Be hard to fit them all in Schiff's SCIF. Not much room down there in the basement. In fact, when some other members of the House tried to join them down there, Schiff threw a hissy fit. The reality is that Schiff has denied the vast majority of the House to hear from the various witnesses. Ask yourself, without drawing another bad analogy, why Schiff is doing everything in secret? Why is Schiff doing it this way when he doesnt have to?
If you believe that, then there is not point to any of this, except for what I mentioned above.
What this is about is damaging Trump -- trying to slow him down. Maybe they think it will help their eventual candidate, I dont know. But they definitely see Trump as a transformative president. They are afraid of him and the changes he is making. In this sense, the Dems have a healthier respect for Trump than some of the Reps do (including some here). And the Dems are right. Trump is threatening the world order, the one that has been in existence since WWII - of trade, capital markets and security. The one that says the US keeps the peace around the world and the US taxpayer pays for it. The one where only the children of Americans are put in harms way. I dont blame those other countries and the globalists for opposing Trump's America First theme - they have had a sweet deal for a long time.
Wow, so now you not only think Schiff should and did lawfully appoint himself grand jury, prosecutor and judge, but appointed himself Special Prosecutor as well? You are sort of a walking display of the famous ou education. Do they know you are loose and out in the world representing them?
You cheered Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen, antifa, Christine Blasey Ford, Mueller, Comey, "the Emoluments Clause," the pee-pee bed and Barry Switzer.