IMO, the Fix is in

I don't see the connection. Adam Schiff was a partisan tool who was terrible at his job and didn't care what the facts and evidence were. However, none of that makes Powell any less of a nut or makes her case any stronger.
It's odd that you don't see the connection here. Not a connection of the two people, but the disconnect in how the media covers them. Schiff was never questioned. Yes, Tucker ranted about him, but I'm talking once again about "journalists". No one ever attacked his character from a media standpoint.
@Mr. Deez, as a lawyer, at least you come across as you are, you sure are jumping to conclusions here and making outlandish character and mental accusations on Powell.

Two reasons. First, she got shitcanned from Trump's team. There's a reason why that happened. Second, she has made some pretty nutty accusations. If she backs them up with evidence in court, then so be it. However, there's no indication that she has any intention of doing so, despite her grandstanding. Furthermore, some of them aren't aren't even the subject of the lawsuits that are pending, yet if they're true, they certainly should be.
It's odd that you don't see the connection here. Not a connection of the two people, but the disconnect in how the media covers them. Schiff was never questioned. Yes, Tucker ranted about him, but I'm talking once again about "journalists". No one ever attacked his character from a media standpoint.

I would see the connection if those you're discussing this with were big Adam Schiff defenders.
I would see the connection if those you're discussing this with were big Adam Schiff defenders.
But, I quoted Garmel and discussed it with him. He agreed with me, and I have it on good authority that he understands what I was getting at on that comment. I'm fully aware that Garmel is not a Schiff defender.
I have posted multiple analyses showing really suspicious things. Any reasonable person would admit that is evidence of fraud. Doesn't mean it is conclusive. Doesn't mean they would win a court case. But that doesn't mean it isn't evidence using the actual definition.

If you don't think that is evidence you are willfully ignorant.
I consider myself a reasonable person and the multiple analyses that you posted simply show multiple counties counting absentee and mail in ballots 24/7. Probably uploading USB data as they receive it from the outlying precincts. I think it unreasonable to automatically ascribe fraud to that. I might buy it more if Trump lost all of the "Dominion" counties when compared against last time or if the GOP didn't do OK in the down ballot races. If you're going to monkey with the code and switch ballots you're going to do it on the Senate as well.
That's funny. As if you and your ilk don't live in an echo chamber and welcome and agree with the musings of those in your chamber.

Give me a break.

Troll on....
I don't have any liberal places I go post crap. This is it. So I get no warm and fuzzy affirmations. Trolling on good sir!
I know one thing. That Dominion rep is full of ****. That's why he said votes can't "physically" be changed by his machine. He's trying to play a word salad game. With malware applied votes can be changed. Security experts for years have been saying Dominion is vulnerable. Not saying it happened this election because we have no definite proof but the man is lying.
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I know one thing. That Dominion rep is full of ****. That's why he said votes can't "physically" changed by his machine. He's trying to play a word salad game. With malware applied votes can be changed. Security experts for years have been saying Dominion is vulnerable. Not saying it happened this election because we have no definite proof but the man is lying.
Echo on, good sir.

Bubba, come on in, we have room in the chamber.

First, she got shitcanned from Trump's team.

That is not true. Have you ever asked yourself why Sidney Powell would take this on, and make the statements she is making, if she was FOS? She's already made her reputation after what she pulled off in the Michael Flynn case. Why would she risk that if she knows she will eventually be exposed as a fraud?

I gotta tell you, what she is alleging is *way* more plausible to me than the scenario that TEN MILLION more people voted for Joe Biden than voted for Obama or Hillary.
What a creep

In all seriousness, unless Ms. Broaddrick is on Guiliani's or Powell's legal teams her tweet is worth as much as any poster here on the West Mall. It's not insightful and the fact that she doesn't have any role in politics or media, other than being a human Trump prop, I gave it as much credence as it deserved. Her twitter account is a troll so I responded in kind.
I consider myself a reasonable person and the multiple analyses that you posted simply show multiple counties counting absentee and mail in ballots 24/7. Probably uploading USB data as they receive it from the outlying precincts. I think it unreasonable to automatically ascribe fraud to that.

OUBubba. It is possible that the vote count analyses are showing mail in ballot counting. But just like you saying it is unreasonable to automatically ascribe fraud, it is also unreasonable to look at all the evidence and automatically ascribe it to mail in ballot counting.

There was mail in ballot counting in every state. One analysis I linked here shows what "normal" vote counting curves look like. He shows examples of states both Trump and Biden won. Further, in the "abnormal" curve states further analysis has been done showing many other strange occurrences which would lead a reasonable person to believe some kind of fraud occurred. I have posted two different things showing the presence of an algorithm being used to shift votes.

I might buy it more if Trump lost all of the "Dominion" counties when compared against last time or if the GOP didn't do OK in the down ballot races. If you're going to monkey with the code and switch ballots you're going to do it on the Senate as well.

These statements don't really follow from any real logic. These are arbitrary criteria you have created. They basically come down to you think the fraud would have to be way more crude and obvious for you to believe it. Well, I wouldn't assume someone committing such a serious crime would do so in such a simple, binary way so as to get caught easily.
OUBubba. It is possible that the vote count analyses are showing mail in ballot counting. But just like you saying it is unreasonable to automatically ascribe fraud, it is also unreasonable to look at all the evidence and automatically ascribe it to mail in ballot counting.

There was mail in ballot counting in every state. One analysis I linked here shows what "normal" vote counting curves look like. He shows examples of states both Trump and Biden won. Further, in the "abnormal" curve states further analysis has been done showing many other strange occurrences which would lead a reasonable person to believe some kind of fraud occurred. I have posted two different things showing the presence of an algorithm being used to shift votes.

These statements don't really follow from any real logic. These are arbitrary criteria you have created. They basically come down to you think the fraud would have to be way more crude and obvious for you to believe it. Well, I wouldn't assume someone committing such a serious crime would do so in such a simple, binary way so as to get caught easily.
It defies logic to cheat in an election and not assure a Senate win as well. WORST. ELECTION. FRAUD. COMMITTERS. EVAH.

No states did not stop counting.jpg

PolitiFact - Battleground states did not ‘stop counting’ votes on election night when Trump was ahead
To be fair, obviously the company would never admit to this goofy stuff even if it was true.

That's the quandary of the claims. They are being asked to disprove wild claims in which #ReleaseTheKraken #Biblical #EPIC evidence has yet to be presented. To be fair, being asked to explain why they aren't guilty is goofy.

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