Joe Biden Accomplishment Thread

Are you claiming THAT is why Biden is so ineffective? His whole Cabinet is there to scold and bully into accepting their nonsense.

How about simply admitting that some politicians will have policies which are effective but you just don't like the occasional 'mean tweet.'

I'll vote for the candidate who proposes policies which will BE EFFECTIVE. Screw the personality issues. I don't care if they are a walking anal orifice if they are not jacking with the economy in a manner that harms the nation...
Are you claiming THAT is why Biden is so ineffective? His whole Cabinet is there to scold and bully into accepting their nonsense.

How about simply admitting that some politicians will have policies which are effective but you just don't like the occasional 'mean tweet.'

I'll vote for the candidate who proposes policies which will BE EFFECTIVE. Screw the personality issues. I don't care if they are a walking anal orifice if they are not jacking with the economy in a manner that harms the nation...

I was making a blanket remark about bully's.
What angers me the most about Biden and his VP pick. I know why he selected Kamala, the ineffective, what has she done VP, but it was obvious that the Dems didn't like her and didn't want her. She didn't even make the main stage at the debates, and was out by the 2nd or 3rd.

I get even angrier every time I hear Tulsi Gabbard speak. She sounds sensible. bright, fair, and a lot like the OG democratic party.
She is a "woman of color", unless American Somoa doesn't count, served as a Lt. Colonel in the US Army. She was called a "rising star" by Pelosi herself.
Why couldn't ole Joe have selected her? She, of all the Democrats I have heard, has the most potential to sincerely serve as someone who could unite this country.

She has those other intangible qualities as well. She isn't shrill when she speaks as many female politicians seem to be. It helps her sound more credible. (a huge plus for me)
She has taken different positions than the far left, that makes her palatable to the majority of Democrats I would think.
She is attractive, and lets be honest, attractive people are more likely to be elected than unattractive candidates. (sorry Chris Christie)
It seems to me she checks every box a Democrat would want, but, it also seems that she has made some Dems angry at her. I don't know why.

Maybe she isn't woke enough. Maybe she did something shady I'm not aware of.
But, at this point I would have little reservation voting for her in the next election, especially if Trump is the candidate. If I'm missing something, please fill me in.
Trump had some good ideas, but he is far too polarizing to win. He would be the Democrats Hillary. Anyone but Trump.
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Kamala was a patronage pick. Her social views aligned with a demographic that demanded tribute for their vote. She is wholly unqualified to be a leader. Her skill-set is best algined with activism or as a DA, because she is not one to answer questions; only attack others without accountability for her rhetoric or actions.
What angers me the most about Biden and his VP pick. I know why he selected Kamala, the ineffective, what has she done VP, but it was obvious that the Dems didn't like her and didn't want her. She didn't even make the main stage at the debates, and was out by the 2nd or 3rd.

I get even angrier every time I hear Tulsi Gabbard speak. She sounds sensible. bright, fair, and a lot like the OG democratic party.
She is a "woman of color", unless American Somoa doesn't count, served as a Lt. Colonel in the US Army. She was called a "rising star" by Pelosi herself.
Why couldn't ole Joe have selected her? She, of all the Democrats I have heard, has the most potential to sincerely serve as someone who could unite this country.

She has those other intangible qualities as well. She isn't shrill when she speaks as many female politicians. It helps her sound more credible. (a huge plus for me)
She has taken different positions than the far left, that makes her palatable to the majority of Democrats I would think.
She is attractive, and lets be honest, attractive people are more likely to be elected than unattractive candidates. (sorry Chris Christie)
It seems to me she checks every box a Democrat would want, but, it also seems that she has made some Dems angry at her. I don't know why.

