
What State Dept, concerns? Thise raised when he was VP? Seriously? You think Trump knew about those when he raised it?

No, I was specifically asking about what other corruption topics has Trump raised aside from those that support his own political ambitions?
Those related to the 2016 election interference by Ukraine.
That's not the point. You constantly accuse others of using "whataboutism" then you do it yourself. In the future don't denounce others for doing it.

It is the point. I'm not trying to distract from the topic at hand but rather using it as a giant gleaming spotlight on the Hunter Biden saga. I've welcomed the Hunter Biden discussion and other unethical nepotism topics. My goal is for consistency in partisan viewpoints.
What State Dept, concerns? Thise raised when he was VP? Seriously? You think Trump knew about those when he raised it?

No, I was specifically asking about what other corruption topics has Trump raised aside from those that support his own political ambitions?
The corruption in Ukraine is mostly political in nature (of that being reported). So how do you separate politics into boxes? You can’t. Politics is one big conflict of interest, which is okay. Just keep the money for personal interest out of it.
What State Dept, concerns? Thise raised when he was VP? Seriously? You think Trump knew about those when he raised it?

No, I was specifically asking about what other corruption topics has Trump raised aside from those that support his own political ambitions?
SH wants purity politics that never existed. :rolleyes1:
Those related to the 2016 election interference by Ukraine.

Can we be clear? Claiming to find mythical DNC server in Ukraine is not "investigating 2016 election interference". There is a reason the DOJ was dumbfounded at Mulvaney's claim tgat the White House witheld aid for that purpose.

As Tom Bossert, Trump's former Homeland Security Secretary said Trump/Guiliani are pushing debunked conspiracy theories.

If the DOJ is pursuing this as a lead which no evidence exists that they are, then the POTUS should not be stepping in the middle. At the very least it gives the perception of Trump Administration corruption. Given the DOJ's surprise at Mulvaney's statement I don't believe it's merely perception anymore.
Can we be clear? Claiming to find mythical DNC server in Ukraine is not "investigating 2016 election interference". There is a reason the DOJ was dumbfounded at Mulvaney's claim tgat the White House witheld aid for that purpose.

As Tom Bossert, Trump's former Homeland Security Secretary said Trump/Guiliani are pushing debunked conspiracy theories.

If the DOJ is pursuing this as a lead which no evidence exists that they are, then the POTUS should not be stepping in the middle. At the very least it gives the perception of Trump Administration corruption. Given the DOJ's surprise at Mulvaney's statement I don't believe it's merely perception anymore.
SH wants purity in politics that never existed. As previously mentioned, sometimes it takes head to head agreement to get the underlings to get the work done.
Ahh, the Mulvaney excuse. We did it, get over it. If that's not blatant partisanship, I'm not sure what is.
I would normally agree with you but Hunter taking $1m per year and Joe on tape with his quid pro quo statements absolves Trump. How can the president ignore this?
I would normally agree with you but Hunter taking $1m per year and Joe on tape with his quid pro quo statements absolves Trump. How can the president ignore this?

Joe stated he pushed for Shokins removal because he wasn't attacking corruption is a quid pro quo? Did he say on tape like Mulvaney that aid was withheld for his own political desires?
He also knew that this prosecutor was going after his son's moneymaker.

He knew he wasn't going after Burisma who had a a stalled investigation lookingvatva period that predated Hunter's Board seat, or virtually any corruption. That was kind of the point which I proved to I35 in the myriad of links above. It's the inconvenient fact that some continue to ignore.

According to Guiliani. Seriously? I offered multiple links above that quoted Shokin's Deputy Prosecutor who publicly resigned over lack of focus on corruption in 2016 citing Burisma specifically, the IMF, the US Ambassador to Ukraine and others.

You counter with Guiliani's notes. A guy who is currently under investigation by the Feds and whose business associates are in jail awaiting arraignment.

Guiliani may eventually be vindicated but I wouldn't bet my house on it, not even my shed.
According to Guiliani. Seriously? I offered multiple links above that quoted Shokin's Deputy Prosecutor who publicly resigned over lack of focus on corruption in 2016 citing Burisma specifically, the IMF, the US Ambassador to Ukraine and others.

You counter with Guiliani's notes. A guy who is currently under investigation by the Feds and whose business associates are in jail awaiting arraignment.

