Happy Columbus Day!!!

Yep. It's so simplistic. Even using the term "Native Americans" or "indigenous people" is pretty ridiculous. Which ones? There were countless tribes over the millenia, and they were constantly conquering and reconquering various parts of the Americas. Basically like the whole rest of the world.
More powerful nations and peoples conquering less powerful nations and peoples is the history of the World.

The real things to ponder on how to make things better are:

1. How to more humanely, and fairly, treat the people you have conquered. (they lost, so you now own the land and make the rules, but you don't have to genocide them or make them slaves for instance...)
2. How do you provide paths for the conquered people to integrate and assimilate into the conquerors' nation and culture. This ultimately makes the conquerors more numerous and stronger.

The Roman Empire was brutal and did a lot of bad things, but they seemed to be pretty good at the above. The British were also pretty so-so at this for the most part. The British armies in the early 20th Century were very heavily populated with colonial soldiers. And some of their elite ground units were from various places in India.
Now that it is reported Columbus was Jewish there could be a new wave of Columbus haters . Not sure if there are any statues to tear down.

Doesn't surprise me. Pre-contact Polynesians could be exceptionally violent. Those are some physically strong to very-strong people, but firearms and artillery ruled the day in warfare.

King Kamehameha I was the first to ever unite (conquer) all the Hawaiian Islands and create a Kingdom of all the Hawaiian Islands. How did he do it? In large part with British guns, cannons, and military advisors (shipwrecked and other British sailors). Lines of well-drilled muskets and cannons in the King's army against mostly a bunch of really strong dudes with clubs and spears. That, and the old Game of Thrones-like trick of inviting a rival King over for a banquet, then pouncing on him and his military leaders/Alii and killing them.
Yep. It's so simplistic. Even using the term "Native Americans" or "indigenous people" is pretty ridiculous. Which ones? There were countless tribes over the millenia, and they were constantly conquering and reconquering various parts of the Americas. Basically like the whole rest of the world.
My favorite is when they use "first peoples". Really ???
A couple of decades or more Australia became indigenous people friendly. A number of cities in the country have two names - an English name and an IP name.
I bet Blacks in muslim heavy areas like Minn and parts of Mich Do know but in the rest of the country it will take longer

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