
Deep State!

I don't know if it's a "Deep State" but it is bureaucratic corruption. If you actually tried to think for yourself and do your own research you would know that. You're a prime example of why the MSM is dangerous. Btw, remember when you used to make fun of us when we told you about the corruption of the FBI? How'd that turn out for you?

How was I a Killeen aggy?
International aid to poor countries tends to end up in Cayman Island bank accounts. Turns out "international aid" is taking money from poor people in rich countries and giving it to rich people in poor countries. Anyone surprised?

So Sanders getting briefed about purported Russian election efforts is certainly a big change from the old regime.
If this had happened under Obama, not only would Sanders not have been briefed but the FBI would gone to get an illegal warrant from the FISA court and began to surveil his campaign staffers.
What changed?
CIA has been manipulating elections and setting up governments they like since the 50s. Otherwise known as soon as it was created.

That was my first response when the idea of Russian interference in 2016 was first brought up in here for the first time. The poster who started it is one of the more frequent liberal posters. I pointed out what you say here, but in longer form. I pointed out that the Soviets had an entire govt agency devoted to this from the time of Lenin. I pointed out what the US had done in South America, Central America and the Caribbean (and Asia). Even Russia itself - Yeltsin (do you think they ever forgot that?) And I brought it all the way up to Obama's illegal use of funds to contribute directly to Netanyahu's opponent.

He had nothing to say to any of that. Nothing! He was incapable of forming a single cogent thought about the history and background. He had myopia for one thing only - OrangeManBad.

If their guy did it, the entire liberal establishment celebrated

Here is the story of Obama directly intervening in Israeli elections - Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu
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Yeah Joe, we are on the same page.

I even read reports about how the CIA and Clinton helped get Putin elected in 1999 when Russia had become negative on Yeltsin. The CIA is essentially running a game to control the world. I even saw an article from 2012 about the CIA spying on the Senate when they were investigating them for spying on citizens and lying about it.

They've performed experiments of narcotics' effects on citizens. They have murdered at least one citizen in the 50s for questioning their experiments.

Scary stuff.
Yeah Joe, we are on the same page.
I even read reports about how the CIA and Clinton helped get Putin elected in 1999 when Russia had become negative on Yeltsin. The CIA is essentially running a game to control the world. I even saw an article from 2012 about the CIA spying on the Senate when they were investigating them for spying on citizens and lying about it.
They've performed experiments of narcotics' effects on citizens. They have murdered at least one citizen in the 50s for questioning their experiments.
Scary stuff.

But here is the other part -- how can anyone who is supposedly educated think that other countries do not try to do the same things we do? Including some efforts directed at us. And this is especially true for the Russians, given our histories. I suggest only an emotionally unstable person would think they would not make this attempt.
I expect them to try. As long as the truth is coming out, overall the influence is okay. The problem is if reports are fabrications and voter fraud, voting booth hacking is occurring.

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