How did you come up with your screen name?

Location and first name.

I could have been Texas Pete, but then I would have sounded like a hot sauce. Besides, I think that name was already taken.
I was a lurker for a few years, but finally signed up just to get tickets on the swap meet board. I didn't know what name to give when it asked me, but then I noticed a little banner ad on the left and it had a picture of a chef in it. It was short and sweet and available so I took it.
well...a friend and i were in the tyler mall about 7 years ago, and one of the stores had an employee named "antonio". he was your typical clothing store gay man, and he really took a liking to my friend and i. well, he proceeded to tell us that he was soon moving to ausin to start a career in comedy, because most comics those days were not "origino" (original). he said it over and i thought it was funny.
Cedar Fever sufferer. I was suffering pretty bad the day I signed up. dribble dribble dribble dribble aaaaachoooooo!! aaaaachoooooo!! aaaaachoooooo!! aaaaachoooooo!! aaaaachoooooo!! aaaaachoooooo!!

That and I used to work with a guy who when you asked him what kind of nationality his last name was he would say phlegmish while making a make a loougie sound in his throat.

In Florida I am phlegmish only on days like today when there a cool front coming from Texas arrives. The temp dosen't drop much but that dammned cedar pollen rides the wind across the gulf. Thank god for generic Claritin D.
Well, it is quite simple actually! I live in St. Louis, Missouri(Missou), and I went to the University of Texas Longhorns(Horn). That equates to MissouHorn!
All American Wishbone FB #30 Steve Worster, 1968-1970, from Bridge City Texas was my idol as kid. He was a bull in a football uniform.

I first thought of him as a screen name and tried numerous combinations with his last name that were already taken or rejected by HF, including several I really wanted: WooWooWorster, WoWorster, WorsterFAN, so in desperation I tried WorsterMAN and it was accepted.

best summer of my life. Dated a very great women and everything just seemed perfect. plus I bought a ski nautique and skiied my *** off.
plv is just short for my hometown of plainview. its up in sand aggie land. couldnt wait for the day when i would take a permenant pilgrimage to austin.
Mine actually started in 1998 when I was going to the chatroom on the New York Yankees website. I had to think of a name and since I am a Texan, and I am female, and my middle name is Ann, Texanne seemed to fit.

I have been called Texanne for so long now that I answer to it as easily as my real name. In fact, at HF tailgates, I prefer to be called Texanne.

I even thought about putting TEXANN or TXANNE on my license plate, but I ended up getting LUVBVO.
My name is in honor of a great Ft. Worth alt-rock band that shook the world in the early 1990's.
(By "world", I mean certain sections of Tarrant County, and by "shook", I mean sold 41 albums - the record industry calls it "going zinc").

Much like the Beatles and Zepplin before them, they called it quits in their prime.

As will be seen in an upcoming VH1 "Where Are They Now" episode, their former lead singer now dwells on Longhorn boards, hoping that one of those 41 "die hards" will remember those long-passed days of glory....
before there was ever a hornfans, i frequented a stock chat room. my username was JoePickin. people would call me Joe and i really didn't like that. i changed my handle to PoJickin. people started just callin me po and i kind of liked that (before there was a telletubby).

the jickin part was kind of strange so i changed it to King Po for a little while(before there was ever a kingdez). then i changed it to po elvis because elvis was the king.

hey, you asked.
JMROB my Army nickname - short for Jump Master Rob and I graduated in 93
well Roll Left Happened when I was young and starting to watch football and it's really the first memorable play of watching Longhorn football and still to this day sticks out to me...7 is the number of my good friend Michael Huff we played high school ball together and 76 is the number of future horn my best friend Chris Hall a high school opponent but best friend
I was lurking for a lil while and then after the RB win, I JUST HAD TO post something to share the joy. While signing up I was so friggin' excited I couldn't think rationally so I typed in my email addy! After reading all these posts I'm kickin' myself for not coming up with something that had an interesting story behind.