Funny sayings of old time country folk


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Circulate them and spread them to new generations before they die out.

It’s colder than a witch's titties today.
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That boy’s smarter than a tree full of owls.

(this was one Darrell Royal liked to say)
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He’s about as useful as a teat on a boar.
How are you doing?

Fair to Middlin'

(one of my Grandmothers used to grade cotton at her Dad's gin in W. Texas, so I know the origin of that phrase)
The tough part is done already, and we’re almost finished.

“We’re down to the short rows.”
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Ok, I'll admit I've been out of Tennessee for a while but I grew up with every old time hillbilly saying saying there ever was. However since edumacatin myself and working in the business world in Texas the last 35 years I thought I had forgotten them all. A quick Google took me down memory lane of so many I had forgotten but some of them I actually still use today. I promise I won't post anything I really didn't use or hear growing up.. Here's one I haven't heard since th 70's:

"You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear."

My Nana would occasionally say that. I'm guessing you can all figure this one out.
I’ve never met a more miserly penny pincher than Steve.

He’s “tighter than Dick’s hatband.”

(this old saying has nothing to do with anatomy)
My first job in a retail bank, President was a good old boy that grew up on a farm. He had more sayings than I could keep up with or remember. I told him one time: Walter, if I could remember all your sayings, I could write a book make money one day!!
A couple from the Bible I always thought were early insightful and true. I will not comment on personal experience for several reasons.

Psalms 21:

Verse 9: Better to live on the corner of a roof than to share with a quarrelsome wife.

Verse: 21

Better to live in the desert than with a quarrelsome and ill tempered wife.

Uhh, a lot of wisdom in those words!

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