Help! I need some advice***UPDATED

perham, read my post again. Of course he would miss the Hawaii trip if needed. I said he wouldn't give up UT.
Its seems like you're missing some pretty important pieces to this puzzle. Why are they saying he has to attend the summer session to be accepted? Could he not take easier class(es) for that time period and then go on the trip but goes for a 4 day weekend trip as opposed to 14? The airline might be willing to work with you. I mean - that would get him a trip to Hawaii but still keep him a Longhorn.
Mary- whats confusing the **** out of all of us older grads (read 28+) is that when we went to school there were a lot of provisional acceptance kids who HAD to attend the summer classes and maintain a GPA above a certain # ( I think 2.5), if they did that for 2 summer semesters, they were accepted into school for real in the fall-

HOWEVER, in my experience, none of those provisionals were the kind of student to already have 40 hours of AP and college courses locked up- for most of them, they had decent SAT scores and mid-level grades in H.S. (like a c or c+ average). The school was willing to take a chance that the student side of them would overcome the previous "mediocre" performance.

Based on some posts above it looks like that provisional program is no longer available, but something doesnt seem right to have to take classes that early if you truely have 43 credit hours already locked up.

You gotta get in contact with the Freshman Dean and explain in writing your confusion.

Sounds like those hours you are talking about arent being taken into consideration (or worse, arent being accepted).
I'm beginning to think they do not have his transcrpits from the accredited college here. Or maybe that just overlooked it?

He does have the 43 hours because we have paid for every course and it also went through the counselor at his school.

I will be checking that today.

thanks to all that helped.
A colleague at work here has a daughter who is a National Merit finalist, with 20 hours of AP 5's, who was accepted as provisional. This is the nature of the competitive situation in this year's freshman class. It is no mistake. Summer is the only way in.

Mary, so what if he has taken "all" the freshman math, history, etc,. It won't kill him to take more math or more of anything (additional, different courses) and/or spread out topically. Its not what he takes, its that he takes the summer courses that gets him into UT. He does not have to repeat any classes, assuming so is wrong. He does have to take a certain amount of classes, that much is right.
Did you mail the transcript to UT? I always had trouble mailing transcripts from the community college (CC) to UT (seemed to get lost fairly often) and would drop them off at the registrar's office which use to be in east side, ground floor of the tower. I can't remember now, but there might have been a step where you go online and pick the class I wanted UT credit for for the given CC class, but I might be getting that step confused with claiming AP credit. This process might be automatic now, but it definitely was not when I was there 5 years ago.

If you do a degree audit through your UTID I think you can see what classes and how many hours you have on your UT transcript.
If he really wants to go on the trip, and he doesn´t mind being in class for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week (kind of like 13th grade but harder)

Why not take 9 hours during the summer session when he WON´T be in Hawaii?
Seems like there was a self-paced psycology course that he could take that you could take as many as two tests a day. If it's still an option 25 year later... Find some sort of self paced classes or internet classes that will help pad the course hours. Then double up on the Semester you are not going to be in Hawaii. If you got lucky and found some partially internet testing based course that might qualify he might be able to take a few tests while in Hawaii.

I agree that the first thing you need to do is set an appointment with the Counselor. But look at the self paced classes as potential option to spread the load he needs to get in come September. I will bet that as a incoming soph there is some sort of self paced Psych, antrhopology, or something he can take without having to attend class those 10days.

Just my thoughts
I'm not sure why any kid would want to have 43 hours of college credit and enter UT as a sophomore. That's only 3 years of living in Austin as a college student before graduating.

****. I took a lot of 12 hour semesters so I could extend my stay into one more football season (graduated in December 94).

18 is too young to be thinking ahead like that, IMO. No need to rush the college experience.
Can someone tell me what the big deal about Dobie Towers is? I updated in my orig post about this, but just in case no one reads that, I am putting it here.

My neighbor, who is the biggest UT fan ever, is so excited about my son attending there, however, he asked where he will be living, and when told it was DOBIE, he made a comment about it is mostly JEWS there. My first thought was that he thought we were being cheap, but my husband said it was because that is where the rich stay. WTF?

We aren't rich, but this is where my son wanted to stay and I have no idea what the living costs of any of the places in Austin are. He wanted that and we accepted it.

My neighbor stated the following day that he had talked to our school prinicpal (he has no children that go to high school) and told him about our son, and the prinicipal stated something in similar fashion as my neighbor did about JEWISH.

What am I missing here? I could care less who lives there, as long as it is safe. So why is this such a big thing?
I thought University Towers was where the Jewish contingent lived? It goes by a lot of nicknames. I remember Tel Aviv Towers.

Not sure what the big deal was, either. "Oooooh, Jewish people live there." BFD.
West Campus is crazy expensive too, but if you live there anything that is not bolted down will be stolen. You will also be serenaded by drunken people having the same fights every night at 3:15 AM and construction cranes building the same apartments every day at 6:55 AM. Parking in West Campus is like a treasure hunt where your awesome reward is the right to avoid being towed for 12 hours (a $196.32 value).
I lived at Dobie, but not Jewish. If i remember correctly, Dobie was way more expensive than on-campus housing, and that's why it was assumed that the "rich" kids lived there. I applied for housing late, and didn't have many other options; and didn't relish the idea of wearing shower shoes when bathing. It was okay for 2 years, but worked out to be less expensive to get an apartment for junior and senior years.
I never thought of Dobie as being Jewish. I saw it as being kind of Asian. But, whatever.

Towers was definitely Jewish.

But, I still don't see why this would matter to anyone, people you've told, mary. That's kind of odd they would make that comment.
When I went to UT from 1991-1995 Dobie was known as the "Hebrew Hilton". Heard that University Towers now has more of a Jewish contingent these days.
University Towers and Dobie are comparable in price, but I am surprised your son wants to stay at Dobie. The rooms are much bigger at Towers. An apartment size room compared to Dobie's dorm sized rooms.

I stayed at Towers in the '90's and am not Jewish, nor were my three roommates. I never thought about it being primarily Jewish. Like the previous poster so eloquently put it, he will always remember the summer before freshman year living at Towers.
I'm going to go ahead and throw in some love for the Castillian.

It came down to a choice between that and Dobie for me, and after waiting 20 minutes for the elevator during my tour of Dobie, I optied for the Castle. That place ruled.
i was at the castilian in 98-99 and it was a blast. dobie is nice, but i can say with 100% certainty that my friends who lived there wished they lived at towers or castilian.
So now you tell me about the other living places after we already paid for DOBIE.

He will be taking Ancient History and Anthropolgy and one other course I don't remember, but he is excited none the less.

Should he speak to his professors about missing each class twice and take advantage of the Hawaii trip or is it not even worth it?
Taking off two days in summer school is tough as each summer class covers about twice the material as a fall/spring class would cover. So missing two in summer school is like missing a week and a half in the fall/spring. See my username for more about that.

But it's worth a try with the professors. Sounds like your son is more responsible than I was.

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