Maybe she isn't woke enough. Maybe she did something shady I'm not aware of.
But, at this point I would have little reservation voting for her in the next election, especially if Trump is the candidate. If I'm missing something, please fill me in.
Trump had some good ideas, but he is far too polarizing to win. He would be the Democrats Hillary. Anyone but Trump.
Tulsi is half-Samoan and half-Indian. Too white by today’s Dem standards. Also, Tulsi does not bow to the alphabet folks. Also, Tulsi is not US defense industry friendly. Finally, she is viewed with suspicion regarding Russia like Trump.
The above graph supports my thesis about the American left:
-20% of Americans are marxists, hard core socialists, and communists.
-Another 20% are fellow travelers of the hard core left. It is theoretically possible to separate them from the hard core, but it rarely happens in practice. Most of the hard-core dems supporters on this board fall into this group.
You need to differentiate between those who are ideologically oriented and those who are just government employees. The latter make up the bulk of the Dem base. I spend some time on a local GOTV effort and of maybe 40 actives there are 5 Marxist and the rest are school teachers and firemen and electrical workers
Kamala was a patronage pick. Her social views aligned with a demographic that demanded tribute for their vote. She is wholly unqualified to be a leader. Her skill-set is best algined with activism or as a DA, because she is not one to answer questions; only attack others without accountability for her rhetoric or actions.
Good point, bystander. Kamala is totally unqualified to lead anything. I would say I'm disappointed with her performance as VP - but "disappointed" implies that I expected something from her performance. In fact, I expected her to be a total disaster - and she has met (and exceeded) that expectation.
The teachers etc were ok with drag shows at middle schools or CRT being taught or shoplifters not being prosecution for theft of less that $795.00 or Open Borders?
this was a Dem GOTV, right?
The teachers etc were ok with drag shows at middle schools or CRT being taught or shoplifters not being prosecution for theft of less that $795.00 or Open Borders?
this was a Dem GOTV, right?
They ignore the parts they don’t like just as all the republicans I know ignore the crazies and the racists and the Jew haters. People compartmentalize to see what they like. The teachers like more money for schools and so on. My Republican brother likes tax cuts and less immigration etc
What angers me the most about Biden and his VP pick. I know why he selected Kamala, the ineffective, what has she done VP, but it was obvious that the Dems didn't like her and didn't want her. She didn't even make the main stage at the debates, and was out by the 2nd or 3rd.

I get even angrier every time I hear Tulsi Gabbard speak. She sounds sensible. bright, fair, and a lot like the OG democratic party.
She is a "woman of color", unless American Somoa doesn't count, served as a Lt. Colonel in the US Army. She was called a "rising star" by Pelosi herself.
Why couldn't ole Joe have selected her? She, of all the Democrats I have heard, has the most potential to sincerely serve as someone who could unite this country.

She has those other intangible qualities as well. She isn't shrill when she speaks as many female politicians seem to be. It helps her sound more credible. (a huge plus for me)
She has taken different positions than the far left, that makes her palatable to the majority of Democrats I would think.
She is attractive, and lets be honest, attractive people are more likely to be elected than unattractive candidates. (sorry Chris Christie)
It seems to me she checks every box a Democrat would want, but, it also seems that she has made some Dems angry at her. I don't know why.

Maybe she isn't woke enough. Maybe she did something shady I'm not aware of.
But, at this point I would have little reservation voting for her in the next election, especially if Trump is the candidate. If I'm missing something, please fill me in.
Trump had some good ideas, but he is far too polarizing to win. He would be the Democrats Hillary. Anyone but Trump.

I like Tulsi Gabbard like anyone else here does. Yes, she is pretty, and she is good at undercutting the hard left and making them look bad. However, does anyone really think the Democratic voting base would take her seriously enough to be on their national ticket? Just remember her history.

She started off as a young socially conservative political activist and the daughter of a socially conservative Hawaii state senator (specifically on gay marriage). She renounced and "apologized" for all that and ran for Congress as a stanch liberal and remained that for most of her tenure in Congress. We forget about it now, but early on, she was embraced as a young, hip almost-socialist by the media much like AOC is today. In fact, she endorsed Bernie Sanders for President very early in '16. She was a darling if the Left.

Then at some point (near the '16 election), she had a break with her party - likely on foreign policy and the surveillance state. I think most Democrats could have lived with that. However, she went much further than that. She backpedaled on other unrelated issues (including social issues) that she had previously been solid on and criticized the party base. In fact, that's the main thing she does nowadays.

So do I like Tulsi? Yes, but do I understand why the Democrats wouldn't trust her on their national ticket? Yes. It would be like Joe Scarborough running on the Republican ticket.
Yes, HHD, I understand. The "college educated whites" who approve of DiaperJoe are the sniveling little daddy's money liberals who all feel guilty about being born with daddy's money, and therefore are extremely susceptible to the messaging of BLM hucksters and various other con artists, including the DNC and the Biden crime syndicate administration.
The difference is the more extreme right wingers are not running for office openly advocating destructive polices
Dems are running for office advocating open borders, defunding police, letting shoplifters go free, CRT in schools, abortion right up to labor.
It is hard to understand how those issues are ok with teachers police etc
If they are ignoring those issues What issues are they focused on?
Tulsi is half-Samoan and half-Indian. Too white by today’s Dem standards. Also, Tulsi does not bow to the alphabet folks. Also, Tulsi is not US defense industry friendly. Finally, she is viewed with suspicion regarding Russia like Trump.

