
Ken Starr is administering quite in-depth history lesson on the Constitution as it relates to impeachment of the President. I’m sure Schiff has no idea what he’s talking about.
Policy? You want policy?

Ok: Mexico is going to pay for the big beautiful wall-----did you guys believe that? Do you think he did?

We are going to stop with the negative trade deficits.

We are going to have a trillion dollar infrastructure plan

We are going to stop immigration by prosecuting the businesses that hire all the illegals----Oh, wait a minute, he didn't say that, did he? Maybe because it would actually work? Or maybe because he would have to prosecute himself?

I dumped on Clinton all the time and never voted for the lying cheating sob

As for JFK's war record, he volunteered for some dangerous duty when he could have hidden in a soft job at State or in the War Department. He was a scoundrel when it came to women and I would not be surprised to hear that he paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep whores' mouths shut, like President Bone Spurs did.

Clinton got all kinds of credit for the good economy that he had nothing to do with creating.

Much of our current prosperity might be laid at the door of the massive deficit spending he and the congress have engaged in------the debt has soared under him just as it did under President Hope and Change and that retard from Midland/Yale/Harvard.

I could not vote for Obama or Hillary or any of the Dims running now so please accept my objections to this pig as being totally non partisan.
I wonder what these neo-cons and back stabbers are going to do when Trump wins re-election.
They will get in line to sit and wail away for the cameras...and also advance claims of moving despite the fact that they never will actually pack a bag to move across the border.
Liberal F'n HATE Bolton. Now they believe. Just like they will believe anyone who speaks against Trump. Just like they love fundamentalist religious fanatics if they can use them to make Trump look bad.

IT's P A T H E T I C.
I will say that Trump is a moron for having appointed Bolton in the first place. It was obvious that they had vastly different visions for foreign policy. It should have been pretty clear that the relationship would end badly.
Out of curiosity, who was the last Republican or Democratic POTUS candidate that you have voted for? You seem to have unrealistic standards for politicians.
I voted for Gore and Kerry as lesser evils. The last Republican I voted for was George Bush the elder. I actually liked him
They will get in line to sit and wail away for the cameras...and also advance claims of moving despite the fact that they never will actually pack a bag to move across the border.
I would be happy if they moved across the Potomac
I voted for Gore and Kerry as lesser evils. The last Republican I voted for was George Bush the elder. I actually liked him

That dude was as Deep State swampy as they come. But he spoke gently and had a quiet demeanor.

He was actually pretty good on economics compared to Presidents we have had since. He let the market work itself out of recessions, and had some level of dislike for deficits.
I will say that Trump is a moron for having appointed Bolton in the first place. It was obvious that they had vastly different visions for foreign policy. It should have been pretty clear that the relationship would end badly.

The problem is that Trump is a scattered mess on foreign policy. Sometimes he sounds like John Bolton, and other times he sounds like Ron Paul. He doesn't know what he wants. I think that's why this is the area in which he has had the most turnover. For awhile he left it to professionals and did reasonably well, but he has a problem with leaving it alone.
Liberal F'n HATE Bolton. Now they believe. Just like they will believe anyone who speaks against Trump. Just like they love fundamentalist religious fanatics if they can use them to make Trump look bad.

IT's P A T H E T I C.
I really think it's "we disagree with Bolton's world view but we think he's a man of principle and he said it was a drug deal". I don't agree with Pence but I have a certain level of respect for him. Same with W. i disagree vehemently with my Senator Lankford. That said, I think he's a good man and a man of principle and I respect him. Inhofe, not so much.
I really think it's "we disagree with Bolton's world view but we think he's a man of principle and he said it was a drug deal". I don't agree with Pence but I have a certain level of respect for him. Same with W. i disagree vehemently with my Senator Lankford. That said, I think he's a good man and a man of principle and I respect him. Inhofe, not so much.

It's hard to listen to people bash others with absolute venom then sort of cast that aside. I know why they do it. For instance, many people support Bolton's foreign policy views and defend him but then they turn on him when he say's things they don't like. So it's the same in some ways. Hate/like. Like/Hate.
It's hard to listen to people bash others with absolute venom then sort of cast that aside. I know why they do it. For instance, many people support Bolton's foreign policy views and defend him but then they turn on him when he say's things they don't like. So it's the same in some ways. Hate/like. Like/Hate.
I like what i agree with that you say and get angered at what I disagree with.
Bolton is just another example of what is wrong with our government. It seems everyone in government is not representing the people or even our republic. They only represent themselves.
I really think it's "we disagree with Bolton's world view but we think he's a man of principle and he said it was a drug deal". I don't agree with Pence but I have a certain level of respect for him. Same with W. i disagree vehemently with my Senator Lankford. That said, I think he's a good man and a man of principle and I respect him. Inhofe, not so much.

The media and Democrats have largely been vitriolic hatemongers about John Bolton. I've never heard them characterize him as "good" in any respect.

However, anyone who is saying or doing something that could disrupt or damage a Republican leader or praising a Democrat will always be treated as having principles at least when they're doing so. And that was true with John McCain too. When he was defending Obama from the crazy woman who called him an Arab, he was a man of principle. When he openly challenged Obama on policy, he was a gutless hack pandering to his crackpot base.

The same will hold true about Bolton. If he testifies and is hostile to Trump, he'll be a man of principle. If Trump leaves office and Mike Pence nominates him to be his SoS, the vitriolic hate will come back, and they'll forget all about his principles. The pattern has repeated itself far too many times to not see coming.

The Right will do the same thing. They've mostly liked Bolton, but if he takes a crap on Trump, they'll never forgive him.

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