Ike Will Threaten Texas-Arkansas

I'm going on record again (originally I predicted a King Ranch landfall) and saying that our game is toast.

Today's 5PM Eastern Projection has Ike right over Austin at 2 PM, still as a Tripical Storm.

I totally understand why they'd have to cancel the game, but I'm going to be very cranky if they move it to the 27th and I have to sell my ACL wristband.
I realize Bellmont has to prepare for the worst, but this reminds me so much of Gustav. Everyone is panicking and wringing their hands.

Hopefully, like Gustav, the storm will be minor.
pushing it up to thurs/fri seems best bet. gonna suck for a lot of people. no arkie fans to worry about. we've got that going for us.
We can certainly hope for that, but the ingredients are a little different this time. There was a cool pocket of water off the LA coast that kept Gustav from getting stronger, and in fact he got a little weaker.

We don't have that luxury off the TX coast right now. Water is warm & toasty. We might get lucky and have wind shear or dry air, but right now that's not predicted.
Appears to be some misunderstanding here. The game won't be postponed because of any effect weather may have during the game. According to Halliburton, Dodds told her that the state may open roads only for evacuation and use the campus for an evacuation site for coastal residents. Dodds expects to hear from Perry tomorrow
My guess is that they make a decision some time after lunch tomorrow, maybe even around this time.
By then, we'll see how Ike reacts to the warm Gulf. If he ramps up to CAT 3 or more, and the models still point toward central TX coast, game off.

Models could shift even farther north to Galveston, or toward LA border. That might allow UT to keep game on. Still, if Ike gets to CAT 3 or higher, it's going to be hard to justify having the game when so many Texans will be concerned with protecting their homes, and themselves.

Texas Jack,
This morning there were tornado warnings in SW Florida due to the outer bands of Ike. Most of south FL was experiencing sustained winds of 30mph or greater. Here was the wind advisory for south Florida today.

In reply to:

Anybody else attend the '84 Arkansas game? That was quite a storm.

The game went to the final play (Shibest tackled around the Texas 10, needing a TD for the Hogs to win), and I got completely soaked.
Unless Ike stalls for a full day or makes a drastic course change for Mexico or Alabama, this game will be canceled by Wed. night IMO.

Belmont probably has contingency plans for scenarios like this, but I don't think moving the game to Thurs. or Fri. night is a realistic alternative - too many problems including the TV broadcast. I think the more likely scenario is moving the game to Sept. 27th, when both teams have a bye week OR perhaps the first week of Dec. Both may be dictated by TV.

I believe in the early 60's UT was supposed to play Tulane at New Orleans and I think they moved it to Austin to avoid an approaching hurricane. But this was in the day before a TV broadcasts for an OCC game like that. I seriously doubt UT & Dodds would agree to move this game to Fayettnam on Sat. for several rea$on$.

I'm no weatherman but I have a hard time believing that if this "projection" holds course for another 24 hours, that a single state official wont order evacuations of the coast or that the UT AD will not cancel.

It wouldn't matter if the weather is 80 and Sunny at kickoff. The cancellation isn't for "Austin weather", it's due to coastal evacuations.
The threat of 70 MPH sustained winds in Austin alone will force a decision soon.
I have a bad feeling the game is going to be canceled, which sucks because I am making arrangements to travel from Cali. As for postponing the game, Josephine is coming right after Ike.

Actually, while living in N. Carolina (right in the middle of the state) we would have just a Cat 1 or strong Tropical Storm hit the SE coast and still get some pretty vicious weather--in the middle of the state, a good 3-4 hours from the coast.

So, some of you don't think Austin is going to just see a weak gulleywasher if it hits the perfect storm course.

On the other hand, could you imagine playing a game in 70mph winds? A lot of us in the stands would be going home with footballs.

I'm jumping on the cancel wagon as well---just don't see this one being played if it keeps course and hits the coast at 8am Sat as it's now projecting.

Next projection comes out at 6pm, I believe.
so dodds is waiting on a decision from governor perry?

my guess is that perry will ask that we move the arkie game to thanksgiving and cancel thwe game against aggy, since we are going to hatefuck them into bolivian that day.
I glad to see that folks on this thread -- one of three on the subject -- actually seem to get it. The problem is not with the wind and rain but the massive displacement of up to 2,000,000 people. Perry wants the Austin hotels freed up for evacuees and there is talk that the campus itself would house people (Erwin Center I guess, maybe Greg Gym).

Sure we could play the game in the storm, but everybody from Dallas, san Antonio and Houston couldn't be there because all the roads will be closed or jammed. Not every UT ticket holder lives in Austin and Dodds is at least aware of this.