How bad is this economy going to get?

A life of orgies and depravity will do that to you.

And I enjoyed every minute of it too. :p

In actuality severe asthma did it to me. TV shows asthma as being something that can be easily controlled by puffing on an inhaler. That might be true for mild and moderate asthmatics but we severe ones have harsh lives.
Most of the news I hear about hospitals is that they are laying people off because they are so under utilized. Where have hospitals been running at full capacity with these heroic doctors and nurses. Not saying they aren't. It's just I see advertisements saying how awesome they all are, but when I read an actual news article about what is happening, they always say the opposite.

I opened the tweet and after looking at 100 sanctimonious responses, no one could explain why health care professionals are standing in the middle of the street. I finally read that there was a rally at the capital and some nurses broke their own quarantine to protest. Talk about your virtue signaling!
I opened the tweet and after looking at 100 sanctimonious responses, no one could explain why health care professionals are standing in the middle of the street. I finally read that there was a rally at the capital and some nurses broke their own quarantine to protest. Talk about your virtue signaling!

Probably bored from the empty hospitals.
If Vindictive is a branch of the government, is LH admitting the news media is a government actor? They are the most vindictive people I see.
single digits

FWIW, the May contract ends tomorrow (i think) and no one wants to get stuck right now having to take physical delivery, with the current backup (there is no place to store it)
The June contract is roughly back where things where, $22ish last I looked


A story if interested
Oil futures contract expiring Tuesday dives 50%, touches 34-year low
Most of the news I hear about hospitals is that they are laying people off because they are so under utilized. Where have hospitals been running at full capacity with these heroic doctors and nurses. Not saying they aren't. It's just I see advertisements saying how awesome they all are, but when I read an actual news article about what is happening, they always say the opposite.
So at my client hospitals, the primary issue is lack of OR volume which drives the financial viability of the facility. Hospitals are hiring RN’s, Respiratory clinicians and anesthesia personnel to work on critically ill patients. They are furloughing administrative and others that are not caring for critical patients. Overall census is down too compared to average daily census and capacity.

The most Covid patients in any of my facilities is 26, with 14 being employees.
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The quarantine has proven that staying at home all of the time does save lives. Against the coronavirus and accidents in life in fact. Hospitals are fairly empty right now. Perhaps after the coronavirus we should just stay quarantined where we can never die in a car accident or even die from the common flu. We could save 100,000 lives a year. What I'm saying is absolutely true so why don't we do it?
I know that libs like you, LH are perfecting fine at home mooching off the government and finding dumb anti-Trump crap to post every day. Most of us want to do more in life than just exist. We want to live life.
The quarantine has proven that staying at home all of the time does save lives. Against the coronavirus and accidents in life in fact. Hospitals are fairly empty right now. Perhaps after the coronavirus we should just stay quarantined where we can never die in a car accident or even die from the common flu. We could save 100,000 lives a year. What I'm saying is absolutely true so why don't we do it?
Because we have businesses to run and jobs to do. We aren’t waiting around for UBI money. Longest Horn seems to prefer chastising everyone on multiple boards than working.

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