What angers me the most about Biden and his VP pick. I know why he selected Kamala, the ineffective, what has she done VP, but it was obvious that the Dems didn't like her and didn't want her. She didn't even make the main stage at the debates, and was out by the 2nd or 3rd.
I get even angrier every time I hear Tulsi Gabbard speak. She sounds sensible. bright, fair, and a lot like the OG democratic party.
She is a "woman of color", unless American Somoa doesn't count, served as a Lt. Colonel in the US Army. She was called a "rising star" by Pelosi herself.
Why couldn't ole Joe have selected her? She, of all the Democrats I have heard, has the most potential to sincerely serve as someone who could unite this country.
She has those other intangible qualities as well. She isn't shrill when she speaks as many female politicians seem to be. It helps her sound more credible. (a huge plus for me)
She has taken different positions than the far left, that makes her palatable to the majority of Democrats I would think.
She is attractive, and lets be honest, attractive people are more likely to be elected than unattractive candidates. (sorry Chris Christie)
It seems to me she checks every box a Democrat would want, but, it also seems that she has made some Dems angry at her. I don't know why.
Maybe she isn't woke enough. Maybe she did something shady I'm not aware of.
But, at this point I would have little reservation voting for her in the next election, especially if Trump is the candidate. If I'm missing something, please fill me in.
Trump had some good ideas, but he is far too polarizing to win. He would be the Democrats Hillary. Anyone but Trump.