INFLATION--FED's cutting rates again...

Yes I think the fed is serious this time. Too late, but finally onboard. Maybe inflation is knocked down by Election Day. Has to be the goal.
Another funny Dan Ackroyd as President Carter on Inflation in the link below:

Turn down the Zeppelin on the 8-track, grab you a TAB, and give the video a look, cuz we're heading back to the 1970s.

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Dems / Incumbents are getting worried about Inflation...

We're now up to 7% annualized inflation -- that's too high!

"On Wednesday, the government reported that inflation spiked to 7% in December from a year earlier, the sharpest such increase in four decades. "

"Everyone and everything is responsible except the government spending that’s actually fueling it."

'It's getting worse every time': Inflation concerns could spell trouble for Democrats - CNNPolitics

Opinion | The Democrats’ Inflation Blame Game

Inflation threatens to turn 2022 into ‘annus horribilis’ for Powell, Biden
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If I recall correctly, in 1976 the Democrats crafted the "Misery Index" - the sum of the inflation rate and the unemployment rate - and used it to elect Carter to office. Four years later the GOP threw the Misery Index back at them and elected Reagan in a landslide. Maybe we should try the Misery Index again...
If I recall correctly, in 1976 the Democrats crafted the "Misery Index" - the sum of the inflation rate and the unemployment rate - and used it to elect Carter to office. Four years later the GOP threw the Misery Index back at them and elected Reagan in a landslide. Maybe we should try the Misery Index again...
Yeah, you guys (I’m Independent) should throw that in the Dems faces if this gets any worse. As for me, I’m just for lower misery—whomever is holding office.

The Carter-Biden parallels keep stacking up.
JANUARY 18, 2022
Bitcoin, Why it is Imparative for Humanity
The media protects central bankers, and their organizations, which each have control over different aspects of society. For example, Klaus Schwaub owns a leadership training council which has put out such leaders as Christine Legarde, Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkal, Agustin Carstens, and many other political leaders. Many are in unelected positions. For example, the ECB, BIS, and Central Bank Presidents are all appointed not elected.

In the following chart it details the global public private partnership. This chart is hard to swallow, but it is true. Central Banks and the BIS have TOO much power. They are appointed not elected, and central banks are private. All the policy makers in this chart are private. Private companies, appointing leaders, training up future leaders to be policy distributors, policy enforcers, and in some cases, policy propagandists. Here is the chart:

China stopped Evergrande foreign investor payments over 10 weeks ago. The central banks are attempting, right now, to dismantle the economies of the world. All foreign investors to Evergrande will NOT get paid. Europe is at negative bond yields, and the US is catching up, (US Bond real yields averaging -0.8%).

Now the US plans to raise rates in a negative real yield global environment? Why would they do this knowing it will cause a crash? To dismantle the economy. What other reason could explain a decision like this? If the world rushes into the dollar to get better yields, that will cause borrowing rates to skyrocket and the deflationary crash begins. What does this lead to? An alternative system, decentralized, unconfiscatable, as long as the property is stored offline, with private keys. This property (asset) is Bitcoin. Bitcoin cannot be hacked if it’s stored offline. The miners and node operators vote on the protocol for Bitcoin. No country or entity or person has any control over it. This will cause demand. Scared money will continue to rush into Bitcoin. Loss of faith in governments (central planners), is the reason for this. Metcalfe’s Law will mean the following for Bitcoin. A price breakout, when it does happen, will kick off another S curve to the upside, more demand means a higher Bitcoin price. Metcalfe’s Law. It’s a feedback loop. We see evidence this is going on now, despite the price suppression in Bitcoin these last two months. This article below shows Bitmex a Bitcoin exchange is buying a large German bank. They expect it to be final in mid 2022, click here to read more.

The fastest growing companies in the world now, are Crypto exchanges. Binnance, Coinbase, and FTX have seen incredible growth in such short timeframes. Historically, no company has grown at the rate Binnance has, ever. We know the price does not reflect the incredible adoption Bitcoin is seeing. However, as yesterday’s blog stated, we are at or near a Bitcoin bottom right now it appears. See this chart, Bitcoin is extremely oversold:

We live in a Dystopian world now. Nothing is as it appears in a chart, or a news article. Patience and fortitude are required. Yet, Bitcoin is seeing Insurance companies buying it up faster than any other buyers. While open interest (derivatives either long or short) are at all time highs. This means when the shorts do get liquidated, perhaps in February, Bitcoin will turn up big time. This consolidation started in November, but there was a previous consolidation from May to October, 2021. Bitcoin will win in the end. It is only a matter of time! When it does it will create an option for humanity to hedge this inflation which is only getting worse. If we are wrong about the Fed reversing course, and we actually see higher rates 3 or 4 times in 2022. The upheaval will be hard for humanity. And there sits Bitcoin. An answer. A way to decentralize, be unconfiscatable. Scared money will run to Bitcoin over Gold. Ethereum will benefit as well.

Neutral ATM is here to get everyone off of zero Bitcoin.

