Weaponry: For guns, you'll want to have something quiet more than anything, not necessarily powerful. A shotgun for close range, a pistol or two; preferably with lasers, an accurate rifle for long range combat and something with a high rate of fire. As for melee combat, you'll want something along the lines of a large hatchet, hunting knives, and possibly a combat knife if available.
Fortifications: Im thinking underground bunkers or large bomb shelters for temporary occupation; but for longer periods of time, isolate yourself in the mountains or even a dense, remote jungle or forest; but any fortifications there would probably not be very suitable. Otherwise, you should opt for something already established and made for defense, like an old military base or bunker. Furthermore, any place with actual military presence would be favorable for survival. Most anything off shore is a safe bet.
Transportation: Like your firearms, youll want something quiet and subtle. Youll want a nimble, quick car more than anything else. You could opt for a bike for even more subtlety, but if your bike breaks, your screwed. Oh yeah, and make sure the car is a dark color and avoid daytime driving; you'll be that much more subtle.
Other items: The zombies will more than likely be vulnerable to light, so carry anything with UV light. If at all possible, use floodlights or heavy-duty spotlights for your fortifications. Of course, youll need a radio-preferably hand-powered, lots of batteries, canned food, matches or any sort of lighter to make fire, water purifying tablets if you expect to run out of drinking water quickly, soap (if they cant smell your b.o, it's that much harder for them to find you), a multi purpose pocket knife, gas, maps, and anything to fortify your location. Oh yeah, and it couldnt hurt to carry a Bible.
I scored 52% on that survival quiz. We need guns now.
By the way, I am Worsterman's son; not him.