Forensic Audit in Maricopa County, AZ

Good news in AZ
“A federal judge Friday refused to bar a group from monitoring outdoor ballot boxes in Arizona’s largest county where watchers have shown up armed and in ballistic vests, saying to do so could violate the monitors’ constitutional rights,” the Associated Press reported.
Lol great idea
The only pics I have seen of box watching in Ax showed the watchers far away from any ballot box.
I think the Karen who complained lied. The Judge ruled on one person's complaint?
Mr D
At least you acknowledge there could have been voter fraud.
The frustration comes with examples like clear video evidence of USPS workers making numerous trips to drop boxes and putting numerous envelopes into the boxes (Penn)
Or the State Farm center in Atlanta shutting down at night(with Trump leading) citing a pipe leak. The pipe leak had been discovered at 6am and was determined to not be a problem. State Farm arena video shows vote counting resuming in middle of night with no watchers there. Those are just 2 exs.
AFAIK no judge/court ever heard any cases of fraud. All the refusals to hear any case were of no standing etc.
I expect Demx to do similar tricks again
Why not? They worked
Mr D
At least you acknowledge there could have been voter fraud.
The frustration comes with examples like clear video evidence of USPS workers making numerous trips to drop boxes and putting numerous envelopes into the boxes (Penn)
Or the State Farm center in Atlanta shutting down at night(with Trump leading) citing a pipe leak. The pipe leak had been discovered at 6am and was determined to not be a problem. State Farm arena video shows vote counting resuming in middle of night with no watchers there. Those are just 2 exs.
AFAIK no judge/court ever heard any cases of fraud. All the refusals to hear any case were of no standing etc.
I expect Demx to do similar tricks again
Why not? They worked

I acknowledge that it's possible, because it's damn near impossible to prove a negative. The push to get everyone say there wasn't any fraud was dumb. It's like an atheist who insists that there is no god. I don't care how non-religious someone is, it's impossible to honestly say it for sure.

There were definitely things that looked suspicious on the surface. However, do keep in mind that standing problems can usually be cured. There was no meaningful attempt to do that.
Maricopa County... again. It could be innocent but with these turkeys you never know.

Just drop your vote in the dropbox and we assure you it will be counted later. It and the boxes full of pre filled ballots hidden under the tables. What a load of crap…
Just drop your vote in the dropbox and we assure you it will be counted later. It and the boxes full of pre filled ballots hidden under the tables. What a load of crap…

Just like the Maricopa Board told us that only Roland Vote Secure paper was used for their ballots in the 2020 election. Then a paper analysis done shows that 10% of the ballots weren't on Vote Secure. Many were just photocopies.

It's on and on with these guys.

I'll try to be open-minded about this but they make it hard.
Maricopa County... again. It could be innocent but with these turkeys you never know.

Social media outlets are deleting these videos as fast as they get posted. What a ******* joke. Its not a coincidence these things are going down everywhere. Our election system is a joke and a fraud. Hell Brandon was already claiming it could be days before all votes are counted.....********.
Social media outlets are deleting these videos as fast as they get posted. What a ******* joke. Its not a coincidence these things are going down everywhere. Our election system is a joke and a fraud. Hell Brandon was already claiming it could be days before all votes are counted.....********.

Like I said before that when you're not allowed to look into anything you can be assured corruption is occurring.

That's not just voting either.
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TDS leads you to supporting really dumb things. In this case, it’s our inefficient and open to corruption election system. How dumb can dems be?


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