Barry, India and China aren't going to buy in, because they don't give a crap. Like I said in the other thread, climate change is largely a hobby horse for wealthy, self-flagellating white liberals who reject religion and need something else to make them look righteous. That's people who live in big cities the United States and Western Europe and basically nobody else. That's also why the Paris Accords were so loved by them. It exemplifies them. It says some very nice things and feels good and righteous but is nonbinding, so nobody actually has to do anything or sacrifice. It's all rhetoric and no action. It's like having everybody in your country wear an AIDS ribbon and about that effective.
People who don't fit that mold largely don't care. That means that India and China don't care. They want to make money, and they're not dumb enough to think the world is going to end in 12 years. Furthermore, the climate activist base doesn't care if India and China buy in. A few do, but most of them don't. If they did, then they'd complain about them as much or more than they complain about the West.
If you really care about climate change, you should do three things. First, you should very enthusiastically support nuclear power. That should be priority number one. Anybody who says they care about climate change but opposes nuclear power is a dumbass and shouldn't be taken seriously. The minute I hear an activist say he opposes nuclear power, I stop listening to him and basically deem his opinion to be as relevant and merited as the ramblings of a retarded three year old. It's flagrant idiocy.
Second, you should support the development of alternative fuels and promote energy efficiency but without being stupid about it. Believe it or not, I'm a big advocate for this, despite my criticism of climate change activists. I identify as a climate change agnostic. I'm not a denier (though I do deny the alarmism and apocalypse scenarios). And that isn't just because of climate change. It's also because of air pollution, the limited supply of fossil fuels, and because I don't like crazy Muslims in the Middle East having so much clout.
Third, have some proportion in your criticisms. It's OK to say the West should do better, but for every time you do that, you should rip China and India about 50 times. It's not because we're not big players in it. We are. However, we actually try to do better and have made a serious effort. China and India don't give two squirts of piss, and they don't even try.