Joe Biden Accomplishment Thread

Michael McCaul R Texas ranking Rep on House Foreign Affairs is reporting there are 6 plane loads of Americans and Afghan refugees being held up at airport in Mazar.
Hostages. Who saw that coming?
Michael McCaul R Texas ranking Rep on House Foreign Affairs is reporting there are 6 plane loads of Americans and Afghan refugees being held up at airport in Mazar.
Hostages. Who saw that coming?

I don't think it has been confirmed that Americans are on board. Others are saying they are people with no visas or passports (which would likely be Afghans). But either way, if they are Americans why would the Taliban let them leave? We've shown nothing but weakness in this whole mess. They're at least going to try to hustle some money and/or weapons for them.
True Deez
They may no longer be on board. They may be in the airport or in hotels
But they are not being allowed to leave.
Is it because the State Dept at first refused and now the Taliban is holding them hostage?
No one knows.
He wasn’t checking the time at the ceremony on the tarmac. He was reading his smart watch
If the military tribunals are going after Biden (which is ridiculous on its face), I'm not sure why he'd be expanding them. He's enabling his own hanging.
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If the military tribunals are going after Biden (which is ridiculous on its face), I'm not sure why he'd be expanding them. He's enabling his own hanging.
They are expanding them knowing there will be a bumper crop of terrorists coming out of Afghanistan.
X22 is citing a Washington Post article re: 9/11 event whereby Trump supporters are presumed to start a riot or some kind of event. Expect a false flag event like 1/06. We’ll see.
I've been overwhelmingly critical of the Biden Administration. However, since this thread is about his accomplishments, this is a positive development. Of course, the devil is in the details, but overall, this is a good thing.
Abbott is comparing it to Biden’s handling of Afghanistan debacle.

How did thousands of Haitians get to the Texas border? They obviously have some resources. You can’t walk from Haiti.
You never heard of that awesomeness that is the Haitian Olympic swim program?

ok, yeah...neither have I.
I've been overwhelmingly critical of the Biden Administration. However, since this thread is about his accomplishments, this is a positive development. Of course, the devil is in the details, but overall, this is a good thing.
Red flags exist given the way those two countries have trampled over citizen's rights in the time of 'rona. This does NOT bode well for citizens in the States who have enjoyed living under a Constitution and having rights.
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Red flags exist given the way those two countries have trampled over citizen's rights in the time of 'rona. This does NOT bode well for citizens in the States who have enjoyed living under a Constitution and having rights.

I certainly don't condone everything the UK and especially Australia have done about Covid, but anything that unifies countries in opposition to China (which respects people's rights quite a bit less) is a net positive.

Also, the UK is actually loosening up quite a bit, especially if you're in England as opposed to Scotland (which is run by a bunch of liberty-hating, authoritarian freaks). The lockdown is mostly gone and with very little chance of coming back. (The Prime Minister has lost his patience with them.) Mask mandates are greatly diminished.
The French are pretty upset. I read it may have cost them a $90 Billion sale.

Expert predicts a 'very hard' period between U.S. and France following Australian submarine deal

Can someone remind me the last time we cared what the French thought

I've read up a little more on this, and though I don't especially care what France thinks, I don't think we should needlessly take a piss on their face either. It looks like Australia already had a deal to buy French submarines, and we and the UK basically shoved them out of the way and never consulted them.

Why not invite France into the partnership? If they don't want to join, why not work with the Aussies anyway and let them keep the French submarines they already agreed to buy? We're in a security alliance with France itself (NATO), and they obviously use French submarines, which doesn't seem to cause any problems.

Obviously, it's nice to get the contract to supply the submarines, but I'm not sure it's worthwhile if we have to screw another country that is at least generally favorable to the US to do it. We could have this security partnership without doing that. Just looks like sloppy diplomacy all the way around.
The important thing to remember though is that since it was done by a Democrat administration, no house organ like Foreign Policy or The Economist will make a big deal of out it. While Trump forcing NATO deadbeats like German to actually pay the required amount for defense was treated as mortal threat to the very heart of the Western Alliance.

Once you realize that those house organs, and various chumps from Conservative Inc. like George Will, Bill Kristol, Jennifer Rubin, Steven Hays, David French, are just house slaves to the ruling class, you no longer care the least what they think.

Which is why I never got fired up when all the above tried to tell me over and over again from 2016 to 2020 how terrible Trump was. Their masters told them what to write and say, and they loyally did.
Why not invite France into the partnership? If they don't want to join, why not work with the Aussies anyway and let them keep the French submarines they already agreed to buy? We're in a security alliance with France itself (NATO), and they obviously use French submarines, which doesn't seem to cause any problems.


Looks like defense contractors are calling the shots again

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