Guiliani may eventually be vindicated but I wouldn't bet my house on it, not even my shed.

Btw, Guilani's legal problems look to be more political in nature than anything else (could be wrong, but doubt it), just like Trump's is. Btw, Biden joined the board (which had been in hot water) in 2014, then his father threatened the aid in 2015. Timing is highly suspicious.
Btw, Guilani's legal problems look to be more political in nature than anything else, just like Trump's is. Btw, Biden joined the board (which had been in hot water) in 2014, then his father threatened the aid in 2015. Timing is highly suspicious.

1. You'll need to help me understand your supposition that Guiliani's troubles are merely "political".

2. Edit- Removed my incorrect information on Hunder Biden.
1. You'll need to help me understand your supposition that Guiliani's troubles are merely "political".

2. Hunter Biden joined the Burisma board in May '16, after the US Ambassador to Ukraine and soon after Joe's criticism of Shokin. This information is laid out in the links above.

I don't know what you've been reading but he joined the board on April 2014 according to this NYT article and Wikipedia. Joe Biden, His Son and the Case Against a Ukrainian Oligarch

Do a search on google with "Hunter biden joined burisma april 2014" and you'll confirm that I'm correct. If you have something legit that can counteract it, please share. J
Please show me what Joe Biden did to get Hunter the gig with Burisma and I'll gladly join the chorus. There is no more evidence that Joe arranged it than Trump Sr. arranging for Don Jr. to receive $50k for a single speech recently.

As I said before, I'm all in favor of forbidding nepotism for politicians. I also really want to understand how Jared and Ivanka earned $82m in 2017 while calling the White House their home office.

Ivanka's 12 Trademarks she received from China since being in the White House also need to be looked at. It took her less than 2 years to get the Trademarks. Michael Jordan took >10 years to get rights to the Air Jordan logo, that was modeled after him. Ivanka's trademarks were granted days before Trump and Ivanka visited China. I must have missed the wailing from their supporters.

That's how ******* stupid this Hunter Biden crap is. What he did was absolutely unethical and Joe should be called out for not stopping it. Of course, this **** is happening daily in the current administration and noone screaming "but Joe" is saying boo.

You have Corporate execs and Foreign dignitaries purposely staying in Trump International hotel to curry favor with Donald while you all scream "but Joe". It's a vacuous hollow scream rife with hypocrisy and bias.

Posting with you is the perfect example of " you're exhausting "

In regards to Ivanka, she was a business woman with international interests and success before she even got to the White House. Can you dig it? It's not like hunter Biden getting a job in an industry he never worked in, in a country he never had business dealings with. If it weren't for his VP dad, he wouldn't have earned a dime in any deal there.

Does that make sense to you? Biden used influence to stuff the pocket of his son in a situation he wasn't worthy of profiting in any form or fashion (unless cocaine use was required experience) . It's been reported that someone raised objections to hunters deal, but the obama administration turned the other way.

To me, I'm interested in how many other deals like this went down in Ukraine. How many other coke head children of the obama administration profited? In order to find out we need this investigation to expand.

Look, your mind is made up. No other facts will bend your wrong stance and I'm ok with that. It's what you do. Someone lays out facts and you miss the obvious.
Posting with you is the perfect example of " you're exhausting "

In regards to Ivanka, she was a business woman with international interests and success before she even got to the White House. Can you dig it? It's not like hunter Biden getting a job in an industry he never worked in, in a country he never had business dealings with. If it weren't for his VP dad, he wouldn't have earned a dime in any deal there.

Does that make sense to you? Biden used influence to stuff the pocket of his son in a situation he wasn't worthy of profiting in any form or fashion (unless cocaine use was required experience) . It's been reported that someone raised objections to hunters deal, but the obama administration turned the other way.

To me, I'm interested in how many other deals like this went down in Ukraine. How many other coke head children of the obama administration profited? In order to find out we need this investigation to expand.

Look, your mind is made up. No other facts will bend your wrong stance and I'm ok with that. It's what you do. Someone lays out facts and you miss the obvious.

Summary: I'm justifying nepotism and unethical behavior of my preferred politician while criticizing the nepotism of the opposition.

Mental gymnastics are typically exhausting so you should expect to be tired.
Think of all the mental gymnastics the Dems have had to do to relieve them of the cognitive dissonance they experienced after Trump’s election. Even when Trump is gone, I think their “mental” issues will remain.

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