Forensic Audit in Maricopa County, AZ

All illegal votes proven must be thrown out. No matter who they’re for. What’s left is the new tally.

I'd agree. Which votes are illegal? It took $6-$7M for CyberNinjas to simply say "look here" for potential illegal votes. You can't simply disenfranchise legal voters because the auditor doesn't know what they are doing.
Well done!
We're an hour 20 minutes into this hearing, I am watching online. Duplicate ballots are an issue, both signatures and on the ballots. Sounds like the real big issues via the voting machines and algorithims are slated for later. The signatures showed more votes potentially to be thrown out than Biden won by. Not sure which candidate those favored. To me the algorithms are where the real major issues are.

Here's a great example. 9,041 mail in voters show returning more ballots than they were sent. Again, no mention of who those votes were for yet.
23,344 voters voted via mail in ballot though they had moved away and there name was not a resident at that address. That is an illegal vote.
5,295 votes were cast by the same individual person who voted in multiple counties. 5,047 different individuals did this. Not saying who they voted for....yet.
Ben Cotton the MIS expert just said the configuration of the voting machines were not authorized and that they showed input from other states (Washington, South Carolina). That's not legal either.
Here's a great example. 9,041 mail in voters show returning more ballots than they were sent. Again, no mention of who those votes were for yet.

Maricopa County is live tweeting their responses to the AZ Audit claims. Here is there response to this claim.

85,673 deleted files related to the election (scanned ballots, dvd files, txt files). From the voting machines.
They had no deletions on other types of scanners, called Hypo 2. So some scanners had mass deletions, others had none. Why?
Over 37,000 logs were overwritten by Maricopa County individuals. They know which individuals they are, due to which computer, and the time when they overwrote the logs. Illegal.
Keep in mind, Ben Cotton claimed files were deleted that they "found" days later after their last claims. Days after Maricopa County tweeted exactly where they'd be in a RAID setup.

The machine had a wireless LAN connection. Evidence points to it being done before Maricopa said anything. Man, when are you going to finally figure out Maricopa are bad actors?
The machine had a wireless LAN connection. Evidence points to it being done before they said anything. Man, when are you going to finally figure out Maricopa are bad actors.

When an auditor without a bias actually shows they are "bad actors".

I watched that hearing and thought...these are the few people associated with this "audit" that are actually getting paid. The ~1,500 volunteers that Karen Fann thanked at the beginning got nothing for their effort. In fact, their effort confirmed that the count was only a "few hundred" per Karen Fann different than the Maricopa County count.

Only the top of the food chain got their taste of that $6M. The ones writing the report. The ones that claimed before they saw the evidence that something nefarious was occurring. The ones that filmed a documentary claiming the election was stolen while completing the "unbiased" audit. The ones that have a vested interest in defending their initial claims, the $$$ they received from donors and potentially have a gravy train going forward if more audits occur.

Now you see why it was important to bring in a neutral 3rd party for the audit?

@Mr. Deez said it best earlier in the thread when he pointed out that the only people that will believe these auditors would be the people that supported them. I'd go on to say the people that funded them. They got what they paid for albeit I suspect many wanted CyberNinjas to say that Trump won the count. They couldn't though because that would be too easily checked by another independent audit.

To reiterate my earlier statements. I fully suspect mistakes were made by Maricopa County. It's the second largest voting district in the country. With largely volunteer staff for elections it's impossible for everything to run perfectly. Where I take issue with is the assumption that there is fraud anywhere they have inconsistencies. If you want a better run election you'd be better off donating that $6M to the county rather than passing a bunch of laws but that was never the goal.
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I’ll save you some time and just let you know that maricopa county will in fact deny all of the facts presented today. Do you think anyone thought they would just roll over and say “well crap. You caught us”.

I'd give you even odds of the CyberNinja group spending $6-7M to say "wow, that was as well run an election as can be expected, let me tell you what Maricopa did well."

Instead, you get stuff like this:

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