
Football is a tough game.

When you have the benefit of instant replay, it looks like guys on the field actually make decisions about where and how they hit other players.

In actual game time, these "decisions" are rarely made. Things happen fast on the field. The smallest little decisions on angles of pursuit and physical positioning of the body during a play determine the end result of a play, and these things are frequently instinctive rather than conscious choices.

I'd wager that you would have a hard time finding a coach who actually teaches techniques to hurt other players. Injuries like this are bad luck more than anything else. When a player lines up across form another player, even with the notion of hurting him, all sorts of things have to line up perfectly for that player to get his wish.

This really sucks for Irby and for the Longhorns. This injury makes reminisce about Scaife, and it might have the same impact over time. It really sucks.
Hope he gets well soon.

That was an illegal hit.
Seriously, stop saying it was a cheap shot.

It wasn't.

DB's hit TE's around the knees all the time. This was just REALLY bad luck that Irby planted his foot at the same time the DB hit him.

Get well, Irby. We will miss you!
Man that is just really bad luck for Blaine. He has done everything right since he has been here and was on a fast track to be one of our best TE's ever at UT. Hope it is something he can have surgery to repair and that he can make it back for next year.

it absoutely was a cheap shot. I watched the guy start high then aim for the knees. Then, when they loaded Irby in the cart and hauled him off, the stadium applauded. I saw no Rice players applauding.

It was a cheap shot
That hit / injury was just brutal. I am so disappointed for the kid - he was really coming along and playing very well. We will really miss him this season. Hope he fully recovers and gets back to 100% for next season.
You can't be serious steve. If you are, you need to re-examine how you believe DBs are supposed to play football.

He had to go low on Irby, considering he's giving up 50 pounds on the guy. And there's not a chance he was "aiming" for a knee. In a split second like that, there's not an option of aiming for jack. Hell, his head was turned at the point of impact, so he sure wasn't looking at the knee.

It happens. Just because it was gruesome doesn't mean it was intentional.
Double slap in the face to Blaine. First he drops a wide open pass on third down and then gets carted off with a serious-looking injury.

I'm sure he's pretty bummed right now.

Get well, kid!
If they have kept it quite this long, we may not hear anything until Monday.

If I am reading the medical waiver rules correctly, moving the piggy game means that the Rice game was included in the 20% allowed for a medical waiver. Let's hope so if he wants to stay in school that long.
Good luck and to a speddy recovery, Blaine.

Was not a cheap shot. I hate to see these things happen to these kids. God Bless.
"You can't be serious steve. If you are, you need to re-examine how you believe DBs are supposed to play football. "

First, I AM serious...I know when someone goes after a knee and when someone does not. As a veteran of SIX knee surgeries (and screws in my leg that pulled my kneecap back in place) I have an idea of the topic.

It was a cheap shot and the lack of remorse by Rice players reinforces my opinion
I really can't believe some people are calling this a cheap shot. What was cheap about it? The smaller guy went low (coached technique) on a bigger guy and it ended in an injury... guess what? It's football, not tennis. It's just the way the cookie crumbles. "Lack of remorse", give me a break, it wasn't like the defender celebrated or taunted him. I guess because it was a Texas player who came up on the wrong end of it which makes it cheap?

Lighten up and realize that it's just unfortunate. Anyone have an update?
