
Sure looked like ACL to me. Having had one get hosed, once your ACL is gone, your leg will bend in directions you didn't think possible. I couldn't even play golf without my knee bucking until I had surgery.
gotta be a season ender, whatever the diagnosis ends up being. good luck on rehab Blaine.

I see plenty of low tackles every week, i think this was just unfortunate. i think the same player tackled chiles the same way in the third or fourth quarter, but chiles was facing the play and jumped and was knocked off of his feet instead of having a cleat stick.

I only saw the replay the one time they showed it on tv, but it seemed like the rice player ducked his head and basically dove blindly into irby's legs. that may not be cheap, but it is certainly reckless.
Heres to a complete recovery
Not a cheap shot by the Rice player, but rather just terribly unfortunate timing because right when Irby planted his foot in the ground is when he got hit in his knee, and so the leg had nothing else to do but go backward. I can't blame someone for hitting around the knees because that's exactly what you are trained to do with larger players (not necessarily purposely aimming for the knees but rather just going for the legs in general which includes the knees). Hope he gets well soon, but the first thing I did after seeing that was YouTube the McGahee hit. Not sure what our future holds in terms of backup TE's, especially with Marshall out, but hopefully they can fill in adequately.
I thought that it might have been a dislocated knee. Looked at an odd angle after the hit. Those can be pretty bad.

Happened to a Navy QB against Rutgers two years ago.
I don't know if we can call it dirty, but at the very least it was a very unusual play. You just don't see db's going low on guys right as they catch passes. It almost never happens. They play the ball, not the legs.
I was at the game, didn't see any replays and didn't see the initial injury. But when they carted him off the field and the camera was on him, he looked like he was in really BAD pain. He was trying to suck it up, but it was obvious he was really hurting. That was really hard to watch.

You know it's bad when the opposing team's trainer runs out on the field first.
They wouldn't put his leg in a cast for just an ACL. From the replays it looked like his lower leg shifted back as his knee stayed put. Since they immediately brought out the cast, that tells me that he broke something...bad. Best of luck to Irby and a speedy recovery. He is a huge loss. He was going to be a big factor for us this year. Someone has got to step up.
Not dirty, and it sounds like sour grapes to say it was.

Little guys always tackle bigger guys around the legs. Our guys do it too, nothing wrong with it. It's just a tough break when it turns into a knee injury.

Hook 'em Irby! Come back even stronger!
All I know is Ullman was out there. Curious as to what the injury is for Irby. Hate to see ANY player hurt. Here is to a speedy recovery!
I missed seeing the injury. It's probably a good thing. I don't have a strong stomach for legs bending in weird ways.

Good luck Blaine!!!
I thought it was actually a bit classy to not show it again. They showed it immediately after it happened and I don't think the announcers had any idea how bad it looked until they say it again. I know I didn't. That was seriously ugly looking. As someone else sai, Willis Magahee ugly. Probably multiple ligament damage to the knee. Hopefully he can come back next year.
It was pretty gruesome. We need to check and see if brock edwards has any eligibility left because we are super thin at TE now. Best wishes to a quick recovery and pray that it is not carrer ending.
The way he went into Irby could put other players out of games every play. You could just fly into the opponent's knees/lower thighs, all night long. I thought you were not supposed to go into a guy's lower body like that. If players did it QB's they could kill all of them.
You're supposed to go into the main body -- main thigh at least. No lower. The ball was not being caught. Play over. The guy just went in way too low. Either at the ankles, or higher up. But not right at the knees.
My prayers go out to Blaine and his family. I know a lot of guys are thinking this is a knee injury, but from what I saw I think it's a broken leg. I really hate to speculate before the info is released, but that was one of the most horrible injuries I have seen.

I watched the replay and I also don't think it was a cheap shot. I almost wish I did so I could have something to blame it on and be mad about. Just an unfortunate moment.

Our thoughts are with you Blaine. Can't wait to see you back.
as bad to see as mcgahee. not quite as bad as napoleon mccallum's injury with the raiders, or the utenn running back this past summer in practice.

not really worth watching, it gave me a sick feeling that lasted the remainder of the game.

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