It's only tragic if you're a person who believes that moderates don't deserve to get shut out of the GOP primary process. Like I said earlier, there are church-going moderates out there who might not be in lock-step with the platform on gay marriage and actually funding federal agencies like the Departments of Education and Commerce and HUD. These people can win a national election. They can't win an Alabama primary where the main selling point is a wall.
The moment Tea Partiers realize that Joe Fan's prediction of utter demise for the foreseeable future might come to fruition, they'll abandon the Alex Jones and Breitbart crazies and start to support socially-moderate, fiscally-conservative, less-government-is-only-good-if-we-keep-promises-government, intelligent critical thinkers of the non-mainstream GOP and actually win some national elections.
The sad thing is that they don't even have to support a social moderate. John Kasich and Marco Rubio are social conservatives and would be on their way to victory had either won the nomination. The Right labels them social moderates because they don't act like sanctimonious jerks and disrespect people who see things differently than they do. That doesn't make them moderates. It just makes them not ********.