And you're crazy if you think the polls are accurate.You're using the Monmouth poll instead of the other 4 NC polls for the past week which show HRC with +2, +3, +4, and +5 unadjusted. FL is even more in doubt that NC right now for the GOP, as the only "reputable" one that shows Trump near an advantage is SurveyMonkey.
I agree that OH and IA will likely be tossups on election night. Too many former manufacturing industry folks to go blue on a whim in the non-urban areas in Ohio. Iowa likes getting attention for their primary season and typically votes for whichever party gets them more government subsidies. It was the Democrats up until about 2 or 3 years ago, so that makes them less likely to go for HRC this time. Nevada is always kind of wishy washy with their votes, but you're right that there's a slow trend towards the GOP leading up to the election night. I don't think the trend will pass the zero line into GOP territory, but if something else happened between now and then, it might flip.
You're dreaming if you think NH and CO are in play.
Maybe people should be focused on voting for a particular candidate because their ideas and platforms agree with how their conscience wants to vote, not because John Podesta may or may not have told party informants about what demographics to cherry pick in polling data. You're crazy if you think everyone with an agenda doesn't try to look for polling data that supports their side. Podesta is a crony but there are more like him on either side of the spectrum. I nominate mchammer for GOP polling data crony to try and help Trump out a bit more.