Forensic Audit in Maricopa County, AZ

We should be done but we won't be. Now we know why the report is being officially released on a Friday afternoon. 3 volumes...110 pages and the hand recount wasn't referenced until volume 3? They buried the lead, purposely.

As stated for many months, this team of "auditors" with no election experience will make recommendations that most assuredly were vetted by Karen Fann and her ilk to change the election laws to be more favorable to her side. That means more restrictions for voters. Harder to register, harder to vote, less time to vote and easier to disqualify a ballot. Overall, they want fewer voters to increase the chances that their side will win. Without reading the recommendations they most assuredly follow those guidelines.

Let's not forget the original claims of overvotes (sharpies), Chinese manufactured ballots, electronic vote manipulation, and any number of other conspiracies. The hand recount of ~2.8M ballots came out to only a 5k difference than Maricopa County's official count.

It's all good. I can wait until 3 pm CST for it to be over. Lol.
Let's see. I'll believe the final tally number from the unfinished draft. However, other numbers on the draft are fake and spin. Good grief.
LOL! It's actually what's in the draft.

No, the graphic was created to be disseminated among Trump supporters. In fact, I'm certain that graphics like these, an extrapolation are being created/shared specifically with the goal of trying to control the narrative. Keep in mind, they need to do this to keep the momentum and $$$ flowing for other "audits". Liz Harrington is Trump's new spokesperson.

It's missing the punchline, that the handcount by CyberNinjas, the greatest portion of the effort, statistically nearly matched the numbers of Maricopa County. I get why they don't want to focus on that because as least for some supporters it would be a gut punch that despite months of scrutiny, the most important part of any election audit, counting the actual ballots, didn't support the myriad of conspiracy theories.
No, the graphic was created to be disseminated among Trump supporters. In fact, I'm certain that graphics like these, an extrapolation are being created/shared specifically with the goal of trying to control the narrative. Keep in mind, they need to do this to keep the momentum and $$$ flowing for other "audits". Liz Harrington is Trump's new spokesperson.

It's missing the punchline, that the handcount by CyberNinjas, the greatest portion of the effort, statistically nearly matched the numbers of Maricopa County. I get why they don't want to focus on that because as least for some supporters it would be a gut punch that despite months of scrutiny, the most important part of any election audit, counting the actual ballots, didn't support the myriad of conspiracy theories.

The information below her comment comes from the audit report. If I'm wrong on that then show me and correct me. Yes, it's a synopsis of what was found, not word for word. The handcount was never a topic of discussion with the auditors. They, on The Epoch Times, corrected the conservative sources that were saying there were discrepancies in the vote count. They did that months ago. What they did say that there were missing some of the original adjudication ballots. Missing adjudication ballots won't cause any change in the vote count. The reason is whether it's the ballot alone or bundled with its mate it will still count as one.
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The information below her comment comes from the audit report.

The information at the top of Liz's post is SPIN. It's spin because it Liz Harrington's translation of the report and it's spin based on what she has chosen to amplify.

It's a bit laughable though because really it's spin on top of spin.
The information at the top of Liz's post is SPIN. It's spin because it Liz Harrington's translation of the report and it's spin based on what she has chosen to amplify.

It's a bit laughable though because really it's spin on top of spin.

The top is Liz's opinion. That's true. Show me where the info below is fake. It's taken from the audit.
I am busy today, which is great! Is the hand count even correct this early if it’s leaked? Assume it is, are there details on the illegal votes? If not then we know nothing until the hearing is complete. The massive number of illegal votes was always the issue, we already knew Biden won AZ by 11K votes. I’m betting AZ is decertified but let’s see what happens. This will take a while unfortunately!
I am busy today, which is great! Is the hand count even correct this early if it’s leaked? Assume it is, are there details on the illegal votes? If not then we know nothing until the hearing is complete. The massive number of illegal votes was always the issue, we already knew Biden won AZ by 11K votes. I’m betting AZ is decertified but let’s see what happens. This will take a while unfortunately!

Even if it's legal to do decertification there are too many RINOs in the Arizona Senate. It won't pass.
I am busy today, which is great! Is the hand count even correct this early if it’s leaked? Assume it is, are there details on the illegal votes? If not then we know nothing until the hearing is complete. The massive number of illegal votes was always the issue, we already knew Biden won AZ by 11K votes. I’m betting AZ is decertified but let’s see what happens. This will take a while unfortunately!
Until about October 2022...


  • upload_2021-9-24_11-15-13.png
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No, we're not. This is a PARTIAL draft. The official unveiling is at 3 CST today. This is the MSM version that's only showing you the vote total and not the illegal votes. Here's the other parts that were left out of the MSM reporting. Btw, this is an early draft and the numbers may have changed.

As you can see there is a considerable amount of illegal votes here.

This is spin too.

This response to that tweet is right underneath it. Notice that even CyberNinjas isn't claiming all those votes are illegal. Notice this quote: "In many cases there could be legitimate and legal Ballots within the impact amount."

In other words, they don't know after an estimated $6-$7M spent whether they are legitimate or not. Boris Epstien, like @AC has jumped to the conclusion they are illegal.
Btw, Husker. Those facts that I laid out are in the Executive Summary. They aren't "made-up" as you implied.

At this point I'll assume the leaked copies are the same that will be published at 3pm CST. Yes, it can be fact that it was published in the report. That doesn't mean it's fact that it's accurate. This is the "fake news" dilemma that some drone on about. Is what is being presented only the facts or are they being presented with a bias. Liz Harrington and Boris E are clearly presenting their spin with a bias. Time will tell whether CyberNinjas is doing the same. Unless the raw data supporting the summary statements is produced it's impossible to say whether they are facts or not.
The magic words are "could be". I'm sure there are some legitimate but most of them are not. However, the Executive Summary doesn't mince words. Perhaps we'll find out more an a couple of hours.
Here are some other things in the report:

15000 ballots printed from an unknown printing source using an unapproved PDF. When they blew up the ballots under the microscopic cameras the bad ballots had dashes in their lines. This is fraud.

3 voters had 4 votes counted
163 voters had 3 votes counted
8875 voters had 2 votes counted

Another 2000+ votes illegally counted, due to voters moving out of Arizona within the 29-day period leading up to Election day

10 precincts had more votes that registered voters.

23,000+ voters that requested ballots did not actually live at that address.

86,391 votes had no record in the database
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Randy Pullen, spokesman for the AZ Audit, is about to be persona non-grata within Trump supporter circles.

“Was there massive fraud or anything? It doesn’t look like it,” he added.

With that...more reports are supposedly coming that weren't leaked. Of course, that seems to denote that these leaks were all intentional.

Pullen said other reports that will be presented in detail tomorrow have not yet been leaked, and that “anomalies” found in voting records are vast enough to cast doubt on the final vote count — despite the hand recount’s confirmation of the result.

Trump issued one statement applauding the investigators then rolled it back and is now criticizing them. It's pure supposition that he either wasn't aware or didn't like the fact that the report admitted that Maricopa's count was accurate.
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