Ike Will Threaten Texas-Arkansas

Latest projection has it back north to Port Lavaca... Houston would be on the rainward side of the storm and likely get heavy flooding.
Folks, the most dangerous part of a hurricane is the northeastern quadrant. Additionally, as has been pointed out numerous times on this board, there are the rain bands, heavy winds and possible tornadoes that extend well out from a hurricane.

I'm on the cancel wagon, too. However, I'm kind of excited to get to experience a little bit of a hurricane now that I live in Austin if we don't get a game.

PS Glad I don't have a dish to get my tv 'cause you ain't gonna see much football on Saturday if you do- assuming power even stays on.
While were all in agreement that a weatherman is the only job you can keep yet do your job correctly 50% of the time, we seem to have differences on gameday expectations.

We'll know more tomorrow, but regardless of what happens to the game, Austin is going to get a good share of bad weather. Which, perversely, excites me considering I lived in West Texas for awhile and this type of weather gets me amped up.

Nonetheless, my PSA is just stay safe and make the most responsible decisions over the weekend for yourself cause it looks like we're going to get some serious hate from Mother Nature one way or the other.
I'm thinking there's no way they play this Saturday. It's ridiculous to expect them to given the more important things to worry about. That said, I wish they would go ahead and announce what the contingency plans are now so folks can make the necessary plans.
Everyone just needs to calm down with the "Cancel" stuff. Life goes on, storms come and go, rains end droughts, etc. Let's just wait until Saturday morning to see where we stand. People, we must still attend this game in full force. If were having the game you need to be there. Just quit worrying about everything.
No one has mentioned a Sunday game time. Is Sunday not a possibility.

I live in Ohio and scheduled this weekend so I could see three Longhorn Volleyball matches plus a football game. My flight is 6:00 pm Wednesday, so I have plenty of time to cancel, but I'm with SouthAfricanHorn in that I'd kinda like to experience some tropical stormy weather. I'm staying with my brother in Round Rock, so I would not be shut up in a hotel room.

Any comments on a Sunday game time? The 'Boys don't play till Monday night.
From the prespective of someone who faces this for three straight months every year, I can say with soem confidence that if there is a tropical storm in Austin Saturday there wont be a game. The upper decks would not be safe for people (I dont mean structurally but slipping and falling etc.)Also if any of you have ever been in a tropical storm, and we have down here, they are no fun. I'm talking blinding rain and debris blowing everywhere and flooding.

That said, this is the one one game this year I am getting back for and if a frickin hurricane cancels it after we dodged three bullets in a row down here with Fay, Gustav and Ike I am going to be really hacked. I fly into Houston Friday night so if they are making a decision they need to make it tomorrow so I can cancel my flight and not pay to fly back to the states just to sit around and watch USC-Ohio State on TV. I can do that down here.
Who is the Einstein that called Gustav a "minor" storm?

Have you checked in with anyone from Baton Rouge, Houma, Morgan City, Lafayette?

Reminds of how people, when referring to Rita, use the phrase "dodged a bullet".

I for one, like the fact that the storm is headed right for us at this point. Growing up in south Florida, i've learned that the only constant with hurricanes, is that they're inconsistant. There is a high pressure system settling over Austin on Friday which will make it very hot, I bet that thing will hang out a day or two.

My prediction is that is that Austin is clear and hot on Saturday and Ike makes landfall on the Mexican coast on Saturday afternoon. :fingerscrossed:
Girlfriend and I live in Beaumont and have tickets and plans to go to the game. We had to cancel our long Labor Day weekend in Galveston because of Gustav (which turned out to be a non-event locally). And now our weekend at the game might get deep-sixed? Is God displeased with me?
Just from looking at this projection, Ike should pick up a Tx Tag. Make things a lot cheaper as he cruises through Austin and Dallas.
Forecast is now that it will come in a few hours earlier than originally thought (late Friday evening/very early Saturday morning).

Almost every model has it coming straight to Austin. There is almost no chance this game will be played, barring a big change in direction.
ok so im also in the crowd that expects this game to get postponed...a previous poster mentioned the 1st week in december...we cant play that weekend because the Big 12 Championship game is then...unless the Big 12 would be willing to move that back for us (not a chance)...so the weekend of Sept. 27th seems to be the only option...however, why couldnt the game be Thursday the 25th. I know we play on the 20th, but i mean come on, its freakin Rice...if the game were on the 25th, it would have much fewer complications with the Austin Music thing....just an idea...
As quickly as the path changed today it can change back tomorrow. From what I can gather, the major player in this is a frontal system coming from the north. The computer models started picking this system up today and that is why the dirction changed more north.
I am expecting them to make a decision on the game tomorrow evening, but you can put me in the category of this game not being played.
The UT athletic dept has already stated that there won't be a decision made until Thursday. They said that on the KXAN local news tonight. FYI.
If it is cancelled for evacuation purposes and people actually come to stay in the gym, etc. then would they all be gone by the next Saturday? I kind of doubt it so it could end up affecting that game too.
First of all the game will not be "CANCELLED".

Postponed more than likely but not cancelled.

The game will be moved to the 27th.
Mark it down.

Screw the ACL Fest.
Who cares anyway.

If you can't find a room then stay with friends or drive back after the game. A lack of hotel rooms or a schedule of a bunch of crappy bands that most people have never heard of will not effect the decision to move this game.

It will get moved to the 27th so get ready and get over it.

The only other possibility is Friday night and I just do not see this happening because of television.