I assume you are referring to skeptics of the anthropomorphic global warming (AGW) theory when you say the "anti-GW crowd". The way science normally works is that a hypothesis is offered with supporting data, and the data is peer reviewed to determine the validity of the hypothesis. The hypothesis is not assumed to be correct until it is proven wrong. The hypothesis can be invalid if the data is found to insufficiently support the hypothesis, or even if the integrity of the data comes under question.
The cold fusion hypothesis comes to mind, especially since it embarrassed aggy. Ha, ha. An experiment was done supporting cold fusion, and aggy repeated the experiment and claimed it worked as well. But no one else could obtain the same results. So the cold fusion hypothesis became just another aggy joke.
With AGW, the theory was advanced with "adjusted" data from an uncontrolled environment. When I say the data was adjusted, I'm saying datapoints that didn't fit the conclusion were rejected without documentation. It can be acceptable to reject data, if you provide justification as to why the data was rejected. For example, if you are collecting experimental data involving the temperature inside a refrigerator, it would be acceptable to reject data from times when the refrigerator door was opened.
The many scientists who called the holes in the data into question were not answered. Many of those who pressed for answers were personally attacked and called names. The scientists pushing the AGW hypothesis have consistently refused to provide the data they used to support the claim. This is the opposite of typical science. And then there is the Wikileaks release of the emails between many championing the AGW hypothesis. Many of these emails seemed to indicate the scientists were adjusting the data to hide periods of time that do not support AGW. There are many flaws in the data, but no one is allowed to question the hypothesis.
So it is ignorant to say that the "anti-GW crowd" has to prove its case when the original case has never been proven. There have been a number of scientists who have questioned the data including, Dr. Roy Spencer - Senior Scientist for Climate Studies, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Dr. Robert C. Balling – Former Director, Office of Climatology (U. of Az) Professor Tim Patterson – Dept. of Earth Science - Carlton University, Professor John Christy – IPCC Lead Author, and many others. But the questions about the data are ignored, because a good fraction of the ignorant public have been frightened by movies about AGW.