General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

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Any under/over on when one of the usual suspects will defend even the crap revealed in that link?
I am pretty sure if msm gave even this one revelation of the crap Hillary did there would be enough thinking people to sink her and prevent this lying traitorous witch from stealing an election
Surely even people who do not want Trump to visit them would vote for him to keep her out.
The reality is one of them WILL be potus. So the relevant question is which one would not sell out country out for personal gain.
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Any under/over on when one of the usual suspects will defend even the crap revealed in that link?

It's indefensible

I am pretty sure if msm gave even this one revelation of the crap Hillary did there would be enough thinking people to sink her and prevent this lying traitorous witch from stealing an election......

CNN is so afraid of folks knowing what's in Wikileaks they told their audience that they would be breaking the law if they read them
Hugh Hewitt was all over the WSJ story about McCabe's (No. 2 man in FBI) wife taking $$$ from Clinton-droid, Terry McAuliffe. The total benefit was $675,000, including some other freebies besides cash.

Mr. McCabe’s supervision of the Clinton email case in 2016 wasn’t seen as a conflict or an ethics issue because his wife’s campaign was over by then and Mr. McAuliffe wasn’t part of the email probe, officials said.

That whole FBI investigation was rigged, in the parlance of Donald Trump, but with Clinton headed for the WH, the story will never be told.
You dudes are making a mountain out of a mohill. Start focusing on the important stuff which really matters. It's very possible Trump kissed women without their consent. Reflect on that possibility before you cast your ballot.
I obviously come here as a life long Democrat. I am not here to poke at folks with sticks, but rather to consider some various points. And I write this having sat for a quarter of a century watching my party do what the GOP has done for 2 generations. If you do not like the way that the way things are going, or where the country is headed, RUN SOMEONE WHO IS ELECTABLE! If someone in your party has spent 20 years trying to get the party's nomination and keeps getting passed over, that is a hint. Walter Mondale, George McGovern, John McCain and Bob Dole were all fine men, true patriots, but whose platform was "Hey! It's my turn!" Assuming that Sec. Clinton wins, Dem's will have won the popular vote in 6 of the last 7 elections. That's called a trend. The last Republican president, real Republican president, was Gerald Ford. A man that I was seconds away from voting for. When the Religious Right kidnapped the GOP, the party of Ford ended. When Social Issues took over the party, the dirge began. Even that wild eyed liberal Barry Goldwater said, "Until we can learn to stay out of the womb and the bedroom, we will remain the minority party" and "I don't care if a soldier is straight, all I care about is that he can shoot straight".

But most importantly, "Unqualified and un-electable are two very different things".

Again, I do not come here to stir up a flame. But rather to point out what same mistakes we have both made since the 1960's. We both can learn from each other in this marvelous experiment of our government and the country that we all deeply love.

Oh. And OU still sucks. :ousucks::usa:
You dudes are making a mountain out of a mohill. Start focusing on the important stuff which really matters. It's very possible Trump kissed women without their consent. Reflect on that possibility before you cast your ballot.

Why do you think you get to use two standards?
One for Bill Clinton
Another for Trump

At least 17 different women have accused BC of rape, sexual assault or unwanted sexual contact. There are probably more than that who simply did not want to let you folks drag their names through the mud

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Why do you think you get to use two standards?
One for Bill Clinton
Another for Trump

At least 17 different women have accused BC of rape, sexual assault or unwanted sexual contact. There are probably more than that who simply did not want to let you folks drag their names through the mud

Joe, I was making an attempt at sarcasm. If you follow my posts, you understand my belief is that the governing apparatus is now systemically corrupt. A total restructuring is required to once more have a government that functions in the interest of citizens. Most likely we've reached the point where elections can't achieve this and it happens either via collapse or revolution. But until either of those scenarios happen, I wish to remove as much of the status quo as possible.
Trump doesn't display a lot of the characteristics one would hope for in a President. Hillary is a criminal. Given someone I view as a traitorous criminal vs a boorish con artist, I choose the latter solely on the probability he may be able to partially clean house.
Rush Limbaugh is talking about an email that Wikileak released Sunday. In it Podesta explains how to rig an election poll.

It's a 37-page guide explaining how to use over sampling to get the poll results that you desire. For instance, in Arizona, he suggests over sampling Hispanics and native Americans. Obviously, because those groups are overwhelmingly democrat, that would tilt the poll in the Dems favor.

Since I don't think the Dems would want to skew their own internal polls, it's intended to help "friendly" media pollsters help the Dem's cause. I think ABC News went for it hook, line, and sinker because they have Hilldog up by 12 points. Most other polls have it much closer.

It's an effective tactic. I admit being that being bombarded with bad polling data has had me down a bit. They're hoping, of course, that Trump supporters will think; "he can't possibly win. Why stand in line?" and stay home.

You've got to hand it to the Dems. Their bag of tricks seems bottomless.
Rush Limbaugh is talking about an email that Wikileak released Sunday. In it Podesta explains how to rig an election poll.

It's a 37-page guide explaining how to use over sampling to get the poll results that you desire. For instance, in Arizona, he suggests over sampling Hispanics and native Americans. Obviously, because those groups are overwhelmingly democrat, that would tilt the poll in the Dems favor.

Since I don't think the Dems would want to skew their own internal polls, it's intended to help "friendly" media pollsters help the Dem's cause. I think ABC News went for it hook, line, and sinker because they have Hilldog up by 12 points. Most other polls have it much closer.

It's an effective tactic. I admit being that being bombarded with bad polling data has had me down a bit. They're hoping, of course, that Trump supporters will think; "he can't possibly win. Why stand in line?" and stay home.

