
Also immediately after they adjourned after the final vote, Mitch filed cloture on a bunch of Trump judicial nominees.

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Romney becomes a bigger POS as the day goes by. Just heard Brett Baier say he was the first Senator in US history to vote Guilty on an impeachment Article against a POTUS of his own party.

I'm sure this was posted already but I don't recall.
I would like to think the Senate will now turn its powerful investigative power on this stuff.
But the reality is they will probably just send some more "powerfully worded" letters and move on.

Here they are (Cofer Black is Willard Mitt's guy)
Enjoy these now because Twitter is about to start censoring Republican/conservative memes heading into the 2020 election. If you cant beat them, block them

I get your point, but I think they are going to lick their wounds for a while. Look for something sleazy to show up right around Republican convention time.
Not even past today. Nadler grilling the FBI director about FISA abuse managed to ask if the trump admin interfered with the Kavanaugh FBI investigation.
Today is Wednesday “Trump Day”. Now let’s find out how the Senate voted. Listen to this to find out if Donald Trump is still our President.

Martha McCallum pointed out the revelation of the phone call came out 24 hours after the Mueller probe ended.

What's the over/under on the next revelation/investigation? I say Monday at the latest.
Dude, that's when the phone call was. The drug deal had been going on for well over a year.
Mitt Romney has become John McCain. He will run over his friends crossing the aisle to shake hands with his enemies. Anything to get a little mic-time.
The issue with the impeachment to me is mostly about the hypocrisy of the world's worst liars and cheats calling for Trump's removal from office because he is a liar and a cheat.

I just don't feel comfortable removing a man from office for doing all the same things that have been done by previous Presidents for at least 100 years.

I also don't feel comfortable with the fact that it is much better liars and cheats trying to hold Trump accountable for his lying and cheating just because he is a Republican. That allows one political party to crush the other by use of a double standard. That is my main concern.

I have no problem with Trump being removed from office for different reasons, if this situation were being held in a vacuum and the accusers were truly honest, respectable people. They aren't. They would just see this as justification for political attacks against other Republicans while knowing they will never be held accountable. This could at least lead to political blow back which will force them and other politicians to be more careful with political attacks and providing evidence if there are serious misdeeds to prosecute.

For that, I do think it is appropriate to give the Democrats the Herman.


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