'I Feel Duped on Climate Change'

I'm all for taking away federal subsidies and Alt Energy and EV mandates, but we do not need to do things that are actively hostile and restrictive. this includes getting in the way of states that want to do their own thing with alternate energy.

If wind and solar are implemented, the only way to do it is through government subsidy and regulation. Taking away subsidies will kill these things. If a state puts further restrictions on them it is of little impact.
If wind and solar are implemented, the only way to do it is through government subsidy and regulation. Taking away subsidies will kill these things. If a state puts further restrictions on them it is of little impact.
If taking away a FEDERAL subsidy is enough to make a program die, then so be it. If California wants to use California money to subsidize a program then the federal gov't should not be getting in the way. Or if an industry can stand on its own the federal gov't should not be actively trying to kill it. The dem's were wrong to try and kill oil/gas and the GOP will just as wrong to try and kill alt energy.
I think if and when a really big, true energy breakthrough happens, it will involve stripping the H2 from water (H2O) in a cheap, efficient and economical way, and burning the hydrogen.

Supposedly, in the Balkans, there exists an undeveloped 'hydrogen field', like a natural gas field, but with hydrogen. Who knows how much is there? There could be others.

There's an unlimited supply of water. You just have to distill it. (or maybe not to strip the Hydrogen).
I think if and when a really big, true energy breakthrough happens, it will involve stripping the H2 from water (H2O) in a cheap, efficient and economical way, and burning the hydrogen.

Supposedly, in the Balkans, there exists an undeveloped 'hydrogen field', like a natural gas field, but with hydrogen. Who knows how much is there? There could be others.

There's an unlimited supply of water. You just have to distill it. (or maybe not to strip the Hydrogen).
Here it is:

Of course, first we'll have to intervene in some stupid war in the Balkans to secure this energy source in the hands of our trusted, quiet, meek, understated, non-gold chain wearing, cheap car driving, law abiding, women respecting, not enough cologne splashing, and hairless allies--the Albanians.*

*seriously, the one Albanian-American family that I really know are among the nicest people you can find, and they are actually rather meek and understated. But.....................the husband does have some uncles and cousins you don't want to f@ck with. Some guys you wonder where they get all their $$$$ since they don't work, and don't appear to do much except drink, fight, gamble, and race their expensive cars on the streets.
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