You've got to hand it to the Dems. Their bag of tricks seems bottomless.
Rush Limbaugh is talking about an email that Wikileak released Sunday. In it Podesta explains how to rig an election poll.

It's a 37-page guide explaining how to use over sampling to get the poll results that you desire. For instance, in Arizona, he suggests over sampling Hispanics and native Americans. Obviously, because those groups are overwhelmingly democrat, that would tilt the poll in the Dems favor.

Since I don't think the Dems would want to skew their own internal polls, it's intended to help "friendly" media pollsters help the Dem's cause. I think ABC News went for it hook, line, and sinker because they have Hilldog up by 12 points. Most other polls have it much closer.

It's an effective tactic. I admit being that being bombarded with bad polling data has had me down a bit. They're hoping, of course, that Trump supporters will think; "he can't possibly win. Why stand in line?" and stay home.

You've got to hand it to the Dems. Their bag of tricks seems bottomless.

You're trying too hard to analyze the "inside baseball" of politics. How is what you just posted any different than the Trump campaign urging his supporters to flood online polls so he can cite them on his campaign stops? After all, per Trump's rhetoric on polls he has won all 3 debates.
You're trying too hard to analyze the "inside baseball" of politics. How is what you just posted any different than the Trump campaign urging his supporters to flood online polls so he can cite them on his campaign stops? After all, per Trump's rhetoric on polls he has won all 3 debates.

And those are at least kinda, sorta real polls. I've seen Trump supporters posting what they think are real polls that show Trump leading in New York and neck-and-neck in California.
Thanks to Wikileaks we now know that at least 65 mainstream reporters were working closely with the Clinton campaign, meeting with and/or coordinating offline with top Hillary advisors. They were invited to top elitist dinners with Hillary Campaign Chairman John Podesta or Chief Campaign strategist Joel Benenson.

No one at Fox News made the list. Go figure


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I remain amazed how some on this board refuse to admit the corruption that is HRC. Subtle comments like, "I do not trust her" coupled with Trump is unqualified do not add up. I think some are either part of the corruption (yes - paid by the DNC) or blindly ignorant about the ramifications of a known corrupt politician leading the most powerful country in the world. Would you also appoint Bernie Madoff to lead the SEC over Trump simply because he is not a hound dog?
Clinton +1 in NC in latest poll. Some lead for Clinton. If Trump wins NC and FL, then OH and IA are likely safe for Trump. Then Trump only needs to win 2 out of the following 3 to win the White House : NH NV CO. This assumes GA AZ UT are safe for Trump. No need for PA VA. The race is close as the actions from the left indicate.
You asked , " How is what you just posted any different than the Trump campaign urging his supporters to flood online polls so he can cite them on his campaign stops?"

When Clean challenged you to post a link you for sure did post a link.

Do you think your link supports your assertion? Can you figure out why it does not?
Clinton +1 in NC in latest poll. Some lead for Clinton. If Trump wins NC and FL, then OH and IA are likely safe for Trump. Then Trump only needs to win 2 out of the following 3 to win the White House : NH NV CO. This assumes GA AZ UT are safe for Trump. No need for PA VA. The race is close as the actions from the left indicate.

You're using the Monmouth poll instead of the other 4 NC polls for the past week which show HRC with +2, +3, +4, and +5 unadjusted. FL is even more in doubt that NC right now for the GOP, as the only "reputable" one that shows Trump near an advantage is SurveyMonkey.

I agree that OH and IA will likely be tossups on election night. Too many former manufacturing industry folks to go blue on a whim in the non-urban areas in Ohio. Iowa likes getting attention for their primary season and typically votes for whichever party gets them more government subsidies. It was the Democrats up until about 2 or 3 years ago, so that makes them less likely to go for HRC this time. Nevada is always kind of wishy washy with their votes, but you're right that there's a slow trend towards the GOP leading up to the election night. I don't think the trend will pass the zero line into GOP territory, but if something else happened between now and then, it might flip.

You're dreaming if you think NH and CO are in play.

You asked , " How is what you just posted any different than the Trump campaign urging his supporters to flood online polls so he can cite them on his campaign stops?"

When Clean challenged you to post a link you for sure did post a link.

Do you think your link supports your assertion? Can you figure out why it does not?

Maybe people should be focused on voting for a particular candidate because their ideas and platforms agree with how their conscience wants to vote, not because John Podesta may or may not have told party informants about what demographics to cherry pick in polling data. You're crazy if you think everyone with an agenda doesn't try to look for polling data that supports their side. Podesta is a crony but there are more like him on either side of the spectrum. I nominate mchammer for GOP polling data crony to try and help Trump out a bit more.
the shyte these people get away with is too much

Clinton chose her staffers based on race and sex, not skill.
Who should we get John? "Meh, any Hispanic…

Romney caught hell for saying "binders full of women"
But no media will even mention this



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Clinton +1 in NC in latest poll. Some lead for Clinton. If Trump wins NC and FL, then OH and IA are likely safe for Trump. Then Trump only needs to win 2 out of the following 3 to win the White House : NH NV CO. This assumes GA AZ UT are safe for Trump. No need for PA VA. The race is close as the actions from the left indicate.

Thanks to Wikileaks we now know that at least 65 mainstream reporters were working closely with the Clinton campaign, meeting with and/or coordinating offline with top Hillary advisors. They were invited to top elitist dinners with Hillary Campaign Chairman John Podesta or Chief Campaign strategist Joel Benenson.

No one at Fox News made the list. Go figure



I'm a little surprised to see Jackie Kucinich on this list. Her dad has never been a fan of the Clintons and has said some pretty harsh things about her this election cycle.

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