How do you ask a woman out on a date?

So you value this woman's reference on a resume more than her potential to be the woman you spend the rest of your life with?

Maybe she ain't the one and you shouldn't even bother asking her out. Plenty of other fish in the sea whose reference you won't need.

Or you can man up and say, "Damnit, screw this reference excuse. I'm gonna ask her out because she is worth it."

Seriously, it's not like if you don't have her reference, you'll be destitute and on the streets.
I know a lot of you have said "just ask her out" which is fine advice and probably the thing to do, but I do have other fishing lines in the sea since I had lunch with another woman today.

All I'm saying is that I'd probably like to go out with this other woman more.

With today's schedule, I just wasn't able to drop by her work and talk to her, although we did e-mail each other. I'd rather ask her the "do you want to go on a date" question in person.
Punt, I must ask more about said skills before I can committ to going out. And I would like pictures of the custom bikes.

We can work on the bow tie issue.
I sure wish I had mad endurance bike skilz.

Punt, I still think you should go for the brining brisket route. Never fails to get women "in the mood".

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