How prepared are you for a zombie infestation?

Not being even a Former Naval Person, I am not sure about this whole Lex thing. Do we have a current, or even mothballed CV Lexington? I thought the first and last was sunk at Coral Sea or shortly after Midway.

I like the Gray AFB idea- for a couple of reasons, mostly nostalgic. The Doolittle-Tokyo Raid pilot it was named after was our HS classmate and good friend's uncle, and the family home was on Gray St. in Killeen until my Mom died.

My concern is that movement from up here in the kind of s__tstorm that seems to be coming could be problematic, what with traveling in the day and holing up at night. Stuff to sleep in the back of the truck.

I guess we'd need a siphoning device for fuel and a case or two of MRE's --and both of our 6 gallon water jugs. TP.

Maybe a Rhino bumper for the Dakota and a mounted searchlight. My Browning High Power might be useful, and we could get the Mrs. a small 9mm Glock. A pair of mini-14's should round it out. Not looking for long range work, just to keep them well off the truck.

A Bowie and the samurai sword for edges, A couple of those garlic garlands as a last resort.
Idahorn is in charge, I agree.

I can raise rabbits / chickens, farm and man / command a mortar crew.

One very important question though, will these be the 24 / 7 type zombies or the kind that melt in sunlight ?? For our sakes I hope we have the night time zombies.
3 putt, we'd better reckon on all variants. We should have the available DVD's on the subject and a player in order to evaluate the capabilities of all types.

We might begin thinking about other DVD's for instructional purposes and also to inspire the troops. I'll draft a list.

Here is the draft:
The Last of the Mohicans-implications of siege warfare
Drums Along the Mohawk - ditto
The Patriot- along with Mohicans, tomahawk technique
Master and Commander- sheer ingenuity
Waterloo -maneuver, general instruction
Alamo (both) further implications of siege warfare, inspiration
Zulu- a man with a plan
Zulu Dawn -NOT- except for the supply types, as a warning
SPR- a man with a plan, v.2.0
A Bridge Too Far- s__t happens
Bataan-just inspiration
The Train- a man with a plan, v.3.0
Midway- the best laid plans gang aft astray
Pork Chop Hill- repelling mass attacks
Red Dawn- improvisation by militia
Under Siege- value of highly trained guys and stunning women
Predator- combat with unconventional enemies
The Wild Bunch-massacres ‘r’ us
Proof of Life-tactical flexibility and planning
Deliverance-implications of capture
Independence Day- unconventional enemies
Rob Roy-use of edged weapons
The Duellists- ditto

For the ladies: (On the assumption they do not wish operate weapons directly, “they also serve who stand and wait.”) There are other things they can do to be very useful.

They Were Expendable-nurses
Red River- powder monkeys
Sink the Bismarck- staff types
Fargo- police the rear area
Silence of the Lambs-ditto
the only problem i see arising from using military bases (forts, Cheyenne mountain, etc) is that I don't think the military will be happy to accept anybody form the infected zone onto their territory. if we learned anything from 28 weeks later, the military, in the end, will kill everything. i really dont feel like getting stuck in between a military garrison and a wall of zombies...

as for the lex, it's not a military base and will be unguarded (except for possible hyper-survivalist that beat us there). CV-16 (the lex that became the museum) was a real carrier which served in WW2 after the first (CV-2) was sunk and was later turned into a museum. certainly not in working condition now, but it provides a secure base from which engineers can eventually get most of the life support system online.
Mac; one thing Mrs Idahorn2 learned in USAREUR (three tours); dependants are expendable.

We are about 35 Interstate miles from MHAFB. 38 miles total. There used to be a good BBQ place 100 yds from the front gate, but no more.

3 putt seems to have a handle on the jargon, could he be a resource??

I should have remembered about the airfield at Ft Lewis, the son/heir was a grunt there for a few years.
Hey, I said it was a draft; what sort of thing did you have in mind?

My editor says some of my references, allusions, etc. are rather more than merely obscure. (Milton?) This is a recurring problem, I am advised. Your author would be glad to attempt explanation where helpful to anyone. Time is of the essence.
I'm really upset that none of you are taking the super wal mart suggestion seriously. You all are going to be eaten by zombies while I'm chilling out with all the luxuries a little bit of money can buy.

