Barry, you sound like Larry Flynt complaining about nudity in an art exhibit. Your party supports affirmative action. That is actual, state-sponsored racial discrimination. That means that it rings hollow when you complain about some ugly words that you think are racist (usually after they're put into a false context). It also doesn't help that you all lie about stuff he says to create racial issues that aren't present and tolerate far more overt racism among your own. How often do Democrats question or presume the ethnicity of people who disagree with them? How often do they generalize about "white people" or "white men?" All the friggin' time. Racial politics, racial fear, and racial generalizations coupled with a smug self-righteousness have been part of your rap for 150 years. The only thing you change is what groups you choose to antagonize, and you do that based on political convenience, not morality (because there is no morality to doing that).
And should we get into the Jew-bashing that you guys have tolerated since you started smooching with Louis Farrakahn (who called Adolf Hitler a "very great man")? Do you honestly think that Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib wouldn't expel and if necessary kill Jews in Israel if they could? Of course they would. The difference between them and that "very great man" (according to Farrakahn) is that they and their ilk (in the Middle East and in the West) are dumb, undisciplined, and incompetent, and he and his ilk were not.
That doesn't mean there's nothing to complain about. Trump says ugly things. He has said at least one racist thing (the Judge Curiel comment), but you guys just don't have the credibility to complain about it and sure as hell don't have the credibility to get moral and self-righteous about it. You have more than a plank in your eye. You have a whole damn log cabin in your eye. Take it out, and then you can complain. I do complain about it and have argued over it many times here, but I have credibility. I oppose racial discrimination - always, not just when I like the outcome of it. I don't judge people based on their race and don't generalize on it. I basically adopt a "content of their character" attitude. I don't like Jew bashers, whether it's David Duke or Richard Spencer or Louis Farrakahn. I don't think Hitler was a "great man" and wouldn't cozy up to someone who thought he was. That's what real credibility on race looks like.