Have you been Vaccinated?

Have you been Vaccinated?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 61.3%
  • No

    Votes: 11 35.5%
  • Partial

    Votes: 1 3.2%

  • Total voters

Furthermore, I'm not indifferent to the virus or the risk I could get it despite precautons / social limitations I take.

Daily, as a preventative I take:

50 MG - Zinc
1000 MG vitamin C
5000 IU vitamin D

If you have not been vaccinated I highly recommend these supplements. Doctors and health professionals recommend those to boost the immune system.

Zinc is HUGE. It stops the replication of the virus in the cells - but it is helped by Hydroxichloriquine or Quercetin to get into the cell more effectively. My wife knows all this and I have read this too.

If I get Covid symptoms I will double those vitamin doses. Plus I have Hydroxichloriquine and Ivermectin if needed (pardon if spelling is wrong).

On top of that I have access to a Dr. that will prescribe a nebulizer, steroids or anything else he determines that would help.

Hope this helps someone else better protect themselves... including vaccinated that are vulnerable to a possible break through version of Covid.
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Who cares? No one has ever asked me in my entire lifetime if I have vaccinations.

Sorry, pretty stupid.

I'll admit that this annoys me as well. Other than schools, nobody has ever asked me if I had my measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines. It was just assumed to be private health information. But for whatever reason, people think it's their place to ask about this. Nothing against the OP because this is anonymous, but many do it in public, non-anonymous settings.
Regeneron people.

My wife just read me a text from a close friend in Florida. 2 people this woman knew came down with Covid or Delta version. Both were give Regeneron and both recovered very quickly. This is the same med Trump was given when he got the virus and he recovered very quickly as I recall.

Just .02
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I'll admit that this annoys me as well. Other than schools, nobody has ever asked me if I had my measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines. It was just assumed to be private health information. But for whatever reason, people think it's their place to ask about this. Nothing against the OP because this is anonymous, but many do it in public, non-anonymous settings.
When this all started, I had some very young FOs ask me if I had my shot. The look of what the **** are you asking me that for on my face must have given them their answer.
Mrs. HHD and I have both been vaccinated. We have great faith in our PCP. He has been our PCP for 17+ years; he believes strongly in preventive medicine. He advised us to take the shots, so we did (with no ill effects).

When I was on USAF active duty, I had to keep my shot records current. Before I rotated to Southeast Asia, I had to be vaccinated for everything that was a problem there (Malaria, yellow fever, and who-knows-what-else). So I was accustomed to required vaccinations. Even as a participating Reservist (at Carswell and later at Bergstrom), I was required to get the annual flu shot, as well as keeping worldwide mobility shots current - so I don't think it's a big deal to take vaccinations. But I respect the right of each individual to make his own choice.

I have a form of blood cancer. I've been going to MD Anderson along with a local oncologist in Austin.

Bystander, sorry to learn of your condition. Hope the treatments are effective and give you a cure.
Furthermore, I'm not indifferent to the virus or the risk I could get it despite precautons / social limits I take.

Daily, as a preventative I take:

50 MG - Zinc
1000 MG vitamin C
5000 MG vitamin D

If you have not been vaccinated I highly recommend these supplements. Doctors and health professionals recommend those to boost the immune system.

Zinc is HUGE. It stops the replication of the virus in the cells - but it is helped by Hydroxichloriquine or Quercetin to get into the cell more effectively. My wife knows all this and I have read this too.

If I get an Covid symptoms I will double those vitamin doses. Plus I have Hydroxichloriquine and Ivermectin if needed (pardon if spelling is wrong).

On top of that I have access to a Dr. that will prescribe a nebulizer, steroids or anything else he determines that would help.

Hope this helps someone else better protect themselves... including vaccinated that are vulnerable to a possible break through version of Covid.
Thanks WM. If I could add this: My wife got a really bad case of COVID last Jan. She is imuno-compromised so I was very concerned and wanted her on a steroidal inhaler or HCQ. Blood oxygen levels were getting low. Our primary care physician refused to prescribe anything because they weren’t “proven” to be effective and safe. BS. I ended up badgering the hell out of the doc at the local COVID testing facility until she finally agreed to prescribe the Steroid inhaler as well as an oral steroid. My wife was 100% better in 24 hours and no symptoms left in 48 hours. Bottom line is that COVID IS a very treatable virus. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
I’m with you but I bet when your daughter hits school, y’all will have to show some immunizations.
Right, and we accept that, and as responsible adults and parents get her vaccinated with all the recommended and school required vaccines. She can't decide that on her own.

Never as a child, however, and especially as an adult, until now, has it ever benn a topic of conversation.
Thanks WM. If I could add this: My wife got a really bad case of COVID last Jan. She is imuno-compromised so I was very concerned and wanted her on a steroidal inhaler or HCQ. Blood oxygen levels were getting low. Our primary care physician refused to prescribe anything because they weren’t “proven” to be effective and safe. BS. I ended up badgering the hell out of the doc at the local COVID testing facility until she finally agreed to prescribe the Steroid inhaler as well as an oral steroid. My wife was 100% better in 24 hours and no symptoms left in 48 hours. Bottom line is that COVID IS a very treatable virus. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Glad you baderged the Doc and your wife is ok!!

