A couple of developments:
12th Stud's twin 10/22 Gatling gun kits are now available through Cabelas; at least the shooting and reloading catalog. They, thankfully, come without the barstool tripod depicted in 12th Stud's post.
The books from Max Brooks arrived, apparently with time to spare. Just began the Survival manual and it is obvious that the information therein is a bit dated.
It seems the virus has evolved or morphed or whatever. The zombies recorded in the recent documentary on LTC Neville are considerably more capable than those in the book. Their vulnerabilities also seem to have increased. More later.
The twin 10/22 Gatling gun continues to tug at my thoughts. In addition to use if the zombies get within our walls, the rapid fire weapon might be useful on scouting or raiding forays. If such adventures would be useful despite the risks, these guns could afford protection. For instance, if we learn of ammo dumps, or numbers of the aforementioned hot commodities, or canned food, etc., we could send out small convoys to acquire the goods.
For supply raids:
Perhaps three trucks, two relatively small ones for guns and one really large for cargo. Two pickups (not sure yet which makes and models might be best) each mounting four of the Gatling guns. The guns could be bolted or mounted (ideally with a quick release mechanism) somehow to the roof, both sidewalls of the bed, and the tailgate. Boxes of magazines (ammo, not the fold-out kind) within easy reach. If used in convoy, one gun truck in front (the tailgunner could assist the others unless his gun is needed). The other gun truck in the rear, with the front gunner being the available assistant. Plenty of commo to link up the vehicles.
For scouts:
Two trucks (you are all familiar with the wingman concept). Each mounted with four Gatling guns for 360 degree fields of fire. Video camera, infrared sensors (but only if these devils give off heat-without metabolisms, they might not) and plenty of commo, including radios capable of reporting to the compound.
Only experience will tell us whether these combinations would be good for their intended purposes. I would doubt they would be good for inflicting significant casualties simply because of the high ratio of ammunition expended per kill. The guns would be protective only.
All this assumes Mac's Strykers are not available. Just some thoughts.