
but the clone troops and the jedi were buddies. so to see anakin walking in there with a bunch of them may have been weird, but they probably didn't feel particularly threatened until it was too late. im not saying they were defenseless, but they certainly weren't ready.

also, probably none of them ever expected to get killed by a ***** like anakin.
I've gotta give you props for your response, because I posted it in the "couple of dorks" context.... but I was just ribbing y'all. I enjoy the movies as well... but never got into it as much as the peeps posting their analyses on this thread.
i am fairly certain that padme was cheating on anakin while he was off fighting the war. mace windu was coming by on a regular basis to show her the "black side" of the force.
Anakin was the Reggie Bush of the jedi.

1. Winning a pod race against gutter trash on a desert wasteland planet = Reggie Bush completing his lateral move against high school competition

2. Beating up on the Star Wars equivalent of Teamsters in Episode 1 = Fresno State game

3. Qui-Gon thinking the above 2 items make Anakin the "Chosen One" = ESPN thinking Reggie Bush is the next Gale Sayers because of his high school clips and the Fresno game

4. Anakin stepping up to the big leagues and getting dismembered every other fight = Reggie Bush averaging 2 yards per carry in the NFL

It's really pretty straightforward.
i tend to think of anakin as the bob stoops of the jedi...

- started out strong, then leveled off
- is a cocky ******* who thinks everything he does is right
- his stubbornness led to his demise
- at first, everyone thought he was going to be the greatest thing ever, but would later end up spending the majority of his career being #2
Anakin: 1-2-1
Yoda: 0-0-2
Obi-Wan: 2-1-1
Plus Obi-Wan killed Grievous, who was swinging about four lightsabers, so that has to count for one. If Anakin was the Reggie Bush of the Jedi, then Obi-Wan is like Colt McCoy. He just gets the job done.

And clearly, Mace is Vince... but with the obvious difference being that Vince is immortal.
Hpslugga, I'm going to have to call ******** here. The entire Galaxy is at war with fronts scattered all over the firmament. All of the Class-A warriors were off of coruscant. Hell, Windu was only there to coordinate their efforts. He may have killed some 6 footers mixed in with the 4 footers, but they were only there because they weren't ready to be deployed elsewhere. Not to mention the disorientation involved with having to fight a sitting counsel member. Do you try to kill him, do you try to subdue him, is he under mind control... what the hell? Besides, if Lucas conceived that fight scene to be hard fought battle he (1) wouldn't have shown Anakin dominating so completely, and (2) it wouldn't have been a tiny little projection. That was barely an undercard match, and Lucas knew it.

No, Anakin had 6 straight up fights in his record, 2 against an utterly untrained, albeit "strong" opponent and finished 2-3-1. Craptastic.
OT, you should show in your records that Yoda, Obi-Wan, Qui Gon, Tyranus, and Maul presumably all have kills outside of the scope of the movies (the story of Anakin). Hell, Yoda was between 750-800 in Ep I.

These are the fights that are within the scope of the movies.

Maul I (Maul v Jinn/Kenobi): Winner - Tie
Maul II (Maul v Jinn/Kenobi): Winner - Tie
Maul III (Maul v Jinn): Winner - Maul
Maul IV (Maul v Kenobi): Winner - Kenobi
Jango I* (Fett v Kenobi): Winner - Tie
Jango II* (Fett v Windu): Winner - Windu... not even close
Tyranus I (Tyranus v Kenobi/Skywalker): Winner - Tyranus
Tyranus II (Tyranus v Yoda): Winner - Tie (only because Yoda had to bail out Kenobi/Skywalker)
Tyranus III (Tyranus v Kenobi): Winner - Tyranus
Tyranus IV (Tyranus v Skywalker): Winner - Skywalker
Grevious I* (Grevious v Kenobi/Skywalker): Winner - Kenobi/Skywalker
Grevious II* (Grevious v Kenobi): Winner - Kenobi
Sidious I (Sidious v Windu): Winner - Windu
Vader I (Vader v Kenobi): Winner - Kenobi
Sidious II (Sidious v Yoda): Winner - Tie (does yoda running away count as a tie?)
Vader II (Vader v Kenobi): Winner - Vader (by forfiet)
Vader III (Vader v Skywalker): Winner - Vader
Vader IV (Vader v Skywalker): Winner - Skywalker

Did I miss anything?
Mace ruined his status when he hesitated. He had Sidious dead to rights, but stopped to explain why he had to die to Anakin. Had he just offed the ************, he would have retained his badassedness.
Here's the skinny on the jedi you saw him manhandling in the temple (via security hologram)

This is the one he was actually dueling with (one handed, I must repeat while he was choking one of his pupils with the other)
The Link
Hpslugga, he didn't even get a full credit in the film. If we are going to have any street cred as a dueling Jedi he is going to have to do better than "The Troll"... come back to me when he is as cool as Kit Fisto.
So what happened in between episodes 2 & 3? Nothing? They just took a hiatus on the cold war and had coffee for 3 years? There's more to the Star Wars epic than just the films. Cin Drallig had a more than decent resume and his attack against Vader (notice Vader didn't attack him initially) was pre-meditated.
I think they're like that 4th or 5th version of Michael Keaton in that ****** movie where he clones himself. Technically still the same, but borderline retarded.

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