
I hadn't heard Giuliani speak in a long time until this past weekend. He was being interviewed by Jeanine Pirro. What a train wreck. He was calling Joe Biden a crook. Claiming "they" tried to murder Shokin. I mean just no filter at all. Unhinged. I could see Pirro flinching and we know she is partisan to the right. Pirro asked for evidence and he blustered he put it out there last March.
That may be true, and Bolton can clear all of that up by testifying. It's hard to say, "I can't testify because of executive privilege, but for $34.99, you can get the whole story in a nice hardcover book."
Same agent as Comey.
I hadn't heard Giuliani speak in a long time until this past weekend. He was being interviewed by Jeanine Pirro. What a train wreck. He was calling Joe Biden a crook. Claiming "they" tried to murder Shokin. I mean just no filter at all. Unhinged. I could see Pirro flinching and we know she is partisan to the right. Pirro asked for evidence and he blustered he put it out there last March.
While I have no doubt that Biden is a crook, that interview was not a good look for Rudy at all.
Same agent as Comey.

Cashing in is not doing what is right for America. Releasing the book in the middle of the trial is not doing what is right for America. It is a despicable display of opportunism. How can anyone decide what is happening? Follow the money. If people have the empty soul to enrich themselves in this manner then they are capable of lying very easily.
Cashing in is not doing what is right for America. Releasing the book in the middle of the trial is not doing what is right for America. It is a despicable display of opportunism. How can anyone decide what is happening? Follow the money. If people have the empty soul to enrich themselves in this manner then they are capable of lying very easily.
I think this is where the Trump model of governing has failed. In business, most employees are loyal since even competitors in the business will be reluctant to hire a snake. Apparently not as true for Washington. Thus, Trump’s past experience with his employees doesn’t translate well into the realm of politics.
The lengths that some of you go to grease the skids for a pathological liar is fun to watch.

You think cashing in is credible?

Do you want your star-witness to get rich DURING THE TRIAL off of this?

This is what happened when a witness to the Nicole Brown murder tried to cash in. What standards are we operating under in this trial?

Witness who saw OJ flee says the moment changed her life | Daily Mail Online

  • She quickly became a key witness in the murder trial but was dropped after taking $5,000 to tell her story to Hard Copy
  • 'If I had known by talking to Hard Copy that it would've branded me as a liar or branded me in a negative light, I never would've done it,' she said
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President Bone Spurs cheated on his wives but he is completely above board on all else. He dodged the draft so lower class patriots would die in his place but he loves being photographed in front of flags. He ridicules every opponent with insulting names and brags incessantly-----just like Washington and Lincoln and Reagan. He is just a huge pile of righteousness and we must all adore him.

His defense to all accusations is to attack the accusers----until some bit of evidence emerges that cannot be denied and then he adjusts his defense accordingly. Ron Ziegler would characterize this by saying the former statements are now inoperative. But Zig worked for Nixon, who by comparison was fairly honest.

Defending Bone Spurs in 2020 is like defending slavery in 1860----you can still kind of get away with it but you are going to look really bad a few years down the road.
I hadn't heard Giuliani speak in a long time until this past weekend. He was being interviewed by Jeanine Pirro. What a train wreck. He was calling Joe Biden a crook. Claiming "they" tried to murder Shokin. I mean just no filter at all. Unhinged. I could see Pirro flinching and we know she is partisan to the right. Pirro asked for evidence and he blustered he put it out there last March.

I'm not sure what happened to him. He was a respected prosecutor and became one of the most successful mayors in the United States and perhaps the most successful mayors in the history of New York City. For awhile he was a named partner with the law firm formally known as Bracewell Patterson, which was and is a pretty respected firm. They don't give that privilege to kooks and wingnuts. At some point in the last five years, the wheels just came completely off. It makes me wonder if he has early stage Alzheimer's. You'll notice that Trump didn't pick him for his defense team.
I'm not sure what happened to him. He was a respected prosecutor and became one of the most successful mayors in the United States and perhaps the most successful mayors in the history of New York City. For awhile he was a named partner with the law firm formally known as Bracewell Patterson, which was and is a pretty respected firm. They don't give that privilege to kooks and wingnuts. At some point in the last five years, the wheels just came completely off. It makes me wonder if he has early stage Alzheimer's. You'll notice that Trump didn't pick him for his defense team.

There's no way I'd put my fate in his hands. He was unbelievably out of control.

President Bone Spurs cheated on his wives but he is completely above board on all else. He dodged the draft so lower class patriots would die in his place but he loves being photographed in front of flags. He ridicules every opponent with insulting names and brags incessantly-----just like Washington and Lincoln and Reagan. He is just a huge pile of righteousness and we must all adore him.

His defense to all accusations is to attack the accusers----until some bit of evidence emerges that cannot be denied and then he adjusts his defense accordingly. Ron Ziegler would characterize this by saying the former statements are now inoperative. But Zig worked for Nixon, who by comparison was fairly honest.

Defending Bone Spurs in 2020 is like defending slavery in 1860----you can still kind of get away with it but you are going to look really bad a few years down the road.
Are you referring to his policy decisions? I ask cause you didn’t mention any to support your concluding sentence. Did you write similar disparaging comments about Clinton and JFK regarding their military service and womanizing, respectively? For citizens who want government to work for them, your comments are boring and quite frankly self-serving.
Calls him an insulting name, then complains about Trump calling people insulting names. Hypocrisy?

Stating that voting to re-elect a POTUS who has presided over a roaring economy as equivalent to defending slavery is simply stupid.
Calls him an insulting name, then complains about Trump calling people insulting names. Hypocrisy?

Stating that voting to re-elect a POTUS who has presided over a roaring economy as equivalent to defending slavery is simply stupid.

I've said this a million times and I'm probably going to say it a million more times: As bad as Trump is he is still an amateur compared to the democrats and their insane voters.
I've said this a million times and I'm probably going to say it a million more times: As bad as Trump is he is still an amateur compared to the democrats and their insane voters.
Hillary paid for a fake dossier that was supposed to come out BEFORE the election, not after. It was funneled through 3 orgs to avoid detection.
Says a member of the party that put Christine Blasey Ford forth as a credible witness.

And this is the biggest problem. Trump is often a buffoon and was certainly a buffoon with this Ukraine fiasco, but his Democratic critics have no credibility. Adam Schiff exemplifies this the most, but the problem exists with virtually all of them.
It's not a per se problem to withhold aid.

Ok ... that's good analysis.

but then there's this part .... impeachment rumbles ... I mean real ones not those "we lost, impeach 45" ... but the one's which related to this alleged nefarious phone call ... within a couple weeks.

For Congress, that's just lightning speed. They nearly beat the time it took the 1941 Congress' Declaration of War. :P

Pelosi delayed executing the (farce) hearings for a long time.

That's rotten.

They manufactured a terribly weak case. I'd have better supported the high crime and misdemeanor of the "fire" in a theater Trump can/does often with all those Tweets than this insane excursion.

Every democrat should be punted for supporting this charade.

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