Close friend of mine got Covid 6 months ago and his Dr. gave him exactly what your wife's Dr. gave her. He too got well right away.

Therapeutics work for most if you do them early enough!
When this all started, I had some very young FOs ask me if I had my shot. The look of what the **** are you asking me that for on my face must have given them their answer.

I might have said, "no, I haven't been vaccinated. Now let's talk about your last testicular exam. Did the doc feel anything funny? Did it move?"
I know.

I have a form of blood cancer. I've been going to MD Anderson along with a local oncologist in Austin. I've spoken to them and numerous other medical personnel including PA's and nurse practitioners in both locations.

They all laugh at any idea that there is a conspiracy. In fact just today (I was getting a pet scan), a lady who gave me information on treatment, was laughing with me about how many people would have to be in on this along with the vast hush hush campaign it would require.


Bystander, sorry to learn of this. My very best wishes the Dr. can properly treat you.
Bystander -wish you all the best strength and peace during your cancer fight.
if the MSM media and CDC would quit pushing their agenda or narrative and start telling the truth then I would get it.
I’ve heard plenty of personal stories of very healthy people who are dropping dead with strokes and heart attacks and nothing is being investigating. Last time I checked the CDC has claimed there have been 3 deaths from the vaccine. 3. That number pretends they are counting but it really says 0, but the public would never buy 0. Pfizer isnt counting, the Biden Administration isn’t counting and either is the CDC.
I am considering getting it if the numbers keep rising, This variant is way less lethal than Alpha but way more spreadable— if you look at the numbers/graphs. But no one is saying that either…
Let me tell everyone the story.

I have been suffering from fatigue for many years. I always chalked it up to the stress of the absolute hellish divorce and stalking from my ex wife, the custody battle for my daughter which I won, my career and just plain old getting older (I'm 63). Not to mention those dang Liberals! LOL

Last February I received both Moderna shots in my left arm. After the second shot I developed a rash all over the left side of my chest, biceps and shoulder. I had a lymph node in my armpit blow up grotesquely along with much pain. My "love handle" on the left side also swelled up. I thought, wow, this shot is powerful. After about two weeks I went to the doctor because I had not improved. They said that it was a sign that my immune system was robust and just outraged over the vaccine.

Not long after that, the rash went away as did the pain and the swelling in my love handle. But the large lymph node in my armpit remained. After two more weeks I decided something was abnormal about this so I went to an Oncologist in Austin. Long story short, I had CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia). This diagnosis was in early April. I've had more blood drawn than what seems to be possible, a lymph node removed for analysis and a bone marrow test (white knuckle time on a table while they stick a needle in your rear end but in the end it didn't hurt as the numbing worked). I've met with an Oncologist at MD Anderson who reviewed all the lab results. He is in agreement with the treatment options suggested by the Austin oncologist. Thank God for that. I was sweating a conflict of recommendations.

The Austin Oncologist said it's not an emergency but we need to deal with it. It's going to be with me the rest of my life.

The facts are that I feel pretty good overall given my age. I'm athletic and active. I just have to go through the treatment (immunotherapy infusions and a pill).

Back to the Covid vaccine. They said the vaccine did not cause the CLL, it REVEALED it. So maybe it was a good thing that I got the shot. HOWEVER, I am now immunocompromised because CLL is a blood cancer and in the category that compromises vaccines. It is possible the shot did not work at all. I've not had an antibody test (they say it will be inconclusive) so I have to live as if I'm unvaccinated.

Finally, the also prescribed a pneumonia and shingles shot. Two rounds. I just got the second round last week. Guess what? I've had almost the exact same reaction to the shingles shot. My whole arm is swollen, there is a swollen lymph node that is painful enough to impede sleep on that side and I have a rash (very itchy) though it is not as bad as the Covid rash.

The worst thing of all of this? I can't drink coffee once I start the treatment.

There's a lot to unpack up there but in the end, keep people like me in mind. I'm now part of a small club that may never be protected from Covid. I might take the booster but the side effects gave me some sort of PTSD. I just tired of the **** you know?

Anyway, I know I'm going to live on and I truly appreciate all of your best wishes and I know that everyone here has a good heart regardless of the intensity of our political discourse. I know I get riled up. I know myself well.


Sorry Barry.

