
No kidding. Knees are not designed to bend in that direction.

Hope he's ok, but I can't imagine him coming back from that this season. I'm just hoping the break isn't a career ender.

Get better!
I think that a hyper-extended knee would be the best news you could hear on that, but I think that might be more than that. You know it's bad when they come back from the break and won't show it again.
I hope he's able to rehab and get back next season.

This injury will make a very interesting challenge for our offense. 5 wides? Power running game with Cody Johnson and blocking TE? No one else seems to be a receiving threat at TE. This really sucks.
Personally I thought it was a super cheap shot, no reason for the Rice player to be hitting him that low - but it's just an opinion
That looked terrible. I hope the camera angle created an optical illusion, but it doesn't seem possible. How could a knee bend like that and cause minimal damage?

Luckily it is early in the season. If a season ending injury occurs before the 4th game, it results in an extra season of eligibility if requested. Doesn't it?

He is playing so well, it would be a shame for him to lose a year.

A break didn't occur to me. That would be a much better situation.

Stay Healthy and Hook 'em!
I didn't see who it was, but it wasn't a cheap shot IMO. He hit him around the thigh, which is what you do witha big guy. It was just unfortunate that he landed the shoulder right on the knee.
the more I watched the replay the worse it looked, both the injury and the play by Douglas. cheap shot IMO. went directly for the knee.
get well soon Blaine.
mudhole them, Mack
I am not a Dr. but have had some leg injuries, hence my handle. His lower leg was not where it should have been. I hope I am very wrong, but that is different than a hyperextension or an ACL
My first reaction was Willis Magahee bad.
Makes my stomach turn thinking about it.

Not a cheap shot. Irby could have avoided hit but he unfortunately dropped pass and looked back. Sad for him and his family. I hope he recovers quickly.
The Rice player rolled directly into his knees, and I'm fairly sure the same guy did the same thing to Irby right before half. It was the play before the field goal. I thought Irby was hurt on that play because it looked like a very similar tackle and Irby got up slowly. I don't know if it was "cheap" but I don't like to see a player just lower their shoulder (no wrapping up) and roll into a taller guys knees.