General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

I can literally think of no one on this forum about whom this is less true (myself included). NJ's modus operandi is to be respectful of everybody and to approach issues with intelligent thought and careful consideration. .....

I am not taking this bait. I refuse to take an hour of my time, and go back to dig out his quotes. I dont care enough to invest that much time.
The way i translate your claim is that he does not insult you. This may be true, I cannot say. But this is all you care about. You then project this self-satisfaction forward onto everyone. Are you a millennial? I ask because this is millennial behavior.
Here is a segment from Ann Coulter's book on the Democrat's "Lion of the Senate" - Ted Kennedy. We heard nary a peep from them on this. At the time, later or ever.
Clock once to make more readable

The way i translate your claim is that he does not insult you. This may be true, I cannot say. But this is all you care about. You then project this self-satisfaction forward onto everyone. Are you a millennial? I ask because this is millennial behavior.

And this is the problem. You "translate" things to force them to mean what you'd like them to mean rather than what they actually mean. From out of your ***, you assume that because NJ doesn't insult me, I think he insults no one. From that assumption, you draw the inference that I'm self-centered. From that inference, you wonder if I'm a millennial.

Of course, none of this is true. I read probably 95 percent of what he posts. I know how he treats everybody, and he's one of the fairest people here. He stays on the issues and is remarkably slow to venture into the personal. And of course, I'm not a millennial. I'm 40 years old, don't act like a millennial, don't think like a millennial, don't look like a millennial, and don't dress like millennial. In fact I often make fun of millennials. But when one's *** is the source of his impressions, then he can paint whatever picture of reality he wants.
Here is a segment from Ann Coulter's book on the Democrat's "Lion of the Senate" - Ted Kennedy. We heard nary a peep from them on this. At the time, later or ever.
Clock once to make more readable

Just one comrade seeking help from another comrade, if you know what I mean and I think you do.
Jill Stein's recount generated a lot of legal fees (for some hacks who all knew it was going nowhere)
Besides that, I am not sure what she accomplished
Maybe the Clinton people helped her buy a lakehouse for her efforts, like they did Bernie?

"Historic Push Raises Over $7.3 Million from 161,000 Small Donors in Under Three Weeks;
Average Donation of $45

Should Assange be taken at his word?

I dont know.
It's up to you
So far at least, he has a better reputation for honesty than Hillary Clinton and many of you voted for her anyway.

Has he been caught blatantly fabricating anything yet? Like, say, Dan Rather was.
Assange may be many things, but I dont think 'serial liar' is among them

What do you suppose his motivation is to come out like this now, if it's not true?
He does not always go public on these things. In fact, he often goes radio silent for long extended periods. There was even some speculation this year that he had died since he had not been heard from publicly in one of these long stretches (i.e., that Hillary got him)

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Should Assange be taken at his word?

The bigger question is should the Dems and their news networks be taken at their word? As an American it's sad that we have to try to decide who is telling the truth between Assange and the Dems. Assange has only been the messenger while our corrupt Dems and their news networks have only lied. Can they even tell the truth on simple things anymore? It's like they lie just to lie.
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so nobody's vote counts? I will actively boycott any movie or show any of those idiots have a role in.

I am trying to decide what to do about Rogue One
I am currently being bribed with free ticket and popcorn if I will just go with them
Am I up for sale?
Details later.....

Or you could just seek the truth and not worry about whether the Dems or Assange are telling the truth.

I'll care to identify the source who leaked true information when an effort is made to hold those accountable who were colluding and/or breaking laws in those emails.

It was proven HRC got questions before debates. It was proven the DNC chair screwed over Bernie for HRC. It was proven many national news outlets coordinated with HRC's campaign in creating their stories against Trump.

Where's the accountability against HRC's campaign for any of that? I could care less who helped expose those trying to steal the election for HRC. I applaud it, because at least someone provided a factual counter to the outright falsification, collusion, and cheating.

HRC got every advantage possible (even illegal means) from Day One and nobody would lift a finger to stop it or call it foul. If Putin himself was the one who provided a just defense using true information against the collusion to even up the be it.
It's just amazing to me that some believe that what was actually factual that was hacked is just swept under the rug like no big deal. You know, kinda like what Obama did with the intelligence that Russia was trying to hack our government over a year ago. But it's only important now because they believe it cost them the election. Our democratic party right now is the most sleazy group and their news networks ever in America History. The Dems just need to vote everyone out on their side and start all over.

I could understand them trying to argue that a hack cost them the election if the hack was false information.
Brad and I35, you all do understand that whether or not Russians interfered in the election has no bearing on the honesty or dishonesty of Democratic politicians, right?
No. That's why there should be an investigation.

OK, so let's see, you want to stop the investigation into the Clinton Foundation and have no investigation of the DNC's corruption of their own primary, and focus only on Russia?
Which master are you serving now?
OK, so let's see, you want to stop the investigation into the Clinton Foundation and have no investigation of the DNC's corruption of their own primary, and focus only on Russia?

You have a remarkably deep and creative sphincter. What did I say that led you to draw those inferences?
It was proven HRC got questions before debates. It was proven the DNC chair screwed over Bernie for HRC. It was proven many national news outlets coordinated with HRC's campaign in creating their stories against Trump.

All three things you point to were sleazy, and reflect poorly on Hillary, the Democratic Party, and the national political system. I would support Congressional hearings on these topics with an eye towards legislating a better election system.

What you are proposing is quite different. You want an investigation, with an eye towards holding Hillary "accountable". I'm not aware of any plausible theory on which her and the DNC's sleazy conduct was illegal. Thus, there is nothing to investigate criminally, and there is no basis to hold them accountable. Other than not electing her president, that is, which already happened.
Can you imagine how pissed all those holly libs are to have their vid distorted to show support for DJT?
And the "new" will likely be seen by more people .
Just funny.
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