prohibit polygamy if gay marriage can't be my prohibited. I've heard gay marriage advocates make various arguments, but they all boil down to the same kind of value judgements that gay marriage opponents make.

However, the Left won't push for polygamy anytime soon for one reason. Even if conservatives oppose polygamy, the biggest advocates for polygamy are culturally and politically conservative and probably the least feminist human beings in the Western world. It's Mormons in rural areas of Utah and surrounding states who think the mainstream church in Salt Lake City got soft and abandoned the theology. They aren't going to ally with God haters, and the Left is unsympathetic to them.
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You are correct that there is no defensible rationale to prohibit polygamy if gay marriage can't be my prohibited. I've heard gay marriage advocates make various arguments, but they all boil down to the same kind of value judgements that gay marriage opponents make.

The logic opens up marriage of any type that any person can conjure up in their brain. Individual autonomy is the basic principle so marriage to a child, pet, dead person, etc. is on the table.

The only way to set a societal standard is to establish a definition of natural law and make sure that human laws align with it. Natural law philosophy could provide a basis for protecting marriage between a man and a woman alone.
The logic opens up marriage of any type that any person can conjure up in their brain. Individual autonomy is the basic principle so marriage to a child, pet, dead person, etc. is on the table.

They would argue that they'd limit marriage to children, pets, and dead people, because there's no mutual consent. I think one could make that argument in good faith. However, they are starting to soften on consent with respect to children. They're not ready to fully embrace pedophilia, but many are starting to use less stigmatizing verbiage like "minor attracted person" and speak of it as an innate part of identity.

And of course, the push to incorporate and celebrate children into drag shows is ultimately about sexualizing children. I'm not saying every parent who allows it is trying to sexualize their kids. I think most of them are supporting it to virtue signal their own comfort with whatever the current "thing" is, and I think they push aside any apprehensions about the impact on their kids, because not doing so would make them feel guilty or self-conscious. However, I think the broader cultural movement to make this something to virtue signal about is to sexualize children.

The only way to set a societal standard is to establish a definition of natural law and make sure that human laws align with it. Natural law philosophy could provide a basis for protecting marriage between a man and a woman alone.

The problem with this is that there isn't broad agreement on what natural law is, and there never will be.
Mr D
Your point about some parents allowing children to be victims of Drag Shows because it is a woke thing is right and very scary.
It has become so prevalent it is numbing the reaction.
And soon we will not flinch at seeing it.
You are correct that there is no defensible rationale to prohibit polygamy if gay marriage can't be my prohibited. I've heard gay marriage advocates make various arguments, but they all boil down to the same kind of value judgements that gay marriage opponents make.

However, the Left won't push for polygamy anytime soon for one reason. Even if conservatives oppose polygamy, the biggest advocates for polygamy are culturally and politically conservative and probably the least feminist human beings in the Western world. It's Mormons in rural areas of Utah and surrounding states who think the mainstream church in Salt Lake City got soft and abandoned the theology. They aren't going to ally with God haters, and the Left is unsympathetic to them.

You're right they won't want to align with Mormons. However, they would align with "sex-positive" twenty-somethings who don't view marriage as holy matrimony. Those folks are told one can be gender-fluid so why not married-fluid? And there's tax breaks? "Sure, I'm married to her today!"
The problem with this is that there isn't broad agreement on what natural law is, and there never will be.

It's worth a shot. Start with where we could all agree. Apply reason to creation to determine the purpose behind things. We are on the path of not trying and are now at the "minor attracted persons" stage. It will get worse.
It's worth a shot. Start with where we could all agree. Apply reason to creation to determine the purpose behind things. We are on the path of not trying and are now at the "minor attracted persons" stage. It will get worse.

People like you and me can probably find agreement 98 percent of the time on this sort of thing, but do you honestly think meaningful agreement can be found with the cultural left on any serious level? Hard to imagine now.
People like you and me can probably find agreement 98 percent of the time on this sort of thing, but do you honestly think meaningful agreement can be found with the cultural left on any serious level? Hard to imagine now.

No. You would have to force it on Leftists and convince enough people in society that law should be built on objective truth. Even if it is a losing fight. It is the only fight worth having. If you don't fight it the Leftists will destroy our lives and abuse our children. So... not much of a choice.
If you don't fight it the Leftists will destroy our lives and abuse our children. So... not much of a choice.
Sadly I believe this. It’s how to take the fight to them we are so uncertain about. Yeah as Deez frequently says we have the vote but the supposedly sure red wave showed how that works out. Pity the country my younger grandkids are going to live in.

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