Joe Biden Accomplishment Thread

I love it. To be a Dem, all you have to say is "I'm not an X" to get out of answering a question!

Next time my boss asks me how a project is going I'll say, "I don't know. I'm not a Project Manager." (True statement.)

If my wife asks me what I want for dinner, I'm say, "I don't know. I'm not a chef." (Also true statement.)
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I love it. To be a Dem, all you have to say is "I'm not an X" to get out of answering a question!

Next time my boss asks me how a project is going I'll say, "I don't know. I'm not a Project Manager." (True statement.)

If my wife asks me what I want for dinner, I'm say, "I don't know. I'm not a chef." (Also true statement.)
perfect retort from the questioner.....

"Well, hopefully pretty soon you won't be an Interior Secretary either."
you know things are going bad when your reliable Dem cheersquad is putting negative articles "above the fold". Analysis: Biden looks powerless as gas price and inflation crises crest around him - CNNPolitics

They're laying the groundwork for him (and Democrats in general) to be able to say inflation and gas prices are beyond their control and therefore not their responsibility. Of course, the problem with this isn't that it's all 100 percent their fault (though they're responsible for a significant amount of it and are doing pretty much nothing to fix it). It's that when the shoe is on the other foot, they take an entirely different approach. When a Republican is in the White House, everything bad is his fault. Obviously, the blaming of Trump for every COVID death was the epitome of this.

"Dozens of videos on the laptop also reveal Hunter's penchant for filming himself having sex with prostitutes and posting the home movies on his own Pornhub account under the username 'RHEast'."

Whoa, note to self: Never look for user RHEast. I mean, if I was ever on there.

They're laying the groundwork for him (and Democrats in general) to be able to say inflation and gas prices are beyond their control and therefore not their responsibility. Of course, the problem with this isn't that it's all 100 percent their fault (though they're responsible for a significant amount of it and are doing pretty much nothing to fix it). It's that when the shoe is on the other foot, they take an entirely different approach. When a Republican is in the White House, everything bad is his fault. Obviously, the blaming of Trump for every COVID death was the epitome of this.

Hell, isn't it Trump's fault inflation started this decade anyway?
I meant it in a more sarcastic way for Biden and CNN to blame Trump.

It isn't incorrect. Trump was in power when they created $2 Trillion in 2020. He also allowed Fauci and Birx to set the tone for lock downs. Remember unemployment was up to ~25% for a while. Trump wasn't 100% responsible for that but he wasn't without blame.
I meant it in a more sarcastic way for Biden and CNN to blame Trump.

But there is real room to blame Trump. He took office, and we basically went on a drunken spending binge (even before COVID) and encouraged loose monetary policy. Democrats could have been the sane adults and reined it all in, but as usual, they complained that the binge was too small and have poured gasoline on the fire.

And I'm under no illusions. If the GOP takes control of Congress, they'll force Biden to stop the binge or at least slow it down. However, if they win everything back in '24, they'll do what they did under Trump and Bush. They'll make a tax cut and boosts to the Pentagon their core agenda items and force it all through by making big concessions to spend more money on other things.
But there is real room to blame Trump. He took office, and we basically went on a drunken spending binge (even before COVID) and encouraged loose monetary policy. Democrats could have been the sane adults and reined it all in, but as usual, they complained that the binge was too small and have poured gasoline on the fire.

And I'm under no illusions. If the GOP takes control of Congress, they'll force Biden to stop the binge or at least slow it down. However, if they win everything back in '24, they'll do what they did under Trump and Bush. They'll make a tax cut and boosts to the Pentagon their core agenda items and force it all through by making big concessions to spend more money on other things.
Truth. Wash, rinse, repeat.
before this week I was unaware of the 9mm knocking people's lungs out of their bodies. I thought it was a decent enough pistol round So the doddering old fool taught me something.

Next big accomplishment in the waiting room: remove the liability protection of gun manufacturers when their products are used in an offensive way; then the plaintiff's bar will engorge itself on a fresh supply of cash looted from another American industry and they can spend some of the money getting counseling for their mentally ill kids with the proceeds. Two problems solved at once. Way to go, Brandon!!
When huisache uses the nickname "Brandon", you know old Diaper Joe is faring poorly.
Dig up a post where I ever said anything good about him. Didn’t vote for either of the toads and considered his administration DOA before it took office

wait: back in 2003 I agreed with his proposal that avoiding civil war in Iraq would require carving the place into Swiss style cantons for the Sunni, Kurds and Shia.
No, huisache, I understand you dislike him and always have. I believe you used to refer to him with the delightful "Chance the gardener", an obscure but apt pejorative.

To me, the switch to Brandon, a less obscure and more direct and coarse pejorative, just stood out is all.
Migrant caravan in Mexico heads for U.S. border as Americas Summit starts

Here comes more accomplishments from Joe...

The article mentions, "Migrant Activists." What is that? Someone who puts the rights of illegal ahead of American citizens because they are either racist (a person of Latin descent who thinks in terms of race at all times) or a Liberal looking to cull favor with Latinos and stack California with even more people so as to gain more electoral college votes?
It is beyond comprehension.
That Biden etc don't care about the destruction of our country :facepalm:

Texas progressive Cisneros seeks recount in razor-thin congressional race

This is the candidate running against Henry Cisneros in the South Texas district that includes Laredo. She has brought the AOC machine to our town. She is a migrant activist. As such, she is an absolute racist and this part of the country is 98% Hispanic (not sure on the % but it feels like it when I'm there). But she thinks white people are racist, at least those who wish to enforce the law. It is a travesty because this is the Democratic primary and Henry is not zealous enough for them.

And you want to know what ruthless is all about? The FBI raided Henry's home before the primary election (it went to a run-off which is the election she is now challenging) but never said a word about it and let it hang there. Jessica used it for her own purposes.

@OUBubba I am convinced the Biden et al had this done in order to support Jessica. They are despicable people and the idea that they are somehow good and Trump is all bad is what makes me post in anger at times. Why?

Because it's in my backyard. And because they are liars.
I would never vote D over what someone says is a bully R. Never. And continuing g to spout anti-liberal rhetoric while voting D is mind numbing.
Bully's have an emotional glitch. It affects the way they think, act and govern. They are a plague.
Are you claiming THAT is why Biden is so ineffective? His whole Cabinet is there to scold and bully into accepting their nonsense.

How about simply admitting that some politicians will have policies which are effective but you just don't like the occasional 'mean tweet.'

I'll vote for the candidate who proposes policies which will BE EFFECTIVE. Screw the personality issues. I don't care if they are a walking anal orifice if they are not jacking with the economy in a manner that harms the nation...

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