She is turning into a good conservative populist. She gave a good speech on 2nd A rights weeks ago. She just needs to learn some Austrian economics and she would make a good Republican/LP candidate. She will never be a Democrat Presidential candidate.
They ignore the parts they don’t like just as all the republicans I know ignore the crazies and the racists and the Jew haters. People compartmentalize to see what they like. The teachers like more money for schools and so on. My Republican brother likes tax cuts and less immigration etc

Except there are much less "crazies, racists, and Jew haters" in the R party than there are Marxists and pedophile adjacent people in the D party. The threat to American society is on the Left not the Right.
But no mean Tweets!:hookem:
Except there are much less "crazies, racists, and Jew haters" in the R party than there are Marxists and pedophile adjacent people in the D party. The threat to American society is on the Left not the Right.

And wildly more Jew-haters in the D party, and they hold far more power. Democrats put their Jew-haters on the House Foreign Affairs and Financial Services Committees.
Problem is that minorities will poll like they feel, then vote democrat anyway. I’ve never understood that.

To be fair, that's far less true now. Democrats still dominate with blacks and still win Hispanics overall (at least as of '20). However, the GOP did erode the black monolith by about 4 points in '20, which is a lot for one election and took about 12 percent of their vote. That's still a dominant majority for Democrats, but under normal circumstances, Democrats need almost unanimity (more than 90 percent) with black voters to win. That's why any prominent black person who identifies as a Republican gets demonized so harshly. They can't tolerate any meaningful dissent among black voters. Furthermore, 21 percent of young black voters (18 - 44) supported Trump, so the future is not bright for Democrats.

And Latinos are running away from the party quickly. The Rio Grande Valley is starting to send Republicans to the state legislature and will likely send one or more to Congress in '22. That was out of the question not long ago. Florida is becoming a GOP stronghold. Nevada is trending red. Virtually all of that is due to Hispanics moving away from the Democrats.

I used to write off minorites for much the same reason that you do, but recent history suggests my assumption was wrong. It turns out that pretentious, aloof, douchie white progressives turn them off like they turn us off, especially when they're doing a crappy job in office.
To be fair, that's far less true now. Democrats still dominate with blacks and still win Hispanics overall (at least as of '20). However, the GOP did erode the black monolith by about 4 points in '20, which is a lot for one election and took about 12 percent of their vote. That's still a dominant majority for Democrats, but under normal circumstances, Democrats need almost unanimity (more than 90 percent) with black voters to win. That's why any prominent black person who identifies as a Republican gets demonized so harshly. They can't tolerate any meaningful dissent among black voters. Furthermore, 21 percent of young black voters (18 - 44) supported Trump, so the future is not bright for Democrats.

And Latinos are running away from the party quickly. The Rio Grande Valley is starting to send Republicans to the state legislature and will likely send one or more to Congress in '22. That was out of the question not long ago. Florida is becoming a GOP stronghold. Nevada is trending red. Virtually all of that is due to Hispanics moving away from the Democrats.

I used to write off minorites for much the same reason that you do, but recent history suggests my assumption was wrong. It turns out that pretentious, aloof, douchie white progressives turn them off like they turn us off, especially when they're doing a crappy job in office.
Ok Mr. Deez,
Don't freak out, this is not a meme. The cost to fill up my Camry Hybrid when Sleepy Joe took office was $28.00 now it's $60.00. The eggs at Sam's I buy were $3.99 just a couple months ago yesterday they were $7.99. It doesn't matter what who you are or your color, we all feel the same pain! The sad truth is this will only get much worse. The dem's are bracing for a butt kicking in the mid terms and are sounding alarms and notice that it will all be due to some sort of wrong doing by right wing Trump people and they will just have to stay in power, and the voters will not matter. Ok back to memes.:hookem:
My goodness! Joe has surpassed any high bar I have placed for his incompetence. He is completely lost. He's a feckless old man screaming at passing cars.

If he had a clue, he would be working with US oil companies to bring more production online and then work with corporations on removing road blocks to improve supply and productivity. Instead he just sits on the sidelines whining about Putin like a spurned sorority girl. Pathetic.

The only silver lining is that he is slowly pushing Independents and Hispanics towards the Republican party. No rational person wants more of Biden's policies or lack thereof.

Furthermore, I think there is little chance that Biden runs in 2024 (THANK GOD!). Kamala is toxic waste. Who is even in the wings to take over? Mayor Buttboy? Beta? Bernie? Warren? The Democratic party is on the verge of severe Costanza level shrinkage.

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