Give Neutral ATM a try. We have low rates, convenient locations and we are expanding. Contact Neutral ATM, we will answer all your questions about Bitcoin and using our ATM machines. Find a Neutral ATM Bitcoin machine location near you.
As you're probably aware, the gov't will give kind lip service to retirees, but what they're really thinking is: "Quit yer b!tchin' and hurry up and die..."
Chop, you're right. They're anxious for us old geezers to die for two reasons:

(1) We're a financial drain on the SS system.
(2) We tend to be more conservative - and we vote!
^And the longer we live, the more likely we can educate our grandchildren so they won't buy the line of Marxist BS the liberals are trying to feed them.
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That was a really misleading article. REALLY misleading.
My summary of the misleading article (highly paraphrased)—-There’s a COLA baked into Social Security. So what the heck are you complaining about?!?!?! Quit yer b!tching and be thankful for the scraps thrown your way, peasants.

It boils down to some of the nastier, blunter, talk from the “F U, I got mine” Wall Street wing of “conservatism.” No gratitude or respect for the elders on whose shoulders they stand.
My summary of the misleading article (highly paraphrased)—-There’s a COLA baked into Social Security. So what the heck are you complaining about?!?!?! Quit yer b!tching and be thankful for the scraps thrown your way, peasants.

It boils down to some of the nastier, blunter, talk from the “F U, I got mine” Wall Street wing of “conservatism.” No gratitude or respect for the elders on whose shoulders they stand.
It had a tinge of Soylent Green to it.
I've noted that in the past year, my biweekly grocery trip outlays are now running about 40% higher. Man, am I ever grateful for that 5.9% COLA! :brickwall:
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I think there’s something to the argument that the 4 big beef packers operate as a cartel/oligarchy, and this is driving up prices to the consumers. This also really sucks for cattlemen who get unfair prices. The ranchers aren’t making out like bandits here—the big 4 packers are.

I’ve started getting as much of our beef intake as possible from independent sources. You can even find some of this in the normal supermarkets, like Springer Hill grass fed ground beef—tastes better too. Supporting this sort of outfit supports the local ranchers and small independent packers. And it just seems to taste better.
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There’s a sizable one-location-only (I think) packer down in Corpus Christi. It runs a big slaughterhouse that’s probably as big, or nearly as big, as some of those run by Cargill, Tyson, and that giant interloping Brazilian company. I don’t know if they’re still independent, but I hope they are, and I hope they stay so—for the sake of Texas ranchers (and all the ranching support and supply companies and personnel). It’s good to have some competition outside the big beef cartel.

This is one of the few topics I would normally defer to the aggies on. That being said, I have heard that the big 4 beef cartel has some friendly-to-them / bought off prostituted professors in many of the big ag schools across the Central US.
Thomas Massie got a bill up for vote to give more access to independent meat companies.
Good to hear. One thing the giants (in lots of industries) do is to get bought-and-sold politicians to enact regulations well beyond the common sense regulations needed for safety (food safety and worker safety). Over-regulation is something the big boys can pay for to comply, but the smaller and medium firms cannot. In this way, they kill off the competition—through the help of the government—and all that’s left are the big boys. In other cases, the big boys also oppose the extreme regulation, but the effect at the end of the day is the same: only the giants survive and much of their competition is eliminated.

This has an inflationary effect.
HEB runs their own packing house in San Antonio, I believe. Aren't they independent from the big 4?
There are also some smaller packers that still exist. Not so many left today. I think there’s still one in San Angelo that does both lambs and cattle. I know there’s a real small one near Stephenville that turns old dairy cows into ground beef. Of course, there are countless deer processors and micro beef processors—those ones where you order an entire freezer full of beef and they cut it up for you. I think it’s good if more people support that sort of operator. Over regulation could destroy that side of it.

The big 4 has about 75% of the market. It’s easy to find countless videos of ranchers and farmers railing about them on YouTube.
I've noted that in the past year, ny biweekly grocery trip outlays are now running about 40% higher. Man, am I ever grateful for that 5.9% COLA! :brickwall:
Doesn’t it also seem that there’s less chips and more air in a bag of chips? Same thing with cereal. Some food processors have shaved an ounce or so off the sizes. So you’re getting 11oz instead of 12oz for the same price.
Doesn’t it also seem that there’s less chips and more air in a bag of chips?

First time I’ve heard it put like that but it’s true of many many products. They’ve done this before though because I can remember back when my mother complained about packing sizes being reduced when I was a kid. Of course it’s a lot worse now since I have to be the one paying. Buttholes.

Pick up a bag or Oreos. Three months ago they were crammed so full that you had to break one in each row to get them out. The last month they are missing 2-3 per row, but the price has not reduced.

Coke has been at war with the grocery chains and drug chains because they don't want their products sold at a deep discount (4 12packs for $10 or $11). The last month, Dr Pepper is on sale as are those HORRIBLE Pepsi products. Cokes are now three for $14.

Like HHD said, a trip to the grocery store will soon require loan approval first.
Pick up a bag or Oreos. Three months ago they were crammed so full that you had to break one in each row to get them out. The last month they are missing 2-3 per row, but the price has not reduced.

That is the flip side of inflation. When currency is devalued prices don't always go up or as much as the currency was devalued. What happens is that quality goes down or package quantity goes down. It is a trickier way to go.

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