Hook 'em!
I have been a antivaxxer. I had covid last Dec, no big deal. 66 overweight blood clots last year, almost died. All three of my Dr's primary, cardiologist and hematologist have personally taken the Pfizer. My niece is a blood scientists and told my wife and me about the delta two months before the media and the Lambda. The delta+ and Lamda are 100% contagious. The lambda is very lethal. My primary doc has a 6 year old girl in ICU on a vent fighting for her life. He told me if my appt was 45 days ago and I did not want the shot, he would not object. Then all hell broke loose. I got the Pfizer the next day and will get the second dose this Monday. I have 9 grandkids and this new covid strain is different. I hate the way the Govt and media is pushing the vaccine on us.
I have been a antivaxxer. I had covid last Dec, no big deal. 66 overweight blood clots last year, almost died. All three of my Dr's primary, cardiologist and hematologist have personally taken the Pfizer. My niece is a blood scientists and told my wife and me about the delta two months before the media and the Lambda. The delta+ and Lamda are 100% contagious. The lambda is very lethal. My primary doc has a 6 year old girl in ICU on a vent fighting for her life. He told me if my appt was 45 days ago and I did not want the shot, he would not object. Then all hell broke loose. I got the Pfizer the next day and will get the second dose this Monday. I have 9 grandkids and this new covid strain is different. I hate the way the Govt and media is pushing the vaccine on us.

First of all, you have my sincere best wishes for your health and that of your family. We're all in this together man.

The entire Covid vaccine mess has become incredibly politicized. Liberals want government power to intervene while Conservatives are the opposite.

So let's think Constitutionally. What is the role of the government? The general welfare of the people seems to be a very controversial section of the Constitution. Was it merely a way of describing the government role (a preamble that had no legal standing) or a did it delineate powers away from the states to the federal government however artful the definition of the general welfare of the people may be?

I think that in the case that our hospitals are filled to capacity by a pandemic, it is imperative for someone to step up and say we have a problem and here's a solution. As our front line workers and health compromised citizens are at risk, how can we protect them? Based upon many conversations I've had with doctors over the years including at MD Anderson, it is clear they believe the American public absolutely will not do what is good for them. Part of their advice and treatment is greatly impacted by managing our emotional baggage. And if it is true that COVID is putting other patients (non-covid) at risk due to the strain on our resources, then what are we to do?

Well, to play the percentages is a cold way of making decisions. It takes a lot of guts and there's much at risk. To mandate safety has no real downside (mask and social distancing) other than inconvenience.

But to mandate a shot is where it gets controversial to me. It requires a great deal of trust.

So let's break out Occam's Razor. If it's all a conspiracy what would it require?

It would require virtually the entire medical industry to be in on the secret.

I don't believe they are. I believe it would be too complicated. So we simplify by using common sense.

COVID is deadly. It's not the flu. The medical community is terrified of it. All cancer patients receiving treatment are terrified of it.

Of course, one could say, sucks to be you. Just stay home then. But you can't say that to our doctors and nurses. And the supreme irony is that Conservative speak of personal responsibility as if it was etched on the Holy Grail. Well, then... if you are loudly and aggressively against the vaccine, then what happens if you get it?

I'd say you should be left in the parking lot and forced to read everything you ever said against Liberals and personal responsibility.
Why can't doctors and nurses just stay home? "Nonessential" workers and businesses were forced to stay home. If doctors and nurses, who went into doctoring and nursing knowing, or they sure as hell should have known, that sick people with infectious diseases end up in hospitals and they will be exposed to them, now are so scared of this stupid virus, well, stay the hell home.
I know.

I have a form of blood cancer. I've been going to MD Anderson along with a local oncologist in Austin. I've spoken to them and numerous other medical personnel including PA's and nurse practitioners in both locations.

They all laugh at any idea that there is a conspiracy. In fact just today (I was getting a pet scan), a lady who gave me information on treatment, was laughing with me about how many people would have to be in on this along with the vast hush hush campaign it would require.

Sorry to hear this. Keep fighting my friend. In my prayers.
This got me.


I'm a big coffee drinker. Probably a candidate for coffee rehab. Can you imagine cold turkey on coffee while you're getting cancer treatment.


My wife made some ginger tea (straight ginger root) and I'm hoping just the warm drink will help. Maybe decaf though I'm on record as wanting to ban it from the shelves (along with elevator music). I don't want to be a hypocrite. :)
I'm a big coffee drinker. Probably a candidate for coffee rehab. Can you imagine cold turkey on coffee while you're getting cancer treatment.


My wife made some ginger tea (straight ginger root) and I'm hoping just the warm drink will help. Maybe decaf though I'm on record as wanting to ban it from the shelves (along with elevator music). I don't want to be a hypocrite. :)
Fake Coffee
It's worth a shot. If they can make fake meat surely they can make fake coffee somewhere.

Also, I did some hot cinammon tea that was not offensive.
EDT did you get the clots and ‘almost died’ from the Covid in dec? I’m asking cause that surely is a big deal.
Second question, since you had the Covid why did you not just take a single vaccine dose? Did the Dr recommend the full two regime?
Fake Coffee
It's worth a shot. If they can make fake meat surely they can make fake coffee somewhere.

Also, I did some hot cinammon tea that was not offensive.

That sounds pretty tasty. The main thing is my liver/kidneys will be taxed as bad cancer cells are killed by the immunotherapy and my body has to flush it out. If I had other bad things (INCLUDING ALCOHOL!!!!), then it could cause some problems.

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