I wish I could do something more to help y'all, but you guys seem to be really set on making your way to a floating museum.

Good luck guys.
My plan is to build a moat around my encampment and place bear traps all along the bottom. The zombies will simply walk right in thinking in their diseased little minds that although they are poor swimmers they don't need to breathe and can just walk along the bottom of the moat to the other side. Those undead not captured in the bear traps will exit the moat hearing Thriller broadcasted over the external loudspeaker system and immediately begin lining up to begin choreographed dancing. That is when I will begin mowing them down with this:


Available in kit form for $399 plus shipping, this gatling gun is made from 2 Ruger 10/22 rifles and is perfect for mowing down zombies with head shots especially when they are all neatly lined up. They can also be easily mounted in the bed of a pickup truck for when we leave the encampment to run errands.

While the 22 hollow point rimfire is a perfect choice for zombie control due to the cheap ammo and decent accuracy, it would be basically useless against the aforementioned and impending robot takeover and other zombie threats. I think a 223 would be the best choice for defending against robots hellbent on our enslavement, coyotes that gain superstrength by feasting upon the carcasses of the the undead, as well as the longer range shots necessary to eliminate the zombies from the Dallas metroplex most easily identified by their popped collars and who would stay well outside the moat for fear of getting their $200 jeans, $150 manpris or $100 jorts wet and just wait for us to leave the encampment.
Well I guess we can write off Bevo5 and 12thstud.

I mean seriously, Wal-Mart? A moat and bear traps?

Ida should be in charge of our puzzle palace operation. Have the S-2 and S-3 shops rolled onto one guy.

Now we just need logistics. Anyone with any S-1 skills?

Mac is right as well. some pilots will be needed and someone to handle S-3 Air.

I am for setting up in the northern climes as well.

Maybe have immediate regional rally points for a set location and number of days. 3 days or 1 week? Then after we are consolidated into movement groups, all the groups from each region moves to our primary place of defense/habitation.

Key thing to remember is compassion and hesitation will kill you. Sounds harsh but that's life in the infested world.
First time posting in this serious thread, and I haven't seen all of the documentaries, but by my estimates anything to do with fire, napalm, etc. could be a very bad idea.

If infection can occur from the mere splatter of blood, isn't it possible that the rising smoke of the flaming dead undead could pass along the infection?

I think a better option could be throwing the zombie carci in a large volcano far far far away from the established base. And make sure the volcano is to the east so that the issue of wind blowing the infection closer would be of no concern. The Cat's in the previous thread would be a great use in throwing piles of zombies into the molten lava.

Just some unsolicited, yet possibly life-saving, advice.
I recall seeing that Ruger 10/22 Gatling gun kit in a SoF magazine at the barber shop years ago. Just not sure how practical it is if heavier stuff if available. Maybe if they get inside our walls a lighter automatic weapon with the rate of fire of a Gatling gun or two would be good. Short range, high rate of fire... worth a thought.

S-1 is personnel, S-4 is supply.

Perhaps volunteers would work.

On the other hand, TexasDan has evaluated 12th stud and Bevo5, maybe a little harshly; anyway, that sounds like a born S-1.

3putt says he can raise chickens and farm. Someone else mentioned rabbits above. These guys have mess officer potential. Game should be available for fresh meat.

Not to digress too much, but I recall reading somewhere that the Red Army's diet in WW2 consisted largely of thick split pea soup with Hormel Spam chunks. Peas grow fast and are broadly nutritious; Spam has infinite shelf life and real protein. I suggest we accumulate all the Spam we can, maybe corned beef hash for variety. Tuna and sardines. Tang. Gag>instant coffee<gag.

Lots of thinking has to go into provisions. Also shelter, replacement clothing, bedding, and every thing else needed for camping and killing.

To be a good S-4, one must have more than a little larceny in one's heart. This is the case in normal times, and these will not likely be normal times.
I volunteer to take on the S-4 duties. I can get my hands on **** ton of MREs plus some of these:


And some of these:


In a time of zombie infestation, I can get my hands on automatic weapons and ammo.
I think there are some available islands out in the Aleutians... I'm sure you have something a bit more tropical in mind, however... again, COLD.

There's a **** ton of small islands all along the coast of British Columbia extending all the way to Alaska. The benefit here is that they are along the Inside Passage which means calmer seas than the Aleutians. They are also near Coast Guard bases (both U.S. and Canadian) as well as within reach of Naval Base, Kitsap which encompasses the sub base at Bangor and the shipyard at Bremerton. LOTS of assets for use at these locations.
I'm putting my money on the less-awesome zombies that make up the majority of movies. The super-zombies in "I am legend" aren't going to really happen so I'm not putting much into that.
Bevo5- if there is anything at all to this business, it's not your money that is at stake.

Garibaldi- if a virus can be killed in an autoclave, isn't incineration ala napalm about the same thing? Don't see how one could survive napalm and succumb to lava. An open question...

Let's think about a rolling logs with spikes. Wouldn't the spikes dig into the ground and halt the roll, especially if the log is kinda heavy like most logs? Spartacus used logs rolling downhill on the Romans, but they were on fire, not spiked. Hmmm...

Aleutians? Are we birdwatchers?

Ships, desert islands, tiny little islands like the San Juans. All these have the same problem and it is a long term one. LTC Neville seems to have had a corn crop growing, and he was attempting to harvest some venison. The folks up in Vermont, glimpsed briefly from a chopper, had wind farm generators and were cultivating some good farmland. There is a need to be self-sustaining for food and energy. Water is assumed.

Corn, beans, peppers, some meat and a little dairy, a Mayan diet. Rabbits, geese, a few pigs (pork fat rules) and dairy herd--milk and such and occasional veal. The above-mentioned peas. Balanced diet. Spam can't last forever.

rtc, agreed on Killeen, and we (the Mrs and I) graduated HS there in '67. Other reasons for not choosing it as a site. The terrain there is open with some scattered knolls and good fields of fire if the cedar is cleared. NCAA's 'dozers would be handy. However, the land is not very arable and the climate is pretty hot. Zombie thrives.

Garlic garlands. Vincent Price, LTC Neville's predecessor, tried garlic at his doors many years ago; maybe garlands would work better.

I think we need to begin weeding out the pudnockers. There are a few in this 11 page thread.
Ordered the Brooks books on zombie survival and war from Amazon. Odd how the son of a great comic such as Mel Brooks would turn to such grave matters to earn a living. Mrs. Robinson, on the other hand, seemed to be a very serious lady; maybe she was the author's Mom.

Hope they arrive in time to be useful. (Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z)

One thing I read, in a review, is that it is a real advantage to have very short hair when contending with zombies. Not sure why, but there it is. I have seen hair clippers that do not require electrical current; the look rather like a garden implement.
I brought up the rolling log idea.

We need some focus on some renewable type weapons. We'll only have so many bullets. A rolling, flaming log could wipe out plenty of zombies.

As for the spikes, if you keep the spikes short enough the weight of the log should keep it moving. Think of it as a meat tenderizer on the roll. Roll it back to the top and it's ready to use again.
How about telephone poles with battery acid poured on them?

And as for renewable weaponry:


These can be used to hurl rocks, flaming piles of poo (hey, we either dig a latrine or use it to our advantage.)


From high walls, these can be deadly at distances of up to 200 yards. With a flaming poo tip, we could do some serious damage before needing to break out the rifles. Keep in mind, 200 yards is TWO football fields. Sure, with a good scope and a spotter, your average marksman can shoot something out over 1000 yards but if we're talking about fast movers, then a hail of flaming poo tipped arrows could do the job. And any arrows that don't hit a Z could possibly be retrieved for re-use.
All of this talk is well and good, but you need to expand into more nuances than survival. There is money to be made off of these zombie proof colonies. We should compile the best ideas and present it to respected businessmen and celebrities. The money is endless. Then, we sit back with our millions and billions with no worries of zombies
Money will be of no use cn the new zombie economy. Now, if we were to turn todays ca$h into something very fluid, desireable & able to store indefinitely come the pending Z apocolypse, you might be onto something.

Speaking of celebs, I believe Letterman might have a compound or fortress going on in Montana.


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