
There was only 1 way to address corruption? Trump didn't have to use a multi-national treaty when the agreement with Ukraine for aid is contingent on them addressing corruption.

You really can read Trump's mind? His only desire was a TV announcement that I have never heard of before? Delusion sees things that aren't there, not the other way around.
I think the claim is that Rudy related the message about an announcement. Regardless, at this juncture no one knew the money was being held up. Also, the OMB said the money was held up until Trump knew why the Europeans weren’t participating. The answer was apparently corruption.
BUT...did you really mean to call him an Aggie or did you actually mean to call him an aggy? There's a difference ya know...
I can’t lie. I r been around here a long time and I don’t get the “aggy” thing. Uphauling and disgruntling as it may be, I do t know the origin of that. I never write it.
TPE was a poster who never used caps. Witty guy. He postulated that if a group of them were aggies, then one would be aggy.

From there, aggy became used much like the Borg in Star Trek due to the aggy collective hive mind thinking.
TPE was a poster who never used caps. Witty guy. He postulated that if a group of them were aggies, then one would be aggy.

From there, aggy became used much like the Borg in Star Trek due to the aggy collective hive mind thinking.
I remember him but not the origin of aggy. Okay now it doesn’t seem quite as aggy.
So now CNN is pimping unelected bureaucrats as "The Heart of Democracy"

No they aren't. They are henchman for a permanent political class, like the Kennedys, the Clintons, the Kerry's, the Bidens and probably the Bushs and the McClains too. Henchmen who have been participating in a plot designed to remove the duly-elected president from office

“…what we do know from the impeachment hearings is that the whistleblower and the public servants who have appeared so far did what members of the unelected government do daily: They served the people.”

Wrong. The duly elected president is the one "serving the people,” they are the ones trying to keep it from happening. Trump sought to ensure American taxpayer dollars were not being sent off to corrupt countries to further the personal goals of foreign oligopolists. And Trump really angered this class of people by raising the more basic question of whether we should even be sending out this much money in the first place. He wondered aloud whether that money might be better spent in American cities instead of Ukraine. These people never accepted the results of the election. There is nothing democratic about their behavior.

“For Americans who have lost faith in their government — frustrated by a hyper-partisan era in which left and right often can’t even agree on such elementary tautologies as fact is fact, and truth is truth — the responsiveness of these public servants is a sorely needed reminder: There is another part of government, which is entirely unelected, that continues to function and uphold our democracy.”

This idea that unelected bureaucrats instrumental to democracy is backwards. One of the fundamental idea of democracy is that elections have consequences. This is where it all starts. Giving unfettered influence to bureaucrats is actually anti-democratic.

CNN claims bureaucrats dont "create policy; they implement it.” But this is not true is it? In this case, these bureaucrats have been actively refusing to implement the President’s foreign policy. Imagine if this happened under a President not named Trump? CNN would not be pimping unelected bureaucrats if they had sought to thwart Obama’s Iran deal, would they?

Besides, who is more responsible for hyper-partisanship than CNN?

“Unelected, they are nonpartisan professionals. Their service is to the community, not to any party or lobbyist or special interest, and they are the most direct links that exist between the government and the governed.”

Have these people been nonpartisan? It's a ridiculous suggestion if you watched them testify. One of their stars, Fiona Hill, compared Trump voters to “contemporary Bolsheviks, ” and she did not mean that as a compliment. She said Trump only won because he “played with emotions” and “manipulated people." And she frequently compared Trump to Putin.

These bureaucrats do not serve the American people; they serve the established political class. That people are sick of them is one of the reasons Trump won.

Impeachment shows unelected government employees are heart of democracy (opinion) - CNN
I think the claim is that Rudy related the message about an announcement. Regardless, at this juncture no one knew the money was being held up. Also, the OMB said the money was held up until Trump knew why the Europeans weren’t participating. The answer was apparently corruption.

Money has been held or delayed several times during the Trump Presidency fir other countries, but the Dems haven’t said a word outside of Ukraine. Why? Because that’s the country that the Bidens and several from the left have the corruption. So they play offense and make their fake outrage louder.

Most don’t know this but when Ukraine was approved funding there was another country approved as well at the same time. Lebanon was approved at the same time and guess what? Money for them has been held up and to this day they still haven’t got their funding yet. I wonder why the left isn’t outraged?
There was only 1 way to address corruption? Trump didn't have to use a multi-national treaty when the agreement with Ukraine for aid is contingent on them addressing corruption.

You really can read Trump's mind? His only desire was a TV announcement that I have never heard of before? Delusion sees things that aren't there, not the other way around.
That's what his people (Rudy and Fraud Guarantee) conveyed.
Money has been held or delayed several times during the Trump Presidency fir other countries, but the Dems haven’t said a word outside of Ukraine. Why? Because that’s the country that the Bidens and several from the left have the corruption. So they play offense and make their fake outrage louder.

Most don’t know this but when Ukraine was approved funding there was another country approved as well at the same time. Lebanon was approved at the same time and guess what? Money for them has been held up and to this day they still haven’t got their funding yet. I wonder why the left isn’t outraged?
I understand that a quid pro quo for something to benefit the US is normal. A quid pro quo to benefit the President's re-election efforts is abby normal. There was no interest in "corruption" except to involve Rudy, Fraud Guarantee, and Rick Perry into Ukraine. The only interest was to have it announced on US television. Seems disingenuous, at best.
Money has been held or delayed several times during the Trump Presidency fir other countries, but the Dems haven’t said a word outside of Ukraine. Why? Because that’s the country that the Bidens and several from the left have the corruption. So they play offense and make their fake outrage louder.

Most don’t know this but when Ukraine was approved funding there was another country approved as well at the same time. Lebanon was approved at the same time and guess what? Money for them has been held up and to this day they still haven’t got their funding yet. I wonder why the left isn’t outraged?
I think the difference is that Trump asked about the investigation into the Bidens with Ukraine and Lebanon was just another country not getting any funds.

The key to this whole situation is that Trump inquired about the Bidens not that he withheld funds. People are trying to link the two together when I feel that the funds were withheld and Trump happened to ask about the investigation around that same timeframe.

I watched a lot of the testimony and from what I saw there wasn't any air tight evidence that Trump ask for anything in exchange for the funds to be released.

Just my take as a non-Trump voter. Although, I am leaning toward voting for him just because I think the collective Left just might explode...literally.
If this does get to the Senate, keep and eye on what rules are adopted.
As Ive written before, if they go with the Federal Rules of Evidence and Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, then the bulk of the Democrats evidence will be inadmissible. Not sure what they will do at that point, probably just dismiss it

Hunter Biden= loser, coke head, who has relied on his dad's bribes to get by in life
You're welcome

If there existed a conservative version of Mueller/Weissmann, they would do to the Bidens what they did to the Flynn's. Think of how easy it would be to get Hunter on a process crime? I could probably do it while watching football and eating wings. Then you threaten the son with prison/total destruction of his life in order to get the dad. Who deserves the anti-Christ treatment more? The Flynns or the Bidens?
Have Dems "signaled defeat" on impeachment? Their own report shows their own people as saying they are ready to “get it over (with) and move on.”

The key to this whole situation is that Trump inquired about the Bidens not that he withheld funds.

Which he has every right to do as President. It's his job to make sure all laws are followed. If Joe is not guilty then he should welcome any investigation. It shouldn